Just wanted to throw out some info (if you have not seen it) from Charlie Brown's recent email. This is not the full email, just a couple comments.
"I know many of our TWU brothers and sisters are upset about not getting the IAM insurance. I can assure you coming from the executive team, everyone fought hard to get everyone under the IAM insurance. But the company wouldn't move in the end. And it came to a point that a decision had to be made to put it out for a vote, or to probably be put on ice for a very long time and hold out for something that many had already given up on.
The facts are, while the IAM side did keep their insurance, we did lose some things. For example, we lost our 100% coverage on our insurance. Our 90% can go away on the amenable date of the contract in five years.
Catering while we protected catering in clt & phl, we lost catering in DCA, BWI & PIT. We also lost some front office cargo work in some stations.
The TWU side as far as I know, lost nothing in this agreement. Again, you might not have got everything you wanted. But the fact is you didn't lose anything".
CB, just off the top of my head, I can tell you the TWU lost deicing in DFW which a huge number of employees getting those jobs and the OT that comes with it. I'm not sure how many other stations lost deicing or many other things the TWU lost, but I'm willing to bet when the details come out, maybe it won't be your interpretation but their will other losses on the TWU side. While you mention the loss of your catering in some stations, you fail to mention you gained cargo in both
Again, you took care of your members, but in doing so and agreeing to bring this back with the insurance disparity you and the whole negotiating committee both the TWU and IAM turned unionism and negotiations upside down. Real unions DO NOT agree to favor one particular member(s) over other member(s) by virtue of providing something both parties don't have access to.
This a complete sham and not unionism at all. The Association has done more to cause division than the company could ever do.