AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Another comment CB made in his email, was this " This has been a very long road. But the good news is, we do have a leading industry contract that we can vote on".

I'm just not sold that is the case, although he is specifically speaking to the IAM and with their insurance, maybe it throws them into that ILC.

By the way can someone tell me if the five new stations are IAM or TWU or both.
I heard BNA, SNA, IAH, MSY, AND I think FLL
Another comment CB made in his email, was this " This has been a very long road. But the good news is, we do have a leading industry contract that we can vote on".

I'm just not sold that is the case, although he is specifically speaking to the IAM and with their insurance, maybe it throws them into that ILC.

By the way can someone tell me if the five new stations are IAM or TWU or both.
Does not seem industry leading. Another problem is transferring to a station that has a different union. That could be messy. We look like the industry leading step child.
Of course I and most of us would have rather seen more at DOS, and it would have been nice to have higher rates in the other years but everyone complained about DL PS so we got that instead.
There are always trade offs and then once it comes out many still complain, it’s still not enough.
This is the same thing I see in professional athletes, how much is enough.
Maybe this isn’t an ILC , but it is an improvement from what we have now and you know what if I’m able to improve my income over the next 5 years , invest my money well then I’m better off.
Seeing those say they will vote no that’s your right but again if someone put 2000 to 5000 more dollars for you on the table would you walk away saying no I wanted 8000 more?
Maybe you would but for me while it’s not perfect it’s still better then the old contract
I would think IAM members are good to go with this deal. It is what it is. A disappointment for TWU members again. I think it can pass with less than half TWU members voting yes. Add to that a total loss of trust in the TWU to do anything for us.
While you mention the loss of your catering in some stations, you fail to mention you gained cargo in both
LAS and PHX.

Depends on how you're defining a gain. LUS has LAX, PHX, and LAS cargo protected in our current contract. At BEST we're only retaining, not gaining. My concern is that the language will be just "running" the cargo or something. In PHX and LAX (don't know about LAX) we do EVERYTHING with the cargo. We run, we accept, we audit...
Oh, and that "gain" for LUS really is a win for TWU. I expect in LAS and probably LAX that most of those positions will go to the more senior LAA people.
I would think IAM members are good to go with this deal. It is what it is. A disappointment for TWU members again. I think it can pass with less than half TWU members voting yes. Add to that a total loss of trust in the TWU to do anything for us.

Well, I'm IAM and the more I think about it I'm more of a no vote. Yesterday another perspective hit me. I've now in my third view of this offer:

First: Doesn't look bad...
Second: Really isn't actually much here except broken promises...
Third: Wait up. WHY IS THIS A CONCESSIONARY CONTRACT?!?!?!?!?! We're supposed to be getting better, not a slight improvement with a lot of givebacks!

TWU keeps saying how opinions don't matter because LAA has the numbers. I agree. We need to get the LAA folks on board to vote no and not jump at the money. This contract isn't a win for either side in FS, it's a win for AA Management. Let's fight the fight that needs to happen not take shots at the Unions.
Depends on how you're defining a gain. LUS has LAX, PHX, and LAS cargo protected in our current contract. At BEST we're only retaining, not gaining. My concern is that the language will be just "running" the cargo or something. In PHX and LAX (don't know about LAX) we do EVERYTHING with the cargo. We run, we accept, we audit...
Oh, and that "gain" for LUS really is a win for TWU. I expect in LAS and probably LAX that most of those positions will go to the more senior LAA people.
necigrad, I was only going by this in the draft: SCOPE AND JOB PROTECTION
Secured cargo work at the following locations: DFW, JFK, LAX, MIA, ORD, PHX and LAS;

The five before PHX and LAS are cargo stations that survived our BK Contract so we are just retaining those and getting nothing back.
And if that's the case with PHX and LAS with you guys, then you are correct, just stations retained and not gained. I was always led to believe LUS didn't have cargo so obviously I was wrong. As for it being a win for the TWU, I guess if more senior folks from the TWU side do head out that way, then in theory you could say that, at least for those few who possibly have the seniority and do it.
I guess if you guys handle Cargo in LAX and it's one of our "5 cornerstone stations", then they will just merge and grow and let seniority decide.
again, with the economics.

the company has billions ready to go for pilots, F/As and passenger service.

passenger service max out is $32/hr and contract ends at end of year. if this iam lus BS passes, we'll be at $32.29 on DOS. do you think passenger service will get a .29 cent DOS raise??

i don't want all assoc. fleet at 3% more than delta fleet, but all on laa insurance. i want all at .1 cent more than delta and lus iam fleet can make up the difference with cheaper insurance.

that's fair.

I'll never understand the mentality of forgoing enhancements because of a perceived advantage by the IAM which they'll have whether you accept a deal or not.

"I don't want the 4.8% raise because the IAM has a cost advantage because of their medical. Vote no!"

AIP defeated.

"Hey, the IAM still has the cost advantage."

"Yeah, but we sent a message about fairness."

As a LUS im a mo vote on the ta. Its in need of fixing
You do realize LUS folks are whistling past the graveyard with the health insurance in this agreement, curious why you would vote know? You do realize the 4% match is another 3k and holidays is like another 2k and the raise with dif is another 4k
I'll never understand the mentality of forgoing enhancements because of a perceived advantage by the IAM which they'll have whether you accept a deal or not.

"I don't want the 4.8% raise because the IAM has a cost advantage because of their medical. Vote no!"

AIP defeated.

"Hey, the IAM still has the cost advantage."

"Yeah, but we sent a message about fairness."

I doubt anyone wants to lose enhancements NYer. It's just plain wrong to have 1 work group with different deals and have them work together. If people thought the TWU were fighting for them and this issue could be addressed then maybe you would see a strong no vote. As it is I think it will pass because of the enhancements and the concern it could take years to get a deal. Maybe the 2 unions should have merged along with the airlines. And to have it take 4 years for this?

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