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AA employees get 4% raises

john john said:
Wondering what part Jerry G played in this pay rise for some union groups and not others
Glenn Quagmire said:
I am sure Parker just made this decision on a whim without any legal counsel advisement.

By all means, I think you should force AA to take back those raises until you get your industry leading contract.
Jerry doesn't have a JD:
Jerry has been quoted in hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles and has been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs regarding labor- and human resources-related matters. He has appeared on television, including NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and FOX Business Network, and he has been quoted in the Associated PressBloombergBusiness WeekChicago TribuneDetroit Free PressMinneapolis Star TribuneMSNBC.comReutersUSA TodayThe New York TimesLos Angeles Times and The Washington Post.
In addition, he is a frequently requested speaker. His topics have included pay and labor markets in a global era, costing out labor contracts, and trends in health and welfare benefit plans.
Jerry is a graduate of Boston University. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from The George Washington University.
MetalMover said:
true, no one will be "forced,"
but many of us have been burnt before with supposedly "ironclad" agreements in the past.
Another thing, the Q&A of the alliance states we will have a vote. But you can be damn sure that the TWU/IAM want the vote to be two choices and two choices only......ALLIANCE OR NO UNION...rather than ALLIANCE OR NO ALLIANCE.
That's up to the NMB, isn't it.
toroshark said:
You guessed wrong. I have read the Alliance agreement. What guarantees that the Membership ever sees a Jcba that allows those with a matching 401k the ability to keep it? Where is it written that our frozen AA pensions cannot be thrown into the IAMPF as part of a negotiated Jcba. If the IAM chairs the Alliance for the first 2 years what makes you think the Membership will ever see a T/A that doesn't possess such provisions? With the strong armed tactics the TWU and IAM are utilizing to get this alliance through only a fool or a alliance spokesperson would believe these things could not happen.
So, you believe the IAM is eager to take on an underfunded plan as they would have to do under your scenario. That makes no financial sense, no common sense, no logistical sense and just plain, no sense at all. It is only viable in the mind of a conspiracy theorist.
The Chair or Director doesn't have a dictatorship control over the process. The Association agreement contains the following language..."No Tentative Agreement will be submitted to the Employee members for a ratification vote without both (1) a majority vote of those voting among the members of the Negotiating Committee, and (2) the approval of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson or their designees."
Usually when someone comes with the "where is it written" logic it's because their cupboard is bear.
NYer said:
That's up to the NMB, isn't it.
Yes it is.. But they sure has hell want the choice of alliance or no union....
DO you think that is fair?
How about alliance or NO alliance?
NYer said:
Their being excluded because it is a voluntary move outside of collective bargaining and they set the process by which they want to pay it.
They took the SK day accruals from the non-union folks in 2015, is it unfair they didn't take ours too? Should we stand in solidarity with the others that lost that and either protest their loss or should we sacrifice our accrual. I mean it isn't fair they lost theirs and we kept ours, right?
Our SK days are contractual. Non-union folks are essentially employees at will. Was the 4% given to the F/A's in their contract? NO! It was given because they have a RATIFIED agreement. It was given AFTER the fact. 
Oh btw, don't be too sure that when OUR turn comes, they won't ask for the sick time, ala the non-union folks. Because if you think the company is going to give us a "industry leading contract" WITHOUT giving anything up, I think you are sadly mistaken.
NYer said:
So, you believe the IAM is eager to take on an underfunded plan as they would have to do under your scenario. That makes no financial sense, no common sense, no logistical sense and just plain, no sense at all. 
Yes I do. 
How much is the TWU plan underfunded? 20%? 
Our plan may be underfunded based on the fact that we can retire at 60 with a full pension and only take a 3% hit for each year prior to 60, the IAM plan is retire at 65 and 4.8% reduction for each year prior to 65 and a prohibition on working and collecting a pension. All of the IAMNPF conditions lower the amount of funding required to meet their obligations, so if our pensions are transferred to the IAMNPF its very likely there is more than enough in our AA plan to cover the obligations through the IAMNPF  plan.
According to what I've read each year they roll back normal retirement saves the plan around 6.5%, so by rolling back normal retirement from 60 to 65 the plan would save roughly 35%, roughly because it doesn't reach100%. For instance when they rolled Social Security back to 67 from 65 those who fall under the 67 rule effectively lost 13% of their Social Security Pension.
So by sliding our pension into the IAMNPF the company could actually see their liability decrease by hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course we would all become stuck here till we die because we cant retire and work somewhere else to replace the retiree medical we lost but of course you know all that yet come here and still keep pushing the same lies claiming that the IAMNPF would not want the Hundreds of millions that are sitting in the AA pension plan because its underfunded.
The fact is that it was already agreed to that the Association will seek to have us all in the IAMNPF. They have not been clear as far as whether or not the intent is to have our AA pensions rolled into the IAMNPF but with the average age being around 55 we would see very little benefit with just 10 years in the plan vs the 5.5% match, with 20% OT, in a portable plan that would allow us to retire, collect our AA pension and work somewhere else with the ease of mind that goes with getting a pension check every month in addition to whatever we earn. 
Some will claim that our pensions are protected. And technically they are, but early retirement is considered a perk and all the protections are based on the value of the pension at age 65. So it can be changed if you have not actually retired. If you retired at 55 before they changed the plan, then you are protected but if you are working and over 55 when they changed the plan then your ability to retire early is not protected. They can change the plan as long as the actuarial dollar value at age 65 does not change. 
MetalMover said:
Our SK days are contractual. Non-union folks are essentially employees at will. Was the 4% given to the F/A's in their contract? NO! It was given because they have a RATIFIED agreement. It was given AFTER the fact. 
Oh btw, don't be too sure that when OUR turn comes, they won't ask for the sick time, ala the non-union folks. Because if you think the company is going to give us a "industry leading contract" WITHOUT giving anything up, I think you are sadly mistaken.
It was a piss poor example on his part because he left out the non-union staff still get more Holidays than we do and get double time on the Holidays, and more paid Vacation,and there is more. So whats better eight Holidays at Double time  and five more paid vacation days off per year or 5 bankable sick days -lowest in the industry-lower than Non-union where in order to get paid the five days you lose at least one days pay and as much as 2.5 days pay. They didn't give 25% of their compensation back in 2003 and they received more wage increases than we have since 2003. Why do you think they had such a hard time organizing the agents? Many are married to ground workers in the TWU and they see what was done to us. 
The flight attendants gave up another year, so anyone who says they didn't give anything up is wrong. In 2019 they will still be earning less in real terms than they were in the beginning of 2003 despite the fact that the company will be making billions in profits, even if fuel goes back up. 
700UW said:
What an elemantary diagram. Or you can have both good pay and profit sharing like DL or SWA. They turn a profit every year and put the cherry on top with profit sharing. In a consolidated airline industry downturns are few and far between. Same reason UPS and Fedex turn a profit every year because despite any economic conditions because there is less competition in their industry.
How many times did WN file chapter 11?

You can't compare cargo airlines to passenger airlines, two totally different operations.

And in my 20 year carrier there were more unprofitable years than profitable.

Every legacy had filed chapter 11 once.
You just don't get it an you never will because you have no education or a business degree. Less competition equals more profits because businesses aren't undercutting eachother for $$. ALL airlines will be turning profits from now on because the industry has consolidated. This was DP goal from the beginning.when the he merged Awa/US.
MetalMover said:
Yes it is.. But they sure has hell want the choice of alliance or no union....
DO you think that is fair?
How about alliance or NO alliance?
Well. That really doesn't change anything if No Alliance is picked. We'd be in the same pickle we are today.

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