AA employees get 4% raises

NYer said:
On a day when raises are announced, the negativity is striking. You'd think people would have waited a day or two for this.
OK. Your contention is that this raise will be lumped with the other raises. Maybe so, but it is still a raise. On the other hand, the evidence seems to show that it will be above any other raises achieved at the table. This year for instance, we already have the 3% in place and the wage adjuster....then another 4% when we get a JCBA. The other unions received their raise AFTER their deals were in place and was in conjunction to their already negotiated raises.
The APFA received an extra $80M and another 4% on top of that. (keep in mind they got the $80M with Parker already knowing there was a 4% bump coming). The APA also received their 4% on top of the airline's last offer. Heck, even the non-union personnel will receive a 4% bump after their 6% raises were already agreed to.
OK, but let's be cynical. If you want to continue with the negative vibe, then just tell your negotiating committee to wait until after September 2015 to get a JCBA, then you can guarantee yourself the 3%, the wage adjuster and another 4% on top of that. OR we can continue to scream "bloody hell" and we get nothing for this treasonous airline and inept union.
When do you plan on getting your raise, NYer? What is your time frame?
Maybe Santa will bring you a new tin cup so you can beg the company for 4% when "OUR" time comes!
MetalMover said:
Didn't he say the raise was for shared success? -- Yes, he did.
Is it SHARED SUCCESS that managers are getting 4% ABOVE THE 6% THEY ALREADY GOT? --Correct
I guess the mechanics, pilots and res agents did not contribute. -- Apparently we did since we will get the same once the JCBA is ratified.
Why is he trying in a "THANK YOU" raise to whether or not we have a JCBA ratified? -- If they tried to take something away, would ask say the same thing.
This really seems fair to you NYer? -- It seems like a smart business decision. The alternative was not to offer anything at all. I'm optomistic for tomorrow because we have an additional 4% coming with the next JCBA. That will be in our hands and I hope the negotiators are ready to go when the time comes.
Don't you realize our negotiations, whenever they begin, can last for years? -- I hope not, but it could. That's probably another reason for the need to have a JCBA before we can take ownership of the 4%.
How many years have they been fighting at UA/CO and they have the same union? Since 2008? -- Quite some time. On the other hand, the APFA already have deal. The APA will probably agree to a TA by January 3rd. The Agents have started their negotiations. The biggest obstacle for us will probably be the call to vote no for every TA, as is customary.
By the time they get to us, oil could well be over $100 a barrel and the economy in a downturn. 
With the TWU in control we may wind up giving BACK 4%. -- I agree.
Sounds fair to me....10% for management 4% for NOT ALL workers.... If fairness was a prerequisite for life we'd be very happy people.
MetalMover said:
When do you plan on getting your raise, NYer? What is your time frame?
Maybe Santa will bring you a new tin cup so you can beg the company for 4% when "OUR" time comes!
Considering the leadership usually advocates to vote no on all TA's, it seems the 4% could be far off. Luckily, we get the September raise and wage adjuster, that seems to be all I can count on as of today.
MetalMover said:
He gave it to ONE union..He dod not give it to ALL......
I did not get a raise.
So let's get a petition to tell them we don't want it. We either get it now, or forget it.
Let me know when it's ready.
BTW--Odds are the APA will accept the airline proposal by January 3rd and they'll get it too.
I wasn't expecting any raise outside the terms of my current contract and it turns out I won't be getting one. Status quo, I find I just don't have it in me to join the orgy of bitterness and cynicism this has whipped up. I guess that makes me a damned fool, or maybe I just have more patience than is good for me. I'm glad for those getting the extra 4%, not a bad stocking stuffer.
dfw gen said:
Which will leave us as one of the few workgroups well left out.....
Thanks twu, for having the fosight, to not making deal to get a industry leading contract and an additional 4% pay raise on top of that, because I'm sure the twu will get them later. Now we will wait years for a pay raise. This is money we will never be able to makeup.

I'm sure our Union officials are getting their Union checks on time. Wasn't the first thing our local did was to make sure they got a pay raise, but bob is saying the FAs should turn down a pay raise in solidarity. What a joke. A real leader would cut Union dues or not accept a raise, while his own members haven't gotten a raise.

