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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

What did the TWU lose because of the association? Not because of 2003 or bankruptcy, but because of the Association?
The TWU lost the respect of their members. The members lost their voice in representation along with a lot of money and time due to the long process that I believe that Association caused. Nothing to do with LUS IAM members. Now the AMT's have their card drive to leave and eventually the TWU will see what their actions got them.
The TWU and the IAM had an equal number of negotiators, Yet, you guys with your infinite wisdom, kept changing yours, so there was zero continuity with the TWU negotiators. The IAM had veto power for the first 2 years, then the TWU for the next 2, and so on. So how did you not get an equal voice? Would you guys let us have an equal voice had the TWU been our sole representative? And be honest here. Most of you would have used the LUS guys as stepping stones to get more for yourselves. And I am not saying you would have dfw gen, but you know of those who I am talking about. I do not get the hate aimed at the LUS people, our union did it's job and protected it's members to the best of their ability. The TWU folded like a cheap suit, and that's our fault how?
you are absolutely correct on a few of those issues. where you are wrong is the role of the chair and vice chair. it does not have any affect there is equal veto power. so please stop with that nonsense. everything else you are correct. stepping stones kind of like the iam has been doing to us? hate is not at the lus members but at the respective internationals. we as members both iam and twu are stuck in the middle like pawns. this contract is clearly the iam contract with a few modifications. designed to keep the iam advantage over the twu. via the retirement plan. if the iam chair or vice chair does not like it nothing moves forward. check mate.
time for change, and i have a feeling its coming sooner rather then later.
why members would like to keep the iampnf is beyond me. everything i read its not looking good, that alone would be enough for me to want out of the association. actually when they froze my pension and started matched at 5.5% it is working out much better i have 3 legs to the retirement stool. a 9% match would be even better.
The TWU and the IAM had an equal number of negotiators, Yet, you guys with your infinite wisdom, kept changing yours, so there was zero continuity with the TWU negotiators. The IAM had veto power for the first 2 years, then the TWU for the next 2, and so on. So how did you not get an equal voice? Would you guys let us have an equal voice had the TWU been our sole representative? And be honest here. Most of you would have used the LUS guys as stepping stones to get more for yourselves. And I am not saying you would have dfw gen, but you know of those who I am talking about. I do not get the hate aimed at the LUS people, our union did it's job and protected it's members to the best of their ability. The TWU folded like a cheap suit, and that's our fault how?
to be honest if i were in your position i would be sitting fat dumb and happy. would i have taken advantage of the situation? no im not the kind of person. going forward if we stay in the association the whole scenario plays itself out again. time time for change i warned gary peterson years ago he was negotiating against the company and the iam, he foolishly thought otherwise. the t.a. is proof that was true and yes that the twu folded like a cheap suit, as it has always been.
dfw gen,

I hope that this CBA is a good hybrid of both, because there is a good amount of TWU language also I believe. I will judge when I see it in the mail and actually read the language. And thank you
dfw gen,

I hope that this CBA is a good hybrid of both, because there is a good amount of TWU language also I believe. I will judge when I see it in the mail and actually read the language. And thank you
we will see.
why members would like to keep the iampnf is beyond me. everything i read its not looking good, that alone would be enough for me to want out of the association. actually when they froze my pension and started matched at 5.5% it is working out much better i have 3 legs to the retirement stool. a 9% match would be even better.

The plan is in bad shape. Anyone that tries to claim otherwise simply hasn’t read the IAMNPF’s own documents.

For those of you that are Plan Participants, you can request all kinds of useful info. All it takes is the time it takes to make a call and/or type out an email request. Further, a lot of it is available simply by logging on to the Plan’s website. If I can do it, you can.
Pushbacks left AMTS before I started, we used to clean windshields, fleet took that work too.
I was in BWI in during 2010s when MTR gave up pushbacks n parking aircraft. In DCA we dont do windshield. That part is contracted out
PJ. How did they agree to the AIP whereas catering is gon except CLT n PHL? Ive been asked n i have no answer. Its real good to see 5 new cities come back. Going to 32.29 is nice but DL n UA will go ahead of us as will Customer service. Just a matter of time. I do like the retirement with the 401K match. This was supposed to bring both groups together but it sure keeps us seperate w different health plans
Almost forgot this was a joint negotiations, if ramp or any other title group doesn't pass the contract, no contract for any group even if they passed it. So ramp vote no, a loft of bread cost you the same as it cost to stores and AMT's. You should be getting the 6K also.
Almost forgot this was a joint negotiations, if ramp or any other title group doesn't pass the contract, no contract for any group even if they passed it. So ramp vote no, a loft of bread cost you the same as it cost to stores and AMT's. You should be getting the 6K also.
back to where we started at the twu.
The TWU and the IAM had an equal number of negotiators, Yet, you guys with your infinite wisdom, kept changing yours, so there was zero continuity with the TWU negotiators. The IAM had veto power for the first 2 years, then the TWU for the next 2, and so on. So how did you not get an equal voice? Would you guys let us have an equal voice had the TWU been our sole representative? And be honest here. Most of you would have used the LUS guys as stepping stones to get more for yourselves. And I am not saying you would have dfw gen, but you know of those who I am talking about. I do not get the hate aimed at the LUS people, our union did it's job and protected it's members to the best of their ability. The TWU folded like a cheap suit, and that's our fault how?
Like the membership had a say in this. We didn't even vote on the association. All strong arm tactics.
a "perceived" advantage?? you're saying that the compensatory disparity that we all see in this AIP between lus and laa is a 'perception'? what was 2014-2020 for lus..holidays/holiday pay/sk time/cheaper insurance???? a mirage?

you neglected to post what i had stated...what i would demand if a 'no' vote won out.

can we get more? maybe. do i want the fleet money reshuffled? definitely. lus ALREADY had a party for the last 5 1/2 years. the exclusive party is over, time for all to party together...tell us you want their exclusive party to continue for another 5 years.

as far as the rest - to me, sito and garcia have each forfeited their respective positions. one for blatantly denying an equal share offered by the company to the majority of dues-paying assoc. members and the other for malfeasance. let trumka figure it all out.

further - if you were a general in my army, i'd demote you 3 ranks for defeatism and stockholm syndrome. you are now captain NYer.

i know you're smarter than that. i know you don't want to publicly scold the twu where your words may hamper intl. aspirations. no other reason...i know you are argumentative, not sure why you are arguing this.
You say you want fleet money reshuffled and sito and garcia fired. My question to you is are you willing to wait 4 more years for that??

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