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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Buck all of us who live here are dysfunctional

The worst was NHBB

Some of you newer members may not remember him.
He used to polish Crandalls boots.

the way it was explained to me was if your twu in an iam station your dues and benefits are iam but your dues go to the iam. but the twu represents you. go figure lets **** it up a little more.

Too late!
Its not an ILC when compared to DL. UA. Im a LUS and in my station im not alone in the voting No department on this deal
The retirement part is actually good. Holidays. Good. Vacation improved. But even though money is good. An ILC wld have us above DL n UA

Stay tuned for language on scope. Devil is in details
It's not even a JCBA. It's still plenty of us and them. After four years of negotiations we get this? Why did they wait four years if we didn't even get a JCBA but a closer path to a single operation? We got jerked around all this time and lost potential compensation that was beneficial to the unions, AFL-CIO and the company in cost savings. I hope guys see this for what it was and is today. Let's sign those cards and get rid of the cancerous association once and for all. They take our money and get nothing beneficial in return.

Sign, sign, sign a AMFA CARD!!!
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Just a suggestion, perhaps take one step and not only waiting until after the merger but to see what happens with the mechanics.
Im fleet but my neighbor is an amt at Kennedy hes saying the hangar may be going but so far just a rumor
I’m probably misunderstanding. Are you saying that if the pay was just .01 more you would vote yes? IF so, .....for $20.80 you are a no?
The T/A is designed to keep 2 seperate groups. Pay is ok but not an ILC. DL n UA will go ahead of us in short order.

The Association is pushing for a Yes vote from what we were told yesterday.
While losing deicing may seem like a huge thing, DFW just had 175 full time upgrades, has hired off the street and continues to expand with everyone protected in a station that will more than likely not have a layoff for the 5 year duration. CB is right, the IAM is losing jobs while the TWU is losing deicing (not headcount) in DFW. The IAM insurance will probably be completely gone before the 5 years are up. If the IAM lost their insurance and also those other jobs how do you think they would react? My mind is not made up until I see the full text proposal but to say that TWU fleet lost out is absurd based on the fact sheet that is out...not to mention where the company was on Title II and what was agreed to in to TA. Stores made a killing once again and how many new hires have there been at Tulsa since Olund got there that are also now protected? Read the final draft...and realize what being put on ice would bring us...more years of nothing.
The IAM does not lose headcount either, EVERYONE on payroll at DOS is protected. You keep your 90% insurance until 2025, that is contractual at DOS as well. Just to finish up, most of us who are dissatisfied with some of this agreement, the insurance obviously being the main one, will probably vote yes, and I have no doubt that it's gonna pass either way.
I am with the Association, it's the best you are going to get or the second one will be worst, Brother.

There is an old fable about a Loaf of Bread, but that loaf is stale...
The IAM does not lose headcount either, EVERYONE on payroll at DOS is protected. You keep your 90% insurance until 2025, that is contractual at DOS as well. Just to finish up, most of us who are dissatisfied with some of this agreement, the insurance obviously being the main one, will probably vote yes, and I have no doubt that it's gonna pass either way.
"Vote it in and vote them out"
The IAM does not lose headcount either, EVERYONE on payroll at DOS is protected. You keep your 90% insurance until 2025, that is contractual at DOS as well. Just to finish up, most of us who are dissatisfied with some of this agreement, the insurance obviously being the main one, will probably vote yes, and I have no doubt that it's gonna pass either way.
The point of this whole thing is not whether de icing is only seasonal, or that it doesn't ice frequently. The point is Mr Baskett, or Charlie Brown, or whomever is saying the TWU did not lose anything, and that is wrong. This is basically saying quit your bitching TWU, you didn't lose anything. WRONG
The point of this whole thing is not whether de icing is only seasonal, or that it doesn't ice frequently. The point is Mr Baskett, or Charlie Brown, or whomever is saying the TWU did not lose anything, and that is wrong. This is basically saying quit your bitching TWU, you didn't lose anything. WRONG
This contract is just the iam contract with a few modifications. It makes official that twu members need to know their place in the association.
I'll never understand the mentality of forgoing enhancements because of a perceived advantage by the IAM which they'll have whether you accept a deal or not.

