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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Isn't it a 10% match for the mechanics? I read 10% on the mechanic highlight sheet. That would be industry leading and .7% above our match of 9.3%.
Nothing ILC because it's not a JCBA. It's a contractual language adjustment. Still us and them, you and I, IAM and TWU and so on.
I'm title 3, but I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure about that. If Fleet passes and the mechanics don't, I believe we are both saying Fleet is good to go and the mechanics go back to the drawing board. Where we "may" differ is Fleet will not be able to implement until all JCBA's are a yes...I don't know. You may be right and it will surely be brought up during the Q&A sessions I'm sure.
Yes, hopefully the Q&A won't be lies like the one about voting for representation. AKA question # 5.
this is a union it is suppose to be majority rule but we have the minority with veto power which is why it is taking so long and is so messed up
And you mentioned the BEST REASON for title 2 guys to sign AMFA cards so we can all have a fair Democratic say in negotiations for our own respective title groups.
And how long until we fall behind DAL, UA, and SWA for the remainder of the contract?
About a week after the so called JCBA gets ratified. That's usually the pattern with Delta.
I think that you are the jealous one. For the past 5 1/2 years all we heard is that you‘ll never keep your medical. You said the raise that EVERYBODY got was to cover the increase in premiums that we would have seen going to the AA insurance. If LAA had a chance, you would have forced us into that crappy plan. All for a few scraps from Dougs table. You constantly say it, “the majority”. I call you the bully, that was stood up to. Get over yourself.

not jealous, what is fair is fair. i never said you can't have your insurance, doug parker did, many times. he even published it. the rest was debated by people like us with the company's proposals as a road map.

you also got caught lying about your wages, pre-merger. you must have been ashamed of that, now, you're a proud lus employee.

i thank you for your posts, i have some fodder to show to some laa guys who are on the fence.

i'm not a bully, i'm not in a position to bully. if anything, i told a lus guy that he has a right to like the AIP, but not to try and trick others into liking it. if i was desperate, i'd use the pension argument to try and rally others to vote no. i know you would - you see laa monsters all over. we're jealous, we're pricks, we'd steal your seniority..nonsense.

i don't think you're a bully, i think you're a clown who got real lucky.
I have thought the same. You are the first to post this (I think) but a very good point. What did happen to the strong stance on those two issues?? They failed the membership gentlemen.

not sure if i was the first, we had talked about the company feeling pressure from investors - institutional investors.

i don't believe parker knows nor cares about the disparity - a characteristic of a poor executive. we saw his reaction of surprise at a question about attendance policies at the last town hall. his underlings keep making him look like a fool. delta and united have to be laughing at this company.

as far as retro, wait until next contract. bad precedent.
this is a union it is suppose to be majority rule but we have the minority with veto power which is why it is taking so long and is so messed up

why bother?

he's gloating about the former and current AIP disparities and defending those disparities by saying the twu would have done this to the iam. he's saying laa guys have and will get fu(ked, too bad and this is the iam/lus show.

along the way, he's saying laa are jealous, envious, elitist pricks and bullies.
Ignore and he will go away.
You may be correct 1AA, it’s possible I could go away, and soon, but it wouldn’t be because someone is ignoring me. As far as Mr Mekanic, it’s all good, no ill will, just a bit of correcting and moving on.
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Pushbacks left AMTS before I started, we used to clean windshields, fleet took that work too.
Cause your in the same union.I think if you had a different union they would have put up more of a fight.Thats why TWU with Envoy is a conflict of interest too.At least your making an effort to change it
The plan is in bad shape. Anyone that tries to claim otherwise simply hasn’t read the IAMNPF’s own documents.

For those of you that are Plan Participants, you can request all kinds of useful info. All it takes is the time it takes to make a call and/or type out an email request. Further, a lot of it is available simply by logging on to the Plan’s website. If I can do it, you can.
Doesnt matter, we're stuck with it, so its wise to plan And there latest action should buy them quite a bit of time.I should say i hadnt plan to leave before 65 anyway
I believe Sito and the IAMPF had all the say in keeping the IAMPF in the contract. It's obvious the membership under the association have no say.
Possibly but it would.have cost AA around 300 million to.leave the plan .Im sure that came into consideration

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