You're forgetting about our bottom of the Industry Holiday pay, vacation pay, sick pay, shift differential, medical etc etc. that adds up to a lot more than 7%.WeAAsles said:You're forgetting that it's not just 4%. That 4% is in addition to matching the top out rate at Delta and another 3% for keeping Profit sharing out of the formula. Not factoring in ALL of the middle items you guys have or have lost do you know what Delta currently tops out at? How much higher is that than you currently and then add 7% on top of that.
Besides when did Parker say he was willing to pay everyone 7% more than Delta? Is that 7% in the aggregate or just wages?
Profits that we wont be getting a share of. You just contradicted the point you appeared to be making.And they don't need the advantage anymore after shedding debt and obligations in Bankruptcy and are poised with lower oil prices continuing on the horizon to rake in tons of profit.