"I don't want the 4.8% raise because the IAM has a cost advantage because of their medical. Vote no!"

AIP defeated.

"Hey, the IAM still has the cost advantage."

"Yeah, but we sent a message about fairness."


a "perceived" advantage?? you're saying that the compensatory disparity that we all see in this AIP between lus and laa is a 'perception'? what was 2014-2020 for lus..holidays/holiday pay/sk time/cheaper insurance???? a mirage?

you neglected to post what i had stated...what i would demand if a 'no' vote won out.

can we get more? maybe. do i want the fleet money reshuffled? definitely. lus ALREADY had a party for the last 5 1/2 years. the exclusive party is over, time for all to party together...tell us you want their exclusive party to continue for another 5 years.

as far as the rest - to me, sito and garcia have each forfeited their respective positions. one for blatantly denying an equal share offered by the company to the majority of dues-paying assoc. members and the other for malfeasance. let trumka figure it all out.

further - if you were a general in my army, i'd demote you 3 ranks for defeatism and stockholm syndrome. you are now captain NYer.

i know you're smarter than that. i know you don't want to publicly scold the twu where your words may hamper intl. aspirations. no other reason...i know you are argumentative, not sure why you are arguing this.
I doubt anyone wants to lose enhancements NYer. It's just plain wrong to have 1 work group with different deals and have them work together. If people thought the TWU were fighting for them and this issue could be addressed then maybe you would see a strong no vote. As it is I think it will pass because of the enhancements and the concern it could take years to get a deal. Maybe the 2 unions should have merged along with the airlines. And to have it take 4 years for this?

c'mon...he already knows all that.
Its not an ILC when compared to DL. UA. Im a LUS and in my station im not alone in the voting No department on this deal
The retirement part is actually good. Holidays. Good. Vacation improved. But even though money is good. An ILC wld have us above DL n UA

Stay tuned for language on scope. Devil is in details

don't forget pax service. they max out at $32/hr this year as their deal ends. they will likely be over $1+/hr ahead of us on their DOS and max out $1+/hr more than us.
Just wanted to throw out some info (if you have not seen it) from Charlie Brown's recent email. This is not the full email, just a couple comments.

"I know many of our TWU brothers and sisters are upset about not getting the IAM insurance. I can assure you coming from the executive team, everyone fought hard to get everyone under the IAM insurance. But the company wouldn't move in the end. And it came to a point that a decision had to be made to put it out for a vote, or to probably be put on ice for a very long time and hold out for something that many had already given up on.

The facts are, while the IAM side did keep their insurance, we did lose some things. For example, we lost our 100% coverage on our insurance. Our 90% can go away on the amenable date of the contract in five years.

Catering while we protected catering in clt & phl, we lost catering in DCA, BWI & PIT. We also lost some front office cargo work in some stations.

The TWU side as far as I know, lost nothing in this agreement. Again, you might not have got everything you wanted. But the fact is you didn't lose anything".

CB, just off the top of my head, I can tell you the TWU lost deicing in DFW which a huge number of employees getting those jobs and the OT that comes with it. I'm not sure how many other stations lost deicing or many other things the TWU lost, but I'm willing to bet when the details come out, maybe it won't be your interpretation but their will be other losses on the TWU side. While you mention the loss of your catering in some stations, you fail to mention you gained cargo in both
LAS and PHX.

Again, you took care of your members, but in doing so and agreeing to bring this back with the insurance disparity you and the whole negotiating committee both the TWU and IAM turned unionism and negotiations upside down. Real unions DO NOT agree to favor one particular member(s) over other member(s) by virtue of providing something both parties don't have access to.
This a complete sham and not unionism at all. The Association has done more to cause division than the company could ever do.

That deicing in dfw used to be aircraft maintenance work until fleet took it away... just a little history lesson for ya there kid...
The point of this whole thing is not whether de icing is only seasonal, or that it doesn't ice frequently. The point is Mr Baskett, or Charlie Brown, or whomever is saying the TWU did not lose anything, and that is wrong. This is basically saying quit your bitching TWU, you didn't lose anything. WRONG

What did the TWU lose because of the association? Not because of 2003 or bankruptcy, but because of the Association?

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