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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

We didn't give anything up. The association did it all in our best interest. So that's how the cookie crumbles.
100% correct!
Since they kept the membership totally in the dark during the entire nego's process, you dam right they own this contract. And yes, THEY gave away the added 30% plus outsourcing not you mechanics. That 50% billable was "agreed" to by the asso. at the table long before the membership had any kind of a clue what that number would be until when? T/A day. Which is when the nego cmte and the exec cmte already "agreed" to the increased outsourcing by right at 33% of an increase to the original 35%. And lets not forget, by tagging it with "billable" hours as well as cost that 50% billable can and will be more than what the membership will be told, just like it was with the 35%. The only thing different is the asso agreed to "allow" the co. to increase outsourcing by 33% more B.H's.
He still won't answer the questions. He knows better.
I am simply holding the asso., as well as any of the nego's to their words of an ILC. Both the asso. and the co. both promised an ILC and they failed to deliver it. The mechanic and related need to hold them accountable for not delivery what they promised. Vote for or against this new contract and then send in the final cards to get this over and done with.
hey swamt I heard United and maybe Delta want some of your wisdom over there in their forums........hint hint
Swamt. You are quick to talk about all of the Ass downfalls. Why don’t you talk about AMFA’s.

like N.W.A. and United. Also all of your attempts to organize at AA. There is a reason you guys haven’t file yet. It’s simple. You don’t have enough cards. The last time you guys blow it and got out played. Why don’t you just do us all a favor after you fail again. JUST GO AWAY.
Oh no, another Johnny come lately newbie. Here we go again. Lol.....
Swamt. You are quick to talk about all of the Ass downfalls. Why don’t you talk about AMFA’s.

like N.W.A. and United. Also all of your attempts to organize at AA. There is a reason you guys haven’t file yet. It’s simple. You don’t have enough cards. The last time you guys blow it and got out played. Why don’t you just do us all a favor after you fail again. JUST GO AWAY.

Wak; There has been plenty of discussion over the yrs as to the short comings of the TWU, and how the IBT has outplayed the AA organizers, and the UAL M&R employees. Being part of the group of mechanics here at AA who have tried to remove the TWU, has been a trying task. Attempting to show the membership here that the TWU is a Biz in itself and is just out for the dues it collects from us all.

SWAMT is just that, an AMT at swa who is trying to help the AA M&R employees to understand that having our own craft union would be better for the M&R group. How many Association members have that much enthusiasm about the the job the TWU or IAM have done in the last 30+ yrs?

I have 40 yrs in the industry and I for one can tell you that most if not all of the negative things that have happened to the mechanics in our industry have started here at AA with the TWU. I have over 20+ yrs here at AA, and I have seen in my time here how the TWU has let the membership down, again and again. We'll getem next time speeches, this is the best it's going to get, ect... The industrial unions are catch all unions out for themselves. You can dislike AMFA for what ever reason you have. My question for you is, are you part of the M&R work group? If Not then your opinion about AMFA does not matter. By Not being part of the Class & craft you would not understand why we want to have a Union that just represents US. If you are part M&R work group then you must be a TWU rep. or if you are from the LUS side an IAM supporter. Did you sign a IBT card to get the vote with the NMB?

