100% correct!We didn't give anything up. The association did it all in our best interest. So that's how the cookie crumbles.
Since they kept the membership totally in the dark during the entire nego's process, you dam right they own this contract. And yes, THEY gave away the added 30% plus outsourcing not you mechanics. That 50% billable was "agreed" to by the asso. at the table long before the membership had any kind of a clue what that number would be until when? T/A day. Which is when the nego cmte and the exec cmte already "agreed" to the increased outsourcing by right at 33% of an increase to the original 35%. And lets not forget, by tagging it with "billable" hours as well as cost that 50% billable can and will be more than what the membership will be told, just like it was with the 35%. The only thing different is the asso agreed to "allow" the co. to increase outsourcing by 33% more B.H's.
He still won't answer the questions. He knows better.
I am simply holding the asso., as well as any of the nego's to their words of an ILC. Both the asso. and the co. both promised an ILC and they failed to deliver it. The mechanic and related need to hold them accountable for not delivery what they promised. Vote for or against this new contract and then send in the final cards to get this over and done with.