Maybe as INSANE as you might think this sounds, they're trying to make peace with us? Then why not give the 4% to all workers?
Yes this is a business though and business still has to be factored in. Good business absolutely means having a happy and invested workforce. When I hired on it did seem like people were happier and we joked around a lot more and because of that I think we cared more also. It's kind of hard to be happy having suffered major concessions such as paycuts, loss of vacation, loss of sick days, loss of holidays....well you know the rest!
WE have to understand that we are not going to get back everything we want in one fell swoop. We also have to hope that we elected people to represent and negotiate for us that also understand this. If they start rattling off about the past and 2003 again you might as well through up your hands, put on your hat and go take a long walk cause then it really will take forever. You do realize that every concession we gave will have become a bargaining chip all over again? We will never get back EVERYTHING we loss whether it be one fell swoop or many minute swoops. Throwing cash at us is always cheaper than the benefits to a company. That is why $$ is being given in the form of raises. When contractile comes, try getting back two weeks vacation and double time and 5 holidays and 7 sick days.....
I just wonder when we stop being angry and screaming at the world for our lot in life. That just takes way too much energy for me personally. All workgroups took concessions, but no group has taken the hit as much as maintenance. The anger will not dissipate anytime soon.