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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

JCBA=Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement.
That means that they put two contracts together. They are not “tied” together. Combined if you will.
I have been told the same, one votes yes, it's a yes for them and if any other workgroup votes no, they go back to the table.
I believe I heard that from one of the negotiators...
That's correct but your contact as title 1 does not take effect on till all groups vote yes and if they vote no, they can go back and negotiate a better deal.
why members would like to keep the iampnf is beyond me. everything i read its not looking good, that alone would be enough for me to want out of the association. actually when they froze my pension and started matched at 5.5% it is working out much better i have 3 legs to the retirement stool. a 9% match would be even better.
Isn't it a 10% match for the mechanics? I read 10% on the mechanic highlight sheet. That would be industry leading and .7% above our match of 9.3%.
You say you want fleet money reshuffled and sito and garcia fired. My question to you is are you willing to wait 4 more years for that??
More like 1 year, not 4 more. And if they really want a deal done now it could be even sooner.
mad? green with envy?
Yes you are.
you guys in your non-hub stations had to be brought up to my wages. who was green with envy and who had to be propped up?
So your saying everybody in ALL non hub stations had to be brought up to “hub” wages? I don’t know how AA did it, but post BK everybody at LUS had the same pay rates. Hub and non-hub alike. Again, LAA promoting an elitist attitude.
it was unfair and not tenable to lus. parker took care of that. fair enough. parker then decided not to bring laa up to your holidays/holiday pay rate/sk time/inusrance rates.

He didn’t have to. Why would I fight for you when you weren’t willing to fight for me? You never wanted the insurance. As evidenced by your above comment. LAS was more worried about holidays/holiday pay rates, and sick time than insurance. Priorities.

now, it will continue?? you're angry because this is being pointed out?

Angry? Not I. Seems you are way more angrier than me.
you are the selfish one, not me.

where did i say i want to steamroll you? laa are selfish pricks and laa are whiners, stomping their feet?

you are the new captain us air.

I think that you are the jealous one. For the past 5 1/2 years all we heard is that you‘ll never keep your medical. You said the raise that EVERYBODY got was to cover the increase in premiums that we would have seen going to the AA insurance. If LAA had a chance, you would have forced us into that crappy plan. All for a few scraps from Dougs table. You constantly say it, “the majority”. I call you the bully, that was stood up to. Get over yourself.
That's correct but your contact as title 1 does not take effect on till all groups vote yes and if they vote no, they can go back and negotiate a better deal.
I'm title 3, but I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure about that. If Fleet passes and the mechanics don't, I believe we are both saying Fleet is good to go and the mechanics go back to the drawing board. Where we "may" differ is Fleet will not be able to implement until all JCBA's are a yes...I don't know. You may be right and it will surely be brought up during the Q&A sessions I'm sure.
I'm title 3, but I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure about that. If Fleet passes and the mechanics don't, I believe we are both saying Fleet is good to go and the mechanics go back to the drawing board. Where we "may" differ is Fleet will not be able to implement until all JCBA's are a yes...I don't know. You may be right and it will surely be brought up during the Q&A sessions I'm sure.
be honest it will be what the iam wants not the majority
I think that you are the jealous one. For the past 5 1/2 years all we heard is that you‘ll never keep your medical. You said the raise that EVERYBODY got was to cover the increase in premiums that we would have seen going to the AA insurance. If LAA had a chance, you would have forced us into that crappy plan. All for a few scraps from Dougs table. You constantly say it, “the majority”. I call you the bully, that was stood up to. Get over yourself.
this is a union it is suppose to be majority rule but we have the minority with veto power which is why it is taking so long and is so messed up
i am, but parker and isom are not.

observe how they folded on their 'red lines' - lus insurance and catering jobs.
I have thought the same. You are the first to post this (I think) but a very good point. What did happen to the strong stance on those two issues?? They failed the membership gentlemen.

It's all going to pass. It always does.
Just like they have at both unions when a no vote is the majority, for some strange reason they seem to always get ratified anyway.
Now is the time for change in representation so it no longer will happen in future nego's. AMFA in 2020 at AA...
I'm title 3, but I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure about that. If Fleet passes and the mechanics don't, I believe we are both saying Fleet is good to go and the mechanics go back to the drawing board. Where we "may" differ is Fleet will not be able to implement until all JCBA's are a yes...I don't know. You may be right and it will surely be brought up during the Q&A sessions I'm sure.
Your correct in what I'm saying. In 2013 we didn't have joint negotiations we had separate negotiations, that how and why the MCT's got a contract and we didn't.
DFW gen, do you know the all in rate at DOS? I'm getting some conversations about comparing SWA rates. Can you share what the all in rate is with hourly rate, lic. prem., shift diff., CC override (Lead for us), and maybe any other premiums.

Agree with you. But, this asso knew the entire time there would never be a vote and led the membership to believe there would be a vote. I tried as hard as I could to get these guys to believe this, hell, I even contacted the NMB first and relayed their answers to them and only a few followed up after I did and reported the exact same info, that the NMB did not have jurisdiction over a vote for the combined 2 unions becoming an asso. That was all a scam to keep the cards from getting signed for AMFA. They knew from the very get go and purposely screwed this membership all the way to the forced asso. They should be brought up on charges for FTR!!!
current pay
base $42.39
mids retention $0.50
line premium $0.55
license $5.00
mid diff $0.02
total today $48.46

proposed $49,21
line pay $01.00
lic prem $5.25
mids diff $0.58
total proposed $56.04

$7.58 per hour raise for line mechanic on mids.
I was in BWI in during 2010s when MTR gave up pushbacks n parking aircraft. In DCA we dont do windshield. That part is contracted out
I'm talking about back in the day, maintenance recovered and pushed revenue trips and do the fueling, all fleet did was load and unload bags..
I'm talking about back in the day, maintenance recovered and pushed revenue trips and do the fueling, all fleet did was load and unload bags..
In 99 n 00 i was in BOS we as Fleet just load n unload. I dont remember if mtr fueled or if it was done by someone else. All flights including ferry n shuttle trips. When did MTR lose the work?
Oops, I'm sorry Mr. Mekanic, you are being corrected once more. In reality, I'm not a Grandpa, meaning I'm not the father of anyone's father or mother. Here, let me make it even easier, I don't have any grand kids. But hey seeing that your goal is to one up someone or disparage them, we will use grandpa as you calling me an old man at 60, I'll tell you that you hurt my feelings and we will be done with it.

Have a good day Mr. Mekanic...🙂
Geeez here I was trying to be a kinder gentler Mekanic..Get my arse handed to me...

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