I don't normally comment in this thread... however...
Make no mistake, when you're bleeding $50M per day, playing politics is probably the least of anyone's concerns. I'm not at all surprised by the comment about 757 and 767's being parked.
AA, DL and UA are all going to see serious shrinkage vs. 2019. International traffic isn't expected to return to the same levels, and that will mean parking airplanes regardless of the financial aid.
Without seeing final language and going only off what I've heard secondhand, airlines receiving grants won't be allowed to lay-off employees. The grants don't require the airlines to hire, however, and natural attrition is around 5-8% depending on the workgroup. I'll guess AA sees an average of 400-600 pilot retirements a year due to mandatory age limits (likely higher right now given the number of people hired in the 1985-1989 mega-growth boom), and that's not taking into consideration the early retirement package offered which will take out another 500 or so who were 62 or older. Mechanics are harder to predict because you don't get forced out by age.