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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

As some of you may know, the management team of this airline is coming under scrutiny regarding any government bailout because of the massive buybacks they did instead of investing the money into the company.
as they need to. along with the senators that sold stock on inside information.
Phrase of the Day.

"Force Majeure" unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract.

Think about that!
Hopefully with the assistance money coming no airline will have to pull that card out. But, that would entail a short length of downtime. Just hope and pray no one will have to go thru it.
Oh no, another Johnny come lately newbie. Here we go again. Lol.....
It happens. Gotta love the "newbies". Actually they help keeping the topic fresh and the information flowing. Most all newbies never realize we have been discussing numerous unions downfalls as well as their good and great accomplishments, just depends on who is at the top of the topics list that week. Looks like it's be the asso. and AMFA this week as the vote and card drive will continue on this week.
If there are any LAX guys on the forums have y'all heard anything about layoffs coming in September? A friend of mine in LA has heard that if the government gives AA bailout money it would hold off the RIF until September.
If there are any LAX guys on the forums have y'all heard anything about layoffs coming in September? A friend of mine in LA has heard that if the government gives AA bailout money it would hold off the RIF until September.
That has been in the media for a couple days now.
Read the article and stop the drama queen panic postings. Unless we all live in a cave we all know that layoffs is part of working for the airlines in turbulent times. All the airlines are adjusting on a daily basis to maintain operations as conditions warrant. No one really knows what and where things will change. Which stations? Which work group? This is too be expected.

If there are any LAX guys on the forums have y'all heard anything about layoffs coming in September? A friend of mine in LA has heard that if the government gives AA bailout money it would hold off the RIF until September.
I think the government will have to help the airlines in a big way. I think there will be many stipulations put into this bailout with many of them aimed at the poor business practices of the AA mgmt team. They were like kids in a candy store when they got this merger, and proceeded to show they were not up to it. The list of negatives for the politicians to view is quite striking. Stock buy backs, poor labor relations, high debt and a badly handled operation that has AA at the bottom of the quality rankings. The government might even get equity in the company for this. I'm sure their view of AA mgmt has got to be one of disdain. They may even want new mgmt after taking a closer look at AA and what has happened.
I think the government will have to help the airlines in a big way. I think there will be many stipulations put into this bailout with many of them aimed at the poor business practices of the AA mgmt team. They were like kids in a candy store when they got this merger, and proceeded to show they were not up to it. The list of negatives for the politicians to view is quite striking. Stock buy backs, poor labor relations, high debt and a badly handled operation that has AA at the bottom of the quality rankings. The government might even get equity in the company for this. I'm sure their view of AA mgmt has got to be one of disdain. They may even want new mgmt after taking a closer look at AA and what has happened.
I'm hoping that AA's schedule will be up in full force well before Memorial Day Weekend and believe that once this Pandemic gets downgraded, the flying public will be back on aircraft like never before....It has to! People are going "stir crazy" now, can you imagine another 2-4 weeks of this! If passengers don't return by Aug.31st, heaven help us all!
I think the government will have to help the airlines in a big way. I think there will be many stipulations put into this bailout with many of them aimed at the poor business practices of the AA mgmt team. They were like kids in a candy store when they got this merger, and proceeded to show they were not up to it. The list of negatives for the politicians to view is quite striking. Stock buy backs, poor labor relations, high debt and a badly handled operation that has AA at the bottom of the quality rankings. The government might even get equity in the company for this. I'm sure their view of AA mgmt has got to be one of disdain. They may even want new mgmt after taking a closer look at AA and what has happened.
It’s doubtful there will be any stipulation on removing management or CEOs
However they are making it clear the money will be for maintaining the operations as much as possible and for paying the employees
I think the government will have to help the airlines in a big way. I think there will be many stipulations put into this bailout with many of them aimed at the poor business practices of the AA mgmt team. They were like kids in a candy store when they got this merger, and proceeded to show they were not up to it. The list of negatives for the politicians to view is quite striking. Stock buy backs, poor labor relations, high debt and a badly handled operation that has AA at the bottom of the quality rankings. The government might even get equity in the company for this. I'm sure their view of AA mgmt has got to be one of disdain. They may even want new mgmt after taking a closer look at AA and what has happened.
This is not Russia........
Well leave it up to our congress to F up this relief bill.
Just read it’s now stalled because like our association they can’t agree on certain items.
Meanwhile the clock is ticking on if the airlines and other major employers can stay afloat or millions loose their jobs
B6 n SW are slashing flights... B6 only essential flights and WN 1000 cuts a day startin today from an online news i had briefly looked.

UA told Congress n Senate that without aid massive layoffs would start.
I can't help but defend the Association's Scope in this 50% farm out contract.
If there are any LAX guys on the forums have y'all heard anything about layoffs coming in September? A friend of mine in LA has heard that if the government gives AA bailout money it would hold off the RIF until September.

everything is rumor until aa puts a 30 day warning about layoffs. Until then that is a bunch of guys speculating what’s going to happen.
You obviously missed it as I have been discussing the differences as well as "IT's NOT ILC as PROMISED BY THE ASSO" and the co.
Just on pay alone your mechs will be 7% behind us at the end of both our contracts. 401K is NOT IL. Vac, time off etc. There are numerous items NOT IL including medical, retirement, etc... And by the way, your outsourcing amount allowed increased a lot. From the original 35% of billable hours up to 50% billable. Do you wanna continue comparing? I didn't think so. And this is not touching on the outsourcing for the fleet side and other groups. You really don't want to open that can of worms.
And you never did answer the questions; Do you really believe this is an ILC? And will you sell it to the members as such??
Just want to clarify something in your post on the outsourcing. Pee.rez had a chance but chose to generalize because he couldn’t make a solid response with the facts.
The 35% outsourcing in the current scope is based on maintenance spend. What exactly goes into the spend column is a moving target and makes it impossible to determine or prove if the corporation ever went over the 35%. Add to that the ASS won’t agree to elevate the grievances to the international level so they stay bogged down at the local level. There are some filed but they are for the most part dead in the water because of the ASS’s stance on not elevating them.

The new scope is 50% of billable hours on airframe only. Let me repeat “airframe only”. They did agree to keep jt8, cfm-5, cfm-7, and one other engine type, cf6 I think it was in house. The jt8’s were on our MD80’s which were parked last September. The cf6 is gone this year so realistically we’re down to 2 engine types in the new scope. The other 5 engine types can be outsourced and not counted against billable hours. So we’re not really looking at 50% outsourcing it’s more like 65% to 75%.

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