The following is a message from IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja regarding American Airlines’ wage increase announcement:
"The IAM was very pleased to receive yesterday’s letter from American’s Chairman and CEO Doug Parker acknowledging the sacrifice and hard work of his unionized work groups that have contributed to the success of the new American.
Unlike many CEOs, he should be commended for showing the company’s appreciation through more than kind words but through the promise of a four percent additional increase in wages for those work groups with ratified joint contracts.
However, for our members, this announcement makes the need for an immediate single carrier determination from the National Mediation Board (NMB) regarding the work groups currently represented by the IAM and TWU all the more critical. Once the NMB issues its decision, the Association representing the combined IAM and TWU work groups can move forward to the expedited negotiation of a long overdue jointly negotiated industry leading contract.
Our members deserve no less and the company has now acknowledged its ability to pay. Accordingly, the IAM will do all in its power to urge the NMB to make its single carrier determination on behalf of the Association immediately, which will trigger negotiations of a unified contract for our members so they can share in the profits they helped create.
With your continued support, and with the combined strength of the IAM and TWU, I am confident that the Association can achieve the industry leading contract that our members have earned.
On behalf of the IAM and the Association, I wish all of you and your families a very Happy Holiday season