Actually sometimes I think they should change the laws so you guys could get stoned at least once in awhile. You guys asses are so tight that the "S" comes out of just about every other orifice on your body.Rogallo said:That explains your views!
MetalMover said:You can go the AMFA route, if that's the organization you are referring to. It might not matter they've lost more Members, by percentage, than any one else.
WRONG! The IAM has lost more jobs than anyone else!
Maybe you are too young to recall, but the IAM dominated the airline industry up until the 80's.
They represented ground workers at airlines I'm sure you don't even know existed.....Northwest, Republic, Eastern, Piedmont, USAIR, TWA, United, Continental and National, just to name a few of carriers.
Get your facts straight!
Oh, and before you reply with...."Oh well. those airlines al went bankrupt and were taken over" let me remind you they got booted out at NWA and UA and Continental.
You just like to ignore the fact that the IAM DOMINATED the airline industry....DOMINATED.......NYer said:
At their peak, AMFA represented about 20,000 Members, today they have less than 3000. They've lost more than 85% of their Membership, that's a pretty bad.
MetalMover said:You just like to ignore the fact that the IAM DOMINATED the airline industry....DOMINATED.......
Why don't you quote the IAM's before and after numbers?
OldGuy@AA said:My views are that unions should represent EVERYONE and not just some work groups. I resent having the worst benefits in the entire airline industry when my union "Brothers" in Fleet and Stores have superior benefits than me while they take less concessions. There is no excuse for taking from one group to give to others. Is it a coincidence that the ATD is loaded with Fleet Service? I don't think so. This is why I would like to see the AMTs in another union. If you are an AMT and you have no problem with Fleet and Stores continue to enjoy benefits that were taken from you in 2003 then I sincerely question your self esteem. I resent the fact that the TA that was brought back to us in 2012 did not restore the benefits that Fleet and Stores never lost. Fleet did lose their 6th week of vacation but so did we. All we got was one less sick day paid at 50% and the TWU claimed that was a great victory. Our new TWU International leader sent a clear message to the AMTs that we were not welcome nor are we respected. He did this by appointing FSCs to the ATD positions so we have no voice in our own union. This explains my views. Also since 2003 not a single peep from any other work group about the AMTs being singled out for unfair pay and benefit cuts. This shows me that our union "Brothers" don't care about us either. I was raised to believe that nobody is above anyone else and that in a union it is all for one and one for all. Remember "An injustice to one is an injustice to all"? The TWU does not believe in these things as they have shown me that they feel the AMTs are a lower life form than either Fleet or Stores. The TWU also has negotiated much higher pay and much better benefits for simulator technicians who work on pretend airplanes. As a matter of fact, every other work group in the TWU has better benefits than the AMTs at AA. In 2012 nobody should have gotten a single thing until the AMTs had the things restored that the other groups never lost. It was wrong to do it in the first place. The TWU refused to do that and we continue to live under these inferior benefits. If you are an AMT then you know exactly what you lost and you also know the loss grows every single day. This is unforgivable and nobody would condone this kind of treatment. Of course Koolaid drinkers believe the TWU when they tell them "We'll get em next time." I do not have enough years left to make up for the concessions the TWU forced me into but I pray the next generation of AMTs gets their own union and gets away from the union who cares more about all other groups other than AMTs. I am sick and tired of rehashing this stuff. We all know that the TWU has not represented AMTs. Some of us are tired of the excuses and the lack of support by the other work groups. The international gets away with it because they are allowed to. There are no excuses.
Have some fun here my Brother. Look at each airline and look at how many In House employees they have for each aircraft. That will solve the puzzle for you.OldGuy@AA said:My views are that unions should represent EVERYONE and not just some work groups. I resent having the worst benefits in the entire airline industry when my union "Brothers" in Fleet and Stores have superior benefits than me while they take less concessions. There is no excuse for taking from one group to give to others. Is it a coincidence that the ATD is loaded with Fleet Service? I don't think so. This is why I would like to see the AMTs in another union. If you are an AMT and you have no problem with Fleet and Stores continue to enjoy benefits that were taken from you in 2003 then I sincerely question your self esteem. I resent the fact that the TA that was brought back to us in 2012 did not restore the benefits that Fleet and Stores never lost. Fleet did lose their 6th week of vacation but so did we. All we got was one less sick day paid at 50% and the TWU claimed that was a great victory. Our new TWU International leader sent a clear message to the AMTs that we were not welcome nor are we respected. He did this by appointing FSCs to the ATD positions so we have no voice in our own union. This explains my views. Also since 2003 not a single peep from any other work group about the AMTs being singled out for unfair pay and benefit cuts. This shows me that our union "Brothers" don't care about us either. I was raised to believe that nobody is above anyone else and that in a union it is all for one and one for all. Remember "An injustice to one is an injustice to all"? The TWU does not believe in these things as they have shown me that they feel the AMTs are a lower life form than either Fleet or Stores. The TWU also has negotiated much higher pay and much better benefits for simulator technicians who work on pretend airplanes. As a matter of fact, every other work group in the TWU has better benefits than the AMTs at AA. In 2012 nobody should have gotten a single thing until the AMTs had the things restored that the other groups never lost. It was wrong to do it in the first place. The TWU refused to do that and we continue to live under these inferior benefits. If you are an AMT then you know exactly what you lost and you also know the loss grows every single day. This is unforgivable and nobody would condone this kind of treatment. Of course Koolaid drinkers believe the TWU when they tell them "We'll get em next time." I do not have enough years left to make up for the concessions the TWU forced me into but I pray the next generation of AMTs gets their own union and gets away from the union who cares more about all other groups other than AMTs. I am sick and tired of rehashing this stuff. We all know that the TWU has not represented AMTs. Some of us are tired of the excuses and the lack of support by the other work groups. The international gets away with it because they are allowed to. There are no excuses.
You claimed that AMFA lost the most airline members when in fact it was the IAM. You are WRONG!NYer said:
Because right now, AMFA is what is bring promoted as the savior and it is a maintenance only organization.
If you want to share the IAM numbers, then by all means please do.
So where did they all go then since they didn't come over to the TWU and they most certainly didn't come over to AMFA. Where are they?MetalMover said:You claimed that AMFA lost the most airline members when in fact it was the IAM. You are WRONG!
So continue to reply with your smug-know-it-all attitude. The only ones that buy into your PRO TWU rhetoric are those like yourself who are happy with the TWU losing status quo.
Wherever they went, the came FROM the IAM.WeAAsles said:So where did they all go then since they didn't come over to the TWU and they most certainly didn't come over to AMFA. Where are they?
MetalMover said:Wherever they went, the came FROM the IAM.
Why do you and NYer ignore the fact that the IAM was voted out of NWA, UA and CO?
Why didn't CO and UA vote the IAM back in? Why do they stay with the IBT?
Why did they pick the IBT and NOT the TWU?
MetalMover said:Wherever they went, the came FROM the IAM.
Why do you and NYer ignore the fact that the IAM was voted out of NWA, UA and CO?
Why didn't CO and UA vote the IAM back in? Why do they stay with the IBT?
Why did they pick the IBT and NOT the TWU?
MetalMover said:Wherever they went, the came FROM the IAM.
Why do you and NYer ignore the fact that the IAM was voted out of NWA, UA and CO?
Why didn't CO and UA vote the IAM back in? Why do they stay with the IBT?
Why did they pick the IBT and NOT the TWU?