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AA employees get 4% raises

WHY hasn't the TWU/IAM Association been pushing the NMB for a decision before?
Wouldn't be they wanted the delay so if the AMFA organizers had enough card they would start to expire in JAN, 2015. Why wouldn't the AFL-CIO /  IAM  /  TWU push before what is in it for them NOW?
Many weeks too Late in my opinion, just more bs from these Loser Unions.
The Union heads must see something in it for THEM.
Yes they do, the association sees their dues income increase by 4% more than what they get negotiated...
exs said:
Really? Who brought this BS Alliance to the NMB? How many months has this crap taking? If the TWU would of held an internal vote to decide what union the members wanted, maybe this whole process would be almost done and we would be getting this 4% raise or close to it. 
It's really hard not to be negative about all of this, but happy for the FA's, they have a union that represents their class and craft and not the interests of blood sucking officers that care only about dues. 

And some Local officers who come on here that at least seem like the only thing they are interested in is holding on to their positions or their ideologies of "Fight about everything"
Thanks TWU, may I have another !!
The fastest roadway you have to get to all of those raises that are just sitting out there waiting is the one that you seem to not want to take or even consider at all. Vote for and support the Association.

It's the Maintenance group at AA with their letter writing campaign that is probably what is taking the NMB so long to come back with it's ruling? Once again just like in 2010 when you guys voted no for the contract extension you're putting a monkey wrench in your own progress to get to higher wages and more food on your own tables. Some of your guys like to blame Fleet for your woes, well once again it looks like it's you guys that are taking us for the ride?

How the Association was put together I agree was BS. Yes we should have had a vote first. Maybe the NMB will even come back and say the same thing? (More time wasted though IMO)  Unless you're currently holding or hoping to seek a position in the Union, so what, who cares, whatever. 95% of the rank and file are not and never will be seeking any positions. So it's the 5% who are and scream the loudest that are holding everyone else back. (You know who you are)

You want some decent improvements? Support the Association. Support it and when your Negotiators start their work tell them that you are willing to compromise. There are items in both contracts we'd rather keep and the other side would rather get rid of. Same thing with the company. Let your negotiators know that you don't have to be happy about all the items that come out in a TA and you'll survive with that.

We know what's out there now at least in BASE wages. 7% above the top out rate at Delta. Look at what that means to paying your bills and how that affects your quality of life? If that wage doesn't decimate the middle then go for it. Otherwise we're not in Section 6 and the company has contracts good or bad that run till 2018 and under the NMB "Rules" the harder ball we play the longer that is going to be stretched out. If ANYONE tells you that the NMB is ever going to release you to strike the World's largest airline, c'mon. 

Did Parker and Co. exclude us to force us to get the ball rolling? YEP.    
usfliboi said:
I don't know about some...but I certainly feel sorry for those who always sees their glass half empty. imagine ..just imagine how it is to live with these negative miserable people....much less to live with them selves...
Merry Christmas  🙂
MetalMover said:
You're forgetting the fact that the company said this was a reward for SHARED SUCCESS.....For 2014 namely. 
ALL employees should be sharing in this.
And spare me the "rest of us will get the 4% when our time comes." 
Let me remind you and others that the UA/CO M&R have still NOT reached an agreement with the company.....from 2008!
What makes you think ours will be done overnight when there are so many differences between the AA/US contracts?
What if "ours" goes a couple, a  few or many years without a contract and the "OTHERS get 4% for each of those years?
Are you telling me that if it takes 4 years to get a contract, the company is going to give us 4% X 4 years = 16% raise on top of whatever we negotiate?
You have the two unions the iam and twu and a lack of foresight for that, the FAs union contracts were different, now look at them, industry leading contract even though they voted for arbitrators decision. Remember DP just GAVE the apfa $82m in pay. Look at the pilots they're going to arbitration and they will be getting a well deserved pay raise, while the iam twu make decisions without membership input.

Ask Bob he's a Union official with all sorts of advice for the FAs. Why didn't he get the same deal as pilots and FAs. Let's troubleshoot this. Two separate unions get pay raises from same company, while the third doesn't. What's wrong.
MetalMover said:
Are you really willing to do that? Be an employee at will? No regards to seniority? "Hey, there's an older guy, let's put him on midnights." " Oh there's another old timer there...Let him pick vacation last because all his children are grown up, he doesn't need all the choice weeks."
A little sarcasm here, but do not look at DL and say "Hey, being non union ain't all that bad."
They were built on a culture of non unionism mainly to KEEP UNIONS OUT..with exceptions of the pilots. 
To all of a sudden and take a traditionally union company and go non union will be disastrous for the worker.
You make good points, but why wouldn't you expect to get same kind of treatment from AA management to keep a Union out. FedEx and delta treat their mechanics well to keep unions out. If we went non Union why wouldn't we aa do the same, I doubt aa wants to deal with AMFA or IBT.

