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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

yes, makes sense. each state is different, some more stringent than others. looks like my state just throws money at everything and everyone.

lots of grumbling and maybe some sore feelings/smart ass comments down the road.
I just came back to work (first day on duty) from taking 30 days off, and walk in to this crap. It's bad enough that someone else recently died on the job. And to hear this news/rumor is unsettling to say the least.

There is supposed to be a briefing after the official earnings report about 3:00 pm where company officers will be taking questions. The will either confirm or deny the Districts announcements about the cuts. They have already cut PT hours to 20 (some PTers had 30 hr lines), and since we are in the epicenter, (and some stay-at-home orders were extended well into the middle or end of May) they have given people people are 3 days on; 4 days off schedules with two paid days. And I heard that we are getting back some of the cargo work that was outsourced (I've a ton of training to do - which I am doing right now - since I have never worked cargo). At least that is a bright spot if they are getting rid of vendors and letting our people do the existing work. (which should have never been given up in the first place)

The questions I have is this:

Why they did not extend and expand the bridge medical offer? The offer is only for a year and a half. (ie: age 63 and a half to 65). A ton of people will want to take that, since this and/or buyouts will cost some upfront money. Unless this is in the works? I don't know.... maybe this costs too much money?

If they are going to cut hours, why 22 hours (when PT are already down to 20) IMHO, it should be 30 instead of 22. The only thing that is different is that half hour lunch which is being paid?) The number just doesn't sound right.....

Will I be able to draw unemployment (to make up for the loss)

The big question is how far down they are going to cut past Sept. 30? Is this action supposed to minimize job loss, ie: less people getting the ax - I hardly doubt it.....? And if things stabilize, will we get back pay for the loss we took? BTW: next year is a contract year........
Seems like there is a bunch of pt cap and what not being mentioned from the new contract as protectors. Do we not think a force majeure will be used to wipe that language away in order to make more part time? All part time?

I wonder if the “compromise” will be 30 hr FT lines and 20 hr. PT ones? I can’t remember if there is a minimum hour requirement for PT under your CBA.

My guess-and that’s all it is- is that UAL want to both keep as many jobs as possible while also stretching out the payroll protection grant money. Delta has cited both of those reasons to us.

I’m happy to see them doing some insourcing! We’ve heard vague mentions of it here and there, but nothing too sweeping. If there’s a silver lining in any of this, it’ll be bringing work back inhouse.
UA announced it will reduce full time to 30 hours a week.
So that means they won’t be eligible for unemployment because 30 hours is considered full time employment.
I hate seeing this going on in what was once the strongest era for the airlines.
Now we are all worried about our jobs our homes and all such things in just 5 months of this BS
I’m one of those folks who is to young to fully benefit from early retirement and too old to be looking for work.
This is a major crisis and it’s just getting started
I pray all can find ways to get through this
If they are going to cut hours, why 22 hours (when PT are already down to 20) IMHO, it should be 30 instead of 22. The only thing that is different is that half hour lunch which is being paid?) The number just doesn't sound right.....

Will I be able to draw unemployment (to make up for the loss)

you say that you're in the epicenter. i'll assume new york. i would think new york is like my state and very generous and liberal when it comes to unemployment insurance.

the PTers i know who had their hours cut - either by 15 hrs to 5 hrs a week, all get the same from unemployment. same states have a minimum of 20 hrs a week for a part time worker.

i don't believe they calculate your loss of hours x wages.

the example here is that a PT worker who earns $33/hr with a 25 hour work week earns $825 a week.

this worker is now on a 15 hour a week schedule. $495 a week.

unemployment insurance will send them $484 (state) + $600 (fed) for a grand total of $1,084 a week in unemployment. add in the $495 from work, nearly $1,600 a week for working 15 hours.

not bad and the exact reason some republican senators were angry about the big stimulus bill.

the system is being gamed, by those who know what they are doing and by those doing it unwittingly.

if they cut your hours, you can't help but file. hopefully, as a full time worker, cutting your hours will make you eligible and deservedly so, for a few reasons. you pay into this and you also had your hours cut by the crisis.

hopefully, it all works out for you and others.
I’m listening to the call with Oscar and Scott.
IAM members will be cut to 30 hours weekly. They are trying to reduce cash burn and the money from the CARES Act isn’t enough. That is the gist, and once the Oct. hits, they will furlough upon the percentage of reduction of traffic demand. More to follow.
you say that you're in the epicenter. i'll assume new york. i would think new york is like my state and very generous and liberal when it comes to unemployment insurance.

