A continuation to streamline some issues between the two unions did not have to take four years. This is not a JCBA. It's a pathetic disgraceful act of bad union negotiating tactics only to screw its members out of compensation. Call it what it is and keep it simple. The TWU side faired worse from the day negotiations started.you are absolutely correct on a few of those issues. where you are wrong is the role of the chair and vice chair. it does not have any affect there is equal veto power. so please stop with that nonsense. everything else you are correct. stepping stones kind of like the iam has been doing to us? hate is not at the lus members but at the respective internationals. we as members both iam and twu are stuck in the middle like pawns. this contract is clearly the iam contract with a few modifications. designed to keep the iam advantage over the twu. via the retirement plan. if the iam chair or vice chair does not like it nothing moves forward. check mate.
time for change, and i have a feeling its coming sooner rather then later.