Did a Union save AFW MCI or good chunk of tul to be farmed out. 5 sick days, 5 holidays, making me pay for my own uniform. A Union hasn't stopped any of that. If your a good employee why would they fire you ? Or treat you bad? Costs money to hire and train you, why invest in all that experience only to get rid of it. It's not like our pension is costing too much.
WeAAsles said:
The fastest roadway you have to get to all of those raises that are just sitting out there waiting is the one that you seem to not want to take or even consider at all. Vote for and support the Association.

It's the Maintenance group at AA with their letter writing campaign that is probably what is taking the NMB so long to come back with it's ruling? Once again just like in 2010 when you guys voted no for the contract extension you're putting a monkey wrench in your own progress to get to higher wages and more food on your own tables. Some of your guys like to blame Fleet for your woes, well once again it looks like it's you guys that are taking us for the ride?

How the Association was put together I agree was BS. Yes we should have had a vote first. Maybe the NMB will even come back and say the same thing? (More time wasted though IMO)  Unless you're currently holding or hoping to seek a position in the Union, so what, who cares, whatever. 95% of the rank and file are not and never will be seeking any positions. So it's the 5% who are and scream the loudest that are holding everyone else back. (You know who you are)

You want some decent improvements? Support the Association. Support it and when your Negotiators start their work tell them that you are willing to compromise. There are items in both contracts we'd rather keep and the other side would rather get rid of. Same thing with the company. Let your negotiators know that you don't have to be happy about all the items that come out in a TA and you'll survive with that.

We know what's out there now at least in BASE wages. 7% above the top out rate at Delta. Look at what that means to paying your bills and how that affects your quality of life? If that wage doesn't decimate the middle then go for it. Otherwise we're not in Section 6 and the company has contracts good or bad that run till 2018 and under the NMB "Rules" the harder ball we play the longer that is going to be stretched out. If ANYONE tells you that the NMB is ever going to release you to strike the World's largest airline, c'mon. 

Did Parker and Co. exclude us to force us to get the ball rolling? YEP.    
Give me one good reason I should support this association? I have gained absolutely nothing supporting one industrial union, why would I support two of them together.
You state and agree with me that this association is BS but complain that the local officers are writing to the NMB about that very thing.
When has the International ever listened to the membership on what they want. They negotiate what they think is best for all of us.
We will never get descent improvements with TWU/IAM, when have we ever? You think it's going to change now? The only descent improvement we ever got was when AMFA negotiated our contact in 2003. 
If you want to support this BS association go right ahead but they will never have mine.
WHY hasn't the TWU/IAM Association been pushing the NMB for a decision before?
Wouldn't be they wanted the delay so if the AMFA organizers had enough card they would start to expire in JAN, 2015. Why wouldn't the AFL-CIO /  IAM  /  TWU push before what is in it for them NOW?
Many weeks too Late in my opinion, just more bs from these Loser Unions.
The Union heads must see something in it for THEM.
You hit the nail on the head. They are in no hurry with another potential AMFA vote on the horizon.
bigjets said:
You have the two unions the iam and twu and a lack of foresight for that, the FAs union contracts were different, now look at them, industry leading contract even though they voted for arbitrators decision. Remember DP just GAVE the apfa $82m in pay. Look at the pilots they're going to arbitration and they will be getting a well deserved pay raise, while the iam twu make decisions without membership input.

Ask Bob he's a Union official with all sorts of advice for the FAs. Why didn't he get the same deal as pilots and FAs. Let's troubleshoot this. Two separate unions get pay raises from same company, while the third doesn't. What's wrong.
That is because the twu and iam succumbed to pressure from Trumka of the AFL CIO. they should have did exactly like the pilots and FAs did....Go with the LARGER union. Yet another decision MEMBERS did NOT have a say in.
bigjets said:
You make good points, but why wouldn't you expect to get same kind of treatment from AA management to keep a Union out. FedEx and delta treat their mechanics well to keep unions out. If we went non Union why wouldn't we aa do the same, I doubt aa wants to deal with AMFA or IBT.

Did a Union save AFW MCI or good chunk of tul to be farmed out. 5 sick days, 5 holidays, making me pay for my own uniform. A Union hasn't stopped any of that. If your a good employee why would they fire you ? Or treat you bad? Costs money to hire and train you, why invest in all that experience only to get rid of it. It's not like our pension is costing too much.
Do you want to know why I don't expect the same treatment form management? Look at the history of contracts current and past. Mechanics have lost the most in terms of wages and work and jobs lost due to outsourcing.
There is no outsourcing of FAs and pilots... As a matter of fact no one work group has suffered job loss to the extent that the mechanics did. Fleet service would be the next work group to see job loss do to outsourcing. 
BTW, the way I read the company letter regarding work groups that ARE NOT receiving the 4% which states "Pay increases for TWU and IAM employees will be determined by joint collective bargaining negotiations that we expect to begiimmediately after the unions complete the NMB certification process."
Why would it not say the 4% will be added AFTER negotiations.  It doesn't say that.
Again I ask you and others, what if our negotiations last 4 years and all other work groups are given 4% a year, do you really think they are going to give us 16% a year on top of a contract? 
Also, if and when we get our 4%, will it be retro? or is that too much to ask for?
exs said:
The fastest roadway you have to get to all of those raises that are just sitting out there waiting is the one that you seem to not want to take or even consider at all. Vote for and support the Association.