the PTers i know who had their hours cut - either by 15 hrs to 5 hrs a week, all get the same from unemployment. same states have a minimum of 20 hrs a week for a part time worker.

i don't believe they calculate your loss of hours x wages.

the example here is that a PT worker who earns $33/hr with a 25 hour work week earns $825 a week.

this worker is now on a 15 hour a week schedule. $495 a week.

unemployment insurance will send them $484 (state) + $600 (fed) for a grand total of $1,084 a week in unemployment. add in the $495 from work, nearly $1,600 a week for working 15 hours.

not bad and the exact reason some republican senators were angry about the big stimulus bill.

the system is being gamed, by those who know what they are doing and by those doing it unwittingly.

if they cut your hours, you can't help but file. hopefully, as a full time worker, cutting your hours will make you eligible and deservedly so, for a few reasons. you pay into this and you also had your hours cut by the crisis.

hopefully, it all works out for you and others.
That's pretty amazing about the part time people collecting that much for unemployment. Sounds absurd actually. Only the government could come up with stuff like this.
I’m listening to the call with Oscar and Scott.
IAM members will be cut to 30 hours weekly. They are trying to reduce cash burn and the money from the CARES Act isn’t enough. That is the gist, and once the Oct. hits, they will furlough upon the percentage of reduction of traffic demand. More to follow.

Did they mention anything about this downgrade being temporary? At DL, our cut runs through 6/30, but we’ve been told to expect it to continue in Jul/Aug.
United. Id expect AA DL n SW to follow suit
It's a monkey see, monkey do industry. I knew our first JCBA would be short lived. 2003 all over again.
The association is going to fold up like a cheap lawn chair. Reducing hours saves union dues. Layoffs stops union dues. You know which route the association is going to go when the day comes.
Did they mention anything about this downgrade being temporary? At DL, our cut runs through 6/30, but we’ve been told to expect it to continue in Jul/Aug.

It wasn't specified, or when it is supposed to be restored. Or if we will get that money back next year. Scott was giving us a grim picture if demand doesn't pick up by 9/30. And they will get a picture of what is going to happen by the middle or end of July to see how traffic will pick up. So I'm thinking this is temp till 9/30 when the CARES Act will be expired. More details of this will be given out on Monday, since the District is trying to fight it. Hopefully, this will be temporary, but people are throwing up speculation that this is done to avoid any bumping rights that the survivors (after 10/1) of this may have since everybody is PT. This and other things will be explained to us on Monday. Since this bomb dropped on a weekend, people (like myself) are still trying to digest all of this, since this affects any 401K contributions; vacation accruals (for next year); sick time accruals; and how this years vacation (which most senior people use the summer months of Jun-Aug to take off). Myself, I have three weeks between now and D-Day. I also have flex days which I haven't used yet as well. Some guys will be using all of their sick time and vacation time, because they may or may not make the cut at D-Day. I'd like to know how this is going to work, since we will probably have to bid again.
United. Id expect AA DL n SW to follow suit

DL has been doing 30 hr weeks for awhile.

It wasn't specified, or when it is supposed to be restored. Or if we will get that money back next year. Scott was giving us a grim picture if demand doesn't pick up by 9/30. And they will get a picture of what is going to happen by the middle or end of July to see how traffic will pick up. So I'm thinking this is temp till 9/30 when the CARES Act will be expired. More details of this will be given out on Monday, since the District is trying to fight it. Hopefully, this will be temporary, but people are throwing up speculation that this is done to avoid any bumping rights that the survivors (after 10/1) of this may have since everybody is PT. This and other things will be explained to us on Monday. Since this bomb dropped on a weekend, people (like myself) are still trying to digest all of this, since this affects any 401K contributions; vacation accruals (for next year); sick time accruals; and how this years vacation (which most senior people use the summer months of Jun-Aug to take off). Myself, I have three weeks between now and D-Day. I also have flex days which I haven't used yet as well. Some guys will be using all of their sick time and vacation time, because they may or may not make the cut at D-Day. I'd like to know how this is going to work, since we will probably have to bid again.

Good info, and thanks. Please keep us posted.

So far, our vacation accruals are intact, but if we take a vacation during this time, we can only use 30 hrs. (The other 10 can be used at another time, apparently). Our income is down, so our 401k contributions and matches are as well.

Our shift bids are now done by a team in ATL. Local mgmt. can finesse them a little bit, but not too much.

Hope you’re feeling better and hang in there!

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