a "perceived" advantage?? you're saying that the compensatory disparity that we all see in this AIP between lus and laa is a 'perception'? what was 2014-2020 for lus..holidays/holiday pay/sk time/cheaper insurance???? a mirage?
No it was not a mirage, it was a stand alone agreement between the IAM and USAirways, not AA. You (the TWU) were under a BK agreement because of AA. So the disparity is our fault how?
you neglected to post what i had stated...what i would demand if a 'no' vote won out.
can we get more? maybe. do i want the fleet money reshuffled? definitely. lus ALREADY had a party for the last 5 1/2 years. the exclusive party is over, time for all to party together...tell us you want their exclusive party to continue for another 5 years.
Again, that party had ZERO to do with the Association, it was because of a standalone agreement between USAirways and the IAM, why are you mad about that? You had a BK agreement, we did not. Green with envy because of that?
as far as the rest - to me, sito and garcia have each forfeited their respective positions. one for blatantly denying an equal share offered by the company to the majority of dues-paying assoc. members and the other for malfeasance. let trumka figure it all out.
So you are just mad that the "majority" couldn't steamroll the "minority" for a few pieces of silver. I remember some on here touting the AA insurance as being good. Look LAA would have screwed over the LUS people for holidays and doubletime. LAA didn't make insurance a priority, LUS did. LAA (most anyway) have a perception as being arrogant, entitled pricks. And when they don't get what they want or want what someone else has they whine and cry about it, stomp their feet and hold their breath till they turn blue. Had the whole of the TWU supported the IAM insurance from the start would there have been a different outcome? who knows, the fact is that LAA did not.
further - if you were a general in my army, i'd demote you 3 ranks for defeatism and stockholm syndrome. you are now captain NYer.
You never would have been in my army.
i know you're smarter than that. i know you don't want to publicly scold the twu where your words may hamper intl. aspirations. no other reason...i know you are argumentative, not sure why you are arguing this.