It's the Maintenance group at AA with their letter writing campaign that is probably what is taking the NMB so long to come back with it's ruling? Once again just like in 2010 when you guys voted no for the contract extension you're putting a monkey wrench in your own progress to get to higher wages and more food on your own tables. Some of your guys like to blame Fleet for your woes, well once again it looks like it's you guys that are taking us for the ride?

How the Association was put together I agree was BS. Yes we should have had a vote first. Maybe the NMB will even come back and say the same thing? (More time wasted though IMO)  Unless you're currently holding or hoping to seek a position in the Union, so what, who cares, whatever. 95% of the rank and file are not and never will be seeking any positions. So it's the 5% who are and scream the loudest that are holding everyone else back. (You know who you are)

You want some decent improvements? Support the Association. Support it and when your Negotiators start their work tell them that you are willing to compromise. There are items in both contracts we'd rather keep and the other side would rather get rid of. Same thing with the company. Let your negotiators know that you don't have to be happy about all the items that come out in a TA and you'll survive with that.

We know what's out there now at least in BASE wages. 7% above the top out rate at Delta. Look at what that means to paying your bills and how that affects your quality of life? If that wage doesn't decimate the middle then go for it. Otherwise we're not in Section 6 and the company has contracts good or bad that run till 2018 and under the NMB "Rules" the harder ball we play the longer that is going to be stretched out. If ANYONE tells you that the NMB is ever going to release you to strike the World's largest airline, c'mon. 

Did Parker and Co. exclude us to force us to get the ball rolling? YEP.    
Give me one good reason I should support this association? I have gained absolutely nothing supporting one industrial union, why would I support two of them together.
You state and agree with me that this association is BS but complain that the local officers are writing to the NMB about that very thing.
When has the International ever listened to the membership on what they want. They negotiate what they think is best for all of us.
We will never get descent improvements with TWU/IAM, when have we ever? You think it's going to change now? The only descent improvement we ever got was when AMFA negotiated our contact in 2003. 
If you want to support this BS association go right ahead but they will never have mine.
Blah Blah Blah........
exs said:
Really? Who brought this BS Alliance to the NMB? How many months has this crap taking? If the TWU would of held an internal vote to decide what union the members wanted, maybe this whole process would be almost done and we would be getting this 4% raise or close to it. 
It's really hard not to be negative about all of this, but happy for the FA's, they have a union that represents their class and craft and not the interests of blood sucking officers that care only about dues. 
Thanks TWU, may I have another !!
You are right but the NMB did not SOLICIT this. You are right the TWU/IAM did this. But why are they taking so long? 
MetalMover said:
You hit the nail on the head. They are in no hurry with another potential AMFA vote on the horizon.
They DON"T care about AMFA. They don't care if you go anymore. They are no longer fighting you about AMFA. They have even said publicly.

"If you want to go, GO"
700UW said:
The following is a message from IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja regarding American Airlines’ wage increase announcement:

"The IAM was very pleased to receive yesterday’s letter from American’s Chairman and CEO Doug Parker acknowledging the sacrifice and hard work of his unionized work groups that have contributed to the success of the new American. 

Unlike many CEOs, he should be commended for showing the company’s appreciation through more than kind words but through the promise of a four percent  additional  increase in wages for those work groups with ratified joint contracts.

However, for our members, this announcement makes the need for an immediate single carrier determination from the National Mediation Board (NMB) regarding the work groups currently represented by the IAM and TWU all the more critical. Once the NMB issues its decision, the Association representing the combined IAM and TWU work groups can move forward to the expedited negotiation of a long overdue jointly negotiated industry leading contract.

Our members deserve no less and the company has now acknowledged its ability to pay. Accordingly, the IAM will do all in its power to urge the NMB to make its single carrier determination on behalf of the Association immediately, which will trigger negotiations of a unified contract for our members so they can share in the profits they helped create.

With your continued support, and with the combined strength of the IAM and TWU, I am confident that the Association can achieve the industry leading contract that our members have earned.

On behalf of the IAM and the Association, I wish all of you and your families a very Happy Holiday season

More IAM BS....
More concerned about their agenda and union dues.
WeAAsles said:
They DON"T care about AMFA. They don't care if you go anymore. They are no longer fighting you about AMFA. They have even said publicly.
"If you want to go, GO"
Then they should not fight a vote when the times come. I want to GO.....Let's have a vote.
they will care if the mechanics leave. that's a lot of union due$$$$$$$$$$$

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