AA employees get 4% raises

NYer said:
It's not easy to turn an announcement of a raise into a negative, but you nailed it.
Wrong NYer, I haven't received nor expect to receive a 4% raise anytime soon. How about you??
You truly are a master spinner...kinda like Reality!
I am asking for the announced raise...not contractual is it??
Your obsession with this Association thing clouds your view at times, brother!
Bob Owens said:
Shouldnt the correct title have been "(SOME) AA Employees get 4% raises? "  Or even better "Less than half". 
Since the APFA is the only Unionized group getting it  isn't he pretty much lumping them in with all the non-union workers? 
Let's start a campaign about not accepting this 4%. Let's tell them that we don't want a measly pittance. It is an insult to think that they are willing to give us 4% outside of negotiations. How dare they offer a 4% raise while we are still in a CBA and have several years to go.
Don't they know we are at the bottom of the industry in pay? How insulting they offer us 4% and expect a JCBA to get it. Give it to us now, then we can drag
Bob Owens said:
Its all on the table. Show me where our contracts stipulates the number of mechanics AA will have. 
Figures you would be justifying this Union Busting move. Whatever AA wants you are in favor of. 
The man that keeps reminding us that we're at the bottom of the industry in pay believes an announcement of pay raises is union busting. How rich.
Wrong NYer, I haven't received nor expect to receive a 4% raise anytime soon. How about you??
You truly are a master spinner...kinda like Reality!
I am asking for the announced raise...not contractual is it??
Your obsession with this Association thing clouds your view at times, brother!
You'll receive that raise when we get a JCBA. And you're correct, it may take a while to get it since we are usually told to vote no in order to get something better. So we're a long ride away from that. It would have been much better for the announcement to not include anyone that doesn't have a JCBA. No, wait. They should just have given the raise to the non-union folks and the rest of us could just fend for ourselves. No. wait. They should just have given us the 4% raise outside of the collective bargaining process....but Bob believes that the F/A's got screwed somehow because they were "given" $80M in value (there must be something sinister) so I don't think he'd be in favor of taking something because he'd know they only do that if they take something else***.
We seem to be in a quandary. Amazing how getting a raise is so difficult. =/
***whole lot of sarcasm infused in this post
NYer said:
On a day when raises are announced, the negativity is striking. You'd think people would have waited a day or two for this.
OK. Your contention is that this raise will be lumped with the other raises. Maybe so, but it is still a raise. On the other hand, the evidence seems to show that it will be above any other raises achieved at the table. This year for instance, we already have the 3% in place and the wage adjuster....then another 4% when we get a JCBA. The other unions received their raise AFTER their deals were in place and was in conjunction to their already negotiated raises.
The APFA received an extra $80M and another 4% on top of that. (keep in mind they got the $80M with Parker already knowing there was a 4% bump coming). The APA also received their 4% on top of the airline's last offer. Heck, even the non-union personnel will receive a 4% bump after their 6% raises were already agreed to.
OK, but let's be cynical. If you want to continue with the negative vibe, then just tell your negotiating committee to wait until after September 2015 to get a JCBA, then you can guarantee yourself the 3%, the wage adjuster and another 4% on top of that. OR we can continue to scream "bloody hell" and we get nothing for this treasonous airline and inept union.
If you didn't notice ????????? In Fleet and other groups, we WON'T GET this raise !!!!!!!!! It could be years before WE get a JOINT agreement, that's NOT negativity SIR --- it's a FACT !!!!!!!! If Doug was so nice and so generous, he wouldn't be giving FAKE Raises that many of US won't see for who knows how long if ever, while many other employee groups will get it IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!! He would give to ALL groups EQUALLY and IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!!!   Now maybe you work in a group that will get this NOW, I don't, so don't sit there and talk to me about negativity !!!! It's negative to me, because while some groups will get and have this raise NOW ----- many will not, so what would YOU call this ??????? I call it DIVIDE & CONQUER !!! A typical management tactic to pit one group against another, UNION -vs- Non-Union etccccccc.................
etops1 said:
Some of you guys are a piece of work reading these comments . Go find another job if your so goddam miserable here . If you don't want the money . I am sure someone else will gladly take it . Ungrateful entitled assholes ..
Maybe you didn't go through the 2 Bk's had to uproot your family, no raises for the better part of 7-10 years, and a lot of talk about being treated equal to other groups only to NEVER see nor ever come close to that !!!! just saying !!!!! and remember, Doug just recently said, that YOU and ( I ) as employees have LITTLE EFFECT on the day-to-day profits of the company !!!!! Just saying !!!! 
NYer said:
How many mechanics do UPS and WN have?
Should only wages be used as comparisons, or is contract language also on the table?
Ut oh, you're coming real close to everybody gets less money because we do our own OH.
If the 4% went to evryone the same union sheeple would be here complaining that it was a trick to get the suckers to vote a smaller contract.
Jimmy Neutron said:
Maybe you didn't go through the 2 Bk's had to uproot your family, no raises for the better part of 7-10 years, and a lot of talk about being treated equal to other groups only to NEVER see nor ever come close to that !!!! just saying !!!!! and remember, Doug just recently said, that YOU and ( I ) as employees have LITTLE EFFECT on the day-to-day profits of the company !!!!! Just saying !!!!
All that happened at USAir, which was close to shutting down for good a couple of times, and it couldn't have been so bad because you didn't get one of those other hi paying jobs that are just out waiting for an A&P mech. This is the NEW American with a much better route system and all that other good news.