You will soon have your Association T/A approved and you'll get what ever it is that effects the group you are part of. So it should not matter who administers it.
You will have your $$$ and the rest of it. All we want is to have a voice, get a vote, let the membership have it's say. TWU, IAM, Assoc., AMFA, or No union.
Then at that point NO member at AA in the M&R work group will be able to whine. the Membership will have spoke. Denying us this choice is a dis-service to you and all of us.
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Just pondering the thought that if the JCBA passes we are suppose to get a signing bonus $3,000 to $6,000 depending on title group. That signing bonus was not in the JCBA. It was agreed upon outside of the JCBA. Now with the financial crises and the airlines asking for govermental financial assistance do you think it will look good in the eyes of the taxpayers that American is handing out signing bonuses?
Company was smart not to include it in the JCBA. Our agreement will pass and the signing bonus will be up in the air. Nothing is automatic and assumable. Let's see what happens but I personally will not be surprised if American will hold back , reduce or eliminate the signing bonus.
Just pondering the thought that if the JCBA passes we are suppose to get a signing bonus $3,000 to $6,000 depending on title group. That signing bonus was not in the JCBA. It was agreed upon outside of the JCBA. Now with the financial crises and the airlines asking for govermental financial assistance do you think it will look good in the eyes of the taxpayers that American is handing out signing bonuses?
Company was smart not to include it in the JCBA. Our agreement will pass and the signing bonus will be up in the air. Nothing is automatic and assumable. Let's see what happens but I personally will not be surprised if American will hold back , reduce or eliminate the signing bonus.
I dont know bout M&R but we fsa were told in briefing last week that it wld be paid out within 45 days following ratification.
I dont know bout M&R but we fsa were told in briefing last week that it wld be paid out within 45 days following ratification.
We were told the same thing in m&r. But we were also told we would vote on the association. Rest assured the company AND the association are in survival mode. Dont put anything past them.
Refrence the medical poison pill.
Refrence that the association only wants a seniority list published every six months.
Refrence in the past the "without further ratification" clause. If the contract doesnt pass....
Refrence the stock option debacle.
Rest assured if the company needs a $6000.00 personal loan the association would be happy to help. Without a vote of course.
To all you "Tards" that hate Elizabeth Warren

I’ve proposed several conditions on any relief money for big companies to ensure it benefits American workers and taxpayers. These companies must:

*Maintain payrolls and use federal funds to keep people working;
*Provide a $15 an hour minimum wage;
*Not engage in stock buybacks permanently;
*Not pay out dividends or executive bonuses while they receive federal funds and for three years thereafter;
*Provide at least one seat to workers on their board of directors — or more if they take bigger bailouts;
*Leave collective bargaining agreements with workers in place;
*Get shareholder and board approval for all political spending; and
*Require that CEOs certify that their companies are complying with these rules and face criminal penalties for filing false
Phrase of the Day.

"Force Majeure" unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract.

Think about that!
hey swamt I heard United and maybe Delta want some of your wisdom over there in their forums........hint hint
Delta didn't need any wisdom as they were the ones that kicked of all the raises for mechanics and related this time around. Last time the big raises came were from AMFA @ NWA. United has already learned their lesson and are still trying to rid themselves of the teamsters representation. And United will simply use their contract language to revisit their wages in Dec. (I think) and re-average them back into the industry with all the raises that came thru since they did their contract. So those two airlines pretty much have it covered and don't need any further guidance.

Swamt. You are quick to talk about all of the Ass downfalls. Why don’t you talk about AMFA’s.

like N.W.A. and United. Also all of your attempts to organize at AA. There is a reason you guys haven’t file yet. It’s simple. You don’t have enough cards. The last time you guys blow it and got out played. Why don’t you just do us all a favor after you fail again. JUST GO AWAY.
You are new here and don't know that I already have and gotten over it since it was decades ago. What you fail to realize in the NWA fiasco is that at least AMFA was and did step up to fight for what was right. AMFA was the first union in aviation to get the mechanics the biggest raises and richest contract in history at NWA. As far as United, well they got duped and double duped by the lying teamsters promising them the world and never providing ONE item they promised them. Now they are regretting ever going with the teamsters too.
I don't need any cards, it's the AA mechs and related that need to keep collecting. They know they don't have enough cards and has admitted as such. But they are pretty sure the rest required will arrive shortly after the contract vote is done, hopefully by sometime this summer.
BTW it's easier talking about all of the ass's downfalls as they have so many of them since they took over representation at AA. Matter fact I don't know of any good or great they have accomplished as of yet and it's been years...

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