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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Just wanted to throw out some info (if you have not seen it) from Charlie Brown's recent email. This is not the full email, just a couple comments.

"I know many of our TWU brothers and sisters are upset about not getting the IAM insurance. I can assure you coming from the executive team, everyone fought hard to get everyone under the IAM insurance. But the company wouldn't move in the end. And it came to a point that a decision had to be made to put it out for a vote, or to probably be put on ice for a very long time and hold out for something that many had already given up on.

The facts are, while the IAM side did keep their insurance, we did lose some things. For example, we lost our 100% coverage on our insurance. Our 90% can go away on the amenable date of the contract in five years.

Catering while we protected catering in clt & phl, we lost catering in DCA, BWI & PIT. We also lost some front office cargo work in some stations.

The TWU side as far as I know, lost nothing in this agreement. Again, you might not have got everything you wanted. But the fact is you didn't lose anything".

CB, just off the top of my head, I can tell you the TWU lost deicing in DFW which a huge number of employees getting those jobs and the OT that comes with it. I'm not sure how many other stations lost deicing or many other things the TWU lost, but I'm willing to bet when the details come out, maybe it won't be your interpretation but their will other losses on the TWU side. While you mention the loss of your catering in some stations, you fail to mention you gained cargo in both

Again, you took care of your members, but in doing so and agreeing to bring this back with the insurance disparity you and the whole negotiating committee both the TWU and IAM turned unionism and negotiations upside down. Real unions DO NOT agree to favor one particular member(s) over other member(s) by virtue of providing something both parties don't have access to.
This a complete sham and not unionism at all. The Association has done more to cause division than the company could ever do.
So in reality we don't truly have a 100% JCBA. Four years of negotiations and we still have us and them articles and benefits. Four years of wasted compensation to pretty much get a somewhat better streamline agreement. Is this really a negotiations platform or just adjustments to both union members?
That comment/question doesn't even deserve a dignified reply...move on joke(r)
So you believe it’s a best use of money to maintain equipment and pay out OT for this in which as I said 7 times a year on average.
Damn I’m glad you don’t do my budget
So you believe it’s a best use of money to maintain equipment and pay out OT for this in which as I said 7 times a year on average.
Damn I’m glad you don’t do my budget
Among other duties, you are now AA's spokesperson and head of the budget department. Hey, I tell you what, to help out AA's bottom line since you are so concerned about their budget, tell them you would like to be put on the TWU Healthplan. Sure fire way to save them a few bucks. IGM loud and clear and now you are begging people to vote yes...lol
The economics of the company has changed over these past two years.
With the Max grounding and now the health crisis we can only expect to match our peers
Still however from what I see the overall package is more than the current contract
So from what I see it is an improvement

again, with the economics.

the company has billions ready to go for pilots, F/As and passenger service.

passenger service max out is $32/hr and contract ends at end of year. if this iam lus BS passes, we'll be at $32.29 on DOS. do you think passenger service will get a .29 cent DOS raise??

i don't want all assoc. fleet at 3% more than delta fleet, but all on laa insurance. i want all at .1 cent more than delta and lus iam fleet can make up the difference with cheaper insurance.

that's fair.
again, with the economics.

the company has billions ready to go for pilots, F/As and passenger service.

passenger service max out is $32/hr and contract ends at end of year. if this iam lus BS passes, we'll be at $32.29 on DOS. do you think passenger service will get a .29 cent DOS raise??

i don't want all assoc. fleet at 3% more than delta fleet, but all on laa insurance. i want all at .1 cent more than delta and lus iam fleet can make up the difference with cheaper insurance.

that's fair.

Of course I and most of us would have rather seen more at DOS, and it would have been nice to have higher rates in the other years but everyone complained about DL PS so we got that instead.
There are always trade offs and then once it comes out many still complain, it’s still not enough.
This is the same thing I see in professional athletes, how much is enough.
Maybe this isn’t an ILC , but it is an improvement from what we have now and you know what if I’m able to improve my income over the next 5 years , invest my money well then I’m better off.
Seeing those say they will vote no that’s your right but again if someone put 2000 to 5000 more dollars for you on the table would you walk away saying no I wanted 8000 more?
Maybe you would but for me while it’s not perfect it’s still better then the old contract
Just wanted to throw out some info (if you have not seen it) from Charlie Brown's recent email. This is not the full email, just a couple comments.