Just saying :)
Glenn Quagmire said:
I am sure Parker just made this decision on a whim without any legal counsel advisement.
Wondering what part Jerry G played in this pay rise for some union groups and not others
Bob Owens said:
He has repeatedly stated he would rather be non-union. So no surprise there.
I prefer amfa but no Union would be a welcome over the crap we have now.

What has the twu done for us? Just reading your moronic posts gives me no confidence that our future will be any better.

Your continued adversarial relationship with management hasn't worked in any aspect. Look what having a working relationship with management has gotten the apfa, GIVIN $82m added to FAs pay and on top of that a 4% raise, not to mention 9% CONTRIBUTION to 401k out of BK, what did you and the twu get us. nothing, zip, did our Union dues go down?

What we do have is a fight over our representation without input from membership.

What would be Union busting is if AA threw down a contract with a 20% paycut and 51% layoff. And said Take it or leave it, we have replacements already to take your jobs. Surprised you don't know the difference between a raise and Union busting. How much of my dues goes toward your Union salary ?
bigjets said:
All that happened at USAir, which was close to shutting down for good a couple of times, and it couldn't have been so bad because you didn't get one of those other hi paying jobs that are just out waiting for an A&P mech. This is the NEW American with a much better route system and all that other good news.

Just saying :)
First off bigjets --- I'm NOT MTC !!!!!! And it's people like you, that are in the mindset that it's OK, for upper management to reap the many many many benefits of MY (our ) labor, all the while looking for ways to keep YOU at the lowest pay and benefits possible !!! maybe this statement by Doug will OPEN your eyes ----- "Earlier, Parker told an investor conference that companies pay employees a fair wage, and then distribute remaining profits to shareholders. In such cases, profits are not shared with employees."   he said.from this article !!!! http://www.thestreet.com/story/12990232/1/delta-takes-aim-at-american-for-its-lack-of-profit-sharing.html
AGAIN, give the raises across the board to EVERYONE---at the same time no exceptions !!!!! That's how you treat everyone the same !!! Just sayin'
If the 4% went to evryone the same union sheeple would be here complaining that it was a trick to get the suckers to vote a smaller contract.
Doug said it was for ALL, on top of anything negotiated or already given...so enjoy your "immediate" non union raise, sheeple!
Jimmy Neutron said:
If you didn't notice ????????? In Fleet and other groups, we WON'T GET this raise !!!!!!!!! It could be years before WE get a JOINT agreement, that's NOT negativity SIR --- it's a FACT !!!!!!!! If Doug was so nice and so generous, he wouldn't be giving FAKE Raises that many of US won't see for who knows how long if ever, while many other employee groups will get it IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!! He would give to ALL groups EQUALLY and IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!!!   Now maybe you work in a group that will get this NOW, I don't, so don't sit there and talk to me about negativity !!!! It's negative to me, because while some groups will get and have this raise NOW ----- many will not, so what would YOU call this ??????? I call it DIVIDE & CONQUER !!! A typical management tactic to pit one group against another, UNION -vs- Non-Union etccccccc.................
Well, let's see. The APFA will get the raise. If the APA accepts their latest proposal and avoids arbitration, (highly probable) they'll get it too.
You can call it what you'd like and your choice is "divide & conquer," but it looks suspiciously like sour grapes or just plain old negativity. It is difficult to turn a non negotiated raise into a negative, but kudos..you have succeeded.
NYer said:
Well, let's see. The APFA will get the raise. If the APA accepts their latest proposal and avoids arbitration, (highly probable) they'll get it too.
You can call it what you'd like and your choice is "divide & conquer," but it looks suspiciously like sour grapes or just plain old negativity. It is difficult to turn a non negotiated raise into a negative, but kudos..you have succeeded.
Again, it's ONLY positive for those who are getting it NYer !!!!! if your one of them, good for you, I'm NOT and have lived this Dog and PONY show of Parker long enough to know the real deal !!! Sorry, that's just the facts !!! 
Jimmy Neutron said:
First off bigjets --- I'm NOT MTC !!!!!! And it's people like you, that are in the mindset that it's OK, for upper management to reap the many many many benefits of MY (our ) labor, all the while looking for ways to keep YOU at the lowest pay and benefits possible !!! maybe this statement by Doug will OPEN your eyes ----- "Earlier, Parker told an investor conference that companies pay employees a fair wage, and then distribute remaining profits to shareholders. In such cases, profits are not shared with employees."   he said.from this article !!!! http://www.thestreet.com/story/12990232/1/delta-takes-aim-at-american-for-its-lack-of-profit-sharing.html
AGAIN, give the raises across the board to EVERYONE---at the same time no exceptions !!!!! That's how you treat everyone the same !!! Just sayin'
Is it? When we negotiate raises and benefits do we refuse to take them unless other groups get the same? No, we don't. We negotiate our agreements and they cover us. If they wanted to take away a benefit that was contractual I don't suppose you'd be preaching the same solidarity.
You'll get the raise when we get a JCBA, just like the other unions.
If you want to get what the non-union folks gets then I'm sure you'd have not protest in giving up the accrual of sick days as others in the Company have been forced to do. Use it or lose.
What was your quote, "That's how you treat everyone the same !!! Just sayin'"

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