If they are going to cut hours, why 22 hours (when PT are already down to 20) IMHO, it should be 30 instead of 22. The only thing that is different is that half hour lunch which is being paid?) The number just doesn't sound right.....
Will I be able to draw unemployment (to make up for the loss)
you say that you're in the epicenter. i'll assume new york. i would think new york is like my state and very generous and liberal when it comes to unemployment insurance.
the PTers i know who had their hours cut - either by 15 hrs to 5 hrs a week, all get the same from unemployment. same states have a minimum of 20 hrs a week for a part time worker.
i don't believe they calculate your loss of hours x wages.
the example here is that a PT worker who earns $33/hr with a 25 hour work week earns $825 a week.
this worker is now on a 15 hour a week schedule. $495 a week.
unemployment insurance will send them $484 (state) + $600 (fed) for a grand total of $1,084 a week in unemployment. add in the $495 from work, nearly $1,600 a week for working 15 hours.
not bad and the exact reason some republican senators were angry about the big stimulus bill.
the system is being gamed, by those who know what they are doing and by those doing it unwittingly.
if they cut your hours, you can't help but file. hopefully, as a full time worker, cutting your hours will make you eligible and deservedly so, for a few reasons. you pay into this and you also had your hours cut by the crisis.
hopefully, it all works out for you and others.