"I know many of our TWU brothers and sisters are upset about not getting the IAM insurance. I can assure you coming from the executive team, everyone fought hard to get everyone under the IAM insurance. But the company wouldn't move in the end.

wow, i put that through google translator and got this:

while alex garcia was playing candy crunch on his phone, the iam successfully got the company to reject delta +3% and $3k 'bonus' more for all assoc. fleet members, in exchange for the company giving $80-90 million more over 5 years for medical exclusively to you, you lucky iam members, the backbone of the new aa, lus fleet. don't forget the catering jobs we also saved at voting time.

this whole disgrace will get publicity. parker will look like a bigger fool for overseeing an internal AIP that reeks of favoritism and disparity and the twu will be laughingstocks for incompetence and malfeasance (pax service already is saying we can't get fu(ked like laa ramp).

remember laa, the assoc. told us that lus iam medical cost the company $14 million per year, just a few years ago. with more iam employees, inflation and rising medical costs, let's put the estimate at $18 million per year, going forward. $18 million x 5 years = .1 cent more than delta, no retro and smaller signing bonus for all.

all that is money for lus, not laa.
Of course I and most of us would have rather seen more at DOS, and it would have been nice to have higher rates in the other years but everyone complained about DL PS so we got that instead.


stores, AMTs got much bigger DOS signing raises, bigger signing bonuses...even 'easy hours'....and they also have the delta profit sharing.

we didn't get bigger DOS raises and a bigger bonus because you got to keep your insurance and catering jobs. you'll make up that difference with your insurance and catering jobs...laa won't.

that's the real trade-off.

i told you, it's ok to like or love the AIP. just don't talk to us like we are 7 years old trying to trick us with health scares/economics into liking it with you.
wow, i put that through google translator and got this:

while alex garcia was playing candy crunch on his phone, the iam successfully got the company to reject delta +3% and $3k 'bonus' more for all assoc. fleet members, in exchange for the company giving $80-90 million more over 5 years for medical exclusively to you, you lucky iam members, the backbone of the new aa, lus fleet. don't forget the catering jobs we also saved at voting time.

this whole disgrace will get publicity. parker will look like a bigger fool for overseeing an internal AIP that reeks of favoritism and disparity and the twu will be laughingstocks for incompetence and malfeasance (pax service already is saying we can't get fu(ked like laa ramp).

remember laa, the assoc. told us that lus iam medical cost the company $14 million per year, just a few years ago. with more iam employees, inflation and rising medical costs, let's put the estimate at $18 million per year, going forward. $18 million x 5 years = .1 cent more than delta, no retro and smaller signing bonus for all.

all that is money for lus, not laa.
Another comment CB made in his email, was this " This has been a very long road. But the good news is, we do have a leading industry contract that we can vote on".

I'm just not sold that is the case, although he is specifically speaking to the IAM and with their insurance, maybe it throws them into that ILC.

By the way can someone tell me if the five new stations are IAM or TWU or both.
VO. Spare the economic bs. AA makes billions a yr esp when u factor in A La Carte fees such as buy on board food. Bag fees etc. We cld of had a better TA. As far as deicing. That belongs to the agents. Not outsourced.

that's fair.[/QUOTE]

You realize your talking about the dysfunctional self serving financially greedy association.
Another comment CB made in his email, was this " This has been a very long road. But the good news is, we do have a leading industry contract that we can vote on".

I'm just not sold that is the case, although he is specifically speaking to the IAM and with their insurance, maybe it throws them into that ILC.

By the way can someone tell me if the five new stations are IAM or TWU or both.
IAH was IAM as was DTW. I believe TWU was BNA. Not sure on MSY n SNA
The economics of the company has changed over these past two years.
With the Max grounding and now the health crisis we can only expect to match our peers

too bad thai doctors can't cure the twu:

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai doctors have seen success in treating severe cases of the new coronavirus with combination of medications for flu and HIV, with initial results showing vast improvement 48 hours after applying the treatment, they said on Sunday.

The doctors from Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok said a new approach in coronavirus treatment had improved the condition of several patients under their care, including one 70-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan who tested positive for the coronavirus for 10 days.

The drug treatment includes a mixture of anti-HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir, in combination with flu drug oseltamivir in large doses.

"This is not the cure, but the patient's condition has vastly improved. From testing positive for 10 days under our care, after applying this combination of medicine the test result became negative within 48 hours," Dr. Kriangska Atipornwanich, a lung specialist at Rajavithi, told reporters.

"The outlook is good but we still have to do more study to determine that this can be a standard treatment."

also from jamie baker:

Although American Airlines has limited exposure to the region, its previous earnings guides have “proven uneven,” meaning the virus could come as an unexpected shock, Baker said. He expects the airline will “slightly miss its low end.”

The prices of jet fuel could balance the negative effects of the virus on airline stocks. Prices are down 13¢ a gallon since mid-January, Baker wrote. According to his calculations, each decrease of 10¢ a gallon counteracts a one-point decrease in revenue per available seat per mile over a year.

Fuel costs weigh heavily on airlines’ margins, accounting for 30% of United’s annual expenses as an example.

things will be ok.
Another comment CB made in his email, was this " This has been a very long road. But the good news is, we do have a leading industry contract that we can vote on".

I'm just not sold that is the case, although he is specifically speaking to the IAM and with their insurance, maybe it throws them into that ILC.

By the way can someone tell me if the five new stations are IAM or TWU or both.

he's correct..can anyone argue?

all i can say is if i was in the room, i couldn't do that for the twu at the iam's expense. i was taught shame. i'd be ashamed of what i did to the iam.

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