How about all the whiners just say thanks for the 4% raise or just STFU
ChockJockey said:
I wasn't expecting any raise outside the terms of my current contract and it turns out I won't be getting one. Status quo, I find I just don't have it in me to join the orgy of bitterness and cynicism this has whipped up. I guess that makes me a damned fool, or maybe I just have more patience than is good for me. I'm glad for those getting the extra 4%, not a bad stocking stuffer.
You're awesome, I'm adopting your attitude.
NYer said:
That's great. You're having a conversation with me and I don't really seem to need to participate since you have filled my words and thoughts for me.
That's a time saver. =/
You were the one who asked how many mechanics UPS and WN has. Not me
Why did you bring it up?
NYer said:
So, Parker announced most employees will be an additional 4% raise in a bait and switch scam. A scam in which he also gave the 4% to the flight attendants above their deal and 4% that was added on top of the proposal the pilots will undoubtedly accept by January 3rd. He even added it on top of the raises already announced for support staff. For you, all that is a clever ruse to pull the wool over the eyes of our group in order to screw us. Is that the premise?
We see he's got you to buy into it hook, line and sinker !!!!! some of us are not so naive !!!!! The ONLY one's making out on it are the one's getting it NOW !!! Promises along with anything else Airline management teams say to get their way, surly end up mostly broken in the end !!!  Again, no DELTA Parker bashing, NO F/A raises after arbitration and this is just a half-hearted attempt to make himself  not look like such a heartless ASS !!! Either everyone gets it the same day, or their are alterior motives behind it, it's that simple !!! just ask any of the negotiating team members that sat across the table from these people what they think of you as an employee !!!!! 
Jimmy Neutron said:
We see he's got you to buy into it hook, line and sinker !!!!! some of us are not so naive !!!!! The ONLY one's making out on it are the one's getting it NOW !!! Promises along with anything else Airline management teams say to get their way, surly end up mostly broken in the end !!!  Again, no DELTA Parker bashing, NO F/A raises after arbitration and this is just a half-hearted attempt to make himself  not look like such a heartless ASS !!! Either everyone gets it the same day, or their are alterior motives behind it, it's that simple !!! just ask any of the negotiating team members that sat across the table from these people what they think of you as an employee !!!!! 
Uh-huh. OK. The flight attendants got it, the pilots will probably get it when they accept the airline proposal on the 1/3. The non-union employees got it.....but there's an ulterior motive that none of us can see right now.
I guess we should just let them know that we don't want it at all, we won't be suckered into any ulterior motives. If we can't get it now, then just keep it. That'll shop 'em we mean business. (RME)
MetalMover said:
You were the one who asked how many mechanics UPS and WN has. Not me
Why did you bring it up?
To get an answer, which hasn't yet been presented.
NYer said:
Uh-huh. OK. The flight attendants got it, the pilots will probably get it when they accept the airline proposal on the 1/3. The non-union employees got it.....but there's an ulterior motive that none of us can see right now.
I guess we should just let them know that we don't want it at all, we won't be suckered into any ulterior motives. If we can't get it now, then just keep it. That'll shop 'em we mean business. (RME)
This is staring to sound like the FB loudmouth logic that derailed our vote.
NYer said:
Uh-huh. OK. The flight attendants got it, the pilots will probably get it when they accept the airline proposal on the 1/3. The non-union employees got it.....but there's an ulterior motive that none of us can see right now.
I guess we should just let them know that we don't want it at all, we won't be suckered into any ulterior motives. If we can't get it now, then just keep it. That'll shop 'em we mean business. (RME)
Like I said, you've bought into it hook, line and sinker !!!! If you get it Jan 5 like everyone should, then you could say that !!! but informational here ---- YOUR NOT!!! so wake up !!! I bet you think because the F/A leaders contacted Doug about the DL raise, and he gave it to them , that he would do the same for Fleet and MTC I suppose too ????? I have news for ya ---- he thinks totally different about the later two groups than he does about the first one !!!!  The Pilots are in a league of their own, obviously so that essentailly leave 3  groups ( UNIONIZED ) that won't get it Jan 5th !!!! There's a reason for this !!! time to wake up and smell the Doug Parker roses !!!!! It has nothing to do with being negative bud at all !!! About 60% of the company will realize this raise immediately ---- the other 40% ----well, who knows if and when those folks will get it if ever !!! 
Just my opinion.
The cluster puck of the iam/twu association is what is delaying a joint agreement.
iam not talking to twu and vice versa.
IIRC it's been over a year when the association was announced and they haven't done diddly.
If the iam (or twu) would have just conceded to represent AA then you would be about in the same time frame as the APFA.
As it is now, you're "years" away for a contract.
Your unions are screwing you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Good Luck Guys N'Gals, you need it..........
B) xUT

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