Just want to clarify something in your post on the outsourcing. Pee.rez had a chance but chose to generalize because he couldn’t make a solid response with the facts.
The 35% outsourcing in the current scope is based on maintenance spend. What exactly goes into the spend column is a moving target and makes it impossible to determine or prove if the corporation ever went over the 35%. Add to that the ASS won’t agree to elevate the grievances to the international level so they stay bogged down at the local level. There are some filed but they are for the most part dead in the water because of the ASS’s stance on not elevating them.
The new scope is 50% of billable hours on airframe only. Let me repeat “airframe only”. They did agree to keep jt8, cfm-5, cfm-7, and one other engine type, cf6 I think it was in house. The jt8’s were on our MD80’s which were parked last September. The cf6 is gone this year so realistically we’re down to 2 engine types in the new scope. The other 5 engine types can be outsourced and not counted against billable hours. So we’re not really looking at 50% outsourcing it’s more like 65% to 75%.