You left out America West. You also failed to mention the number of airlines that have gone through it. In addition you forgot to mention that in spite of CAL being "lean and mean" after two trips through BK they were on the verge of a third and probably fatal trip to BK. Fortunately for them the right guy came around.
I didnt leave out anyone - You just made it sound (in your previous post ) that there are zero airlines that have made it past 15 years post bk... instead of focusing on what i fail to mention, please, focus on what i did do - I answered your question. Your post reeks of probably and coulda woulda shoulda, the fact is, "it is what it is" and now that many airlines have taken their trips through bk (as wrong as it is) we are to some extent on the same playing field until the next downturn, we all have some cash on hand but the unique thing is this... certain airlines have additional costs as opposed to others that will play a key factor in the next downturn, certain airlines have higher labor costs, such as CAL LUV and AMR as well as much older aircraft, hopefully we dont have another downturn, but if we do they will certainly come back to employee groups for more gifts - take the hint of LUV offering a buyout as a significant hint of what could be coming down the pike. Of course this just my opinion.
Why, whenever you post, do I Charlie Brown's teacher in the background, trumpeting your words? "Wahhh-waahh-wah-wah-wahhhh-wahhh"
Just a lot of noise
"do I Charlie Brown's teacher in the background,"
Ahhh, you poor soul - learn how to type and then talk to me! Your posts confirms your immature nature... Go back to watching Charlie Brown "oh mighty one"!!!!! Have a GREAT day StrAAight!!!! I know I am - 😀