john john said:Wondering what part Jerry G played in this pay rise for some union groups and not others
Glenn Quagmire said:I am sure Parker just made this decision on a whim without any legal counsel advisement.
By all means, I think you should force AA to take back those raises until you get your industry leading contract.
Jerry doesn't have a JD:
Jerry has been quoted in hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles and has been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs regarding labor- and human resources-related matters. He has appeared on television, including NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and FOX Business Network, and he has been quoted in the Associated Press, Bloomberg, Business Week, Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Minneapolis Star Tribune,, Reuters, USA Today, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post.
In addition, he is a frequently requested speaker. His topics have included pay and labor markets in a global era, costing out labor contracts, and trends in health and welfare benefit plans.
Jerry is a graduate of Boston University. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from The George Washington University.