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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

your opinion means nothing to me because you are a very unhappy individual and i quit reading your crap on the second line so keep posting your bs so at least i do not have to read the bs. i have known miserable people in my life but no one even compares to you. do not go away mad just go away. thank you

listening to you is like fingernails on a chalkboard do not go away mad just go away
Limited vocabulary? Again, feel free to put me on ignore.

Someone states an opinion you don't agree with you get all butt hurt and whiny.

I am betting you are a Democrat.

Feel free to log off the forums and go find something to be offended at.

You know, sometimes you can have your perspective changed by listening to someone else. Or at the very least you can disagree but gain an understanding about where they are coming from.

Even if you disagree listen anyway so you know how to counteract what you don't like. Know thy enemy.

Or, you can just stick your fingers in your ears and attack people like these juvenile delinquents in ANTIFA.

Grow up.

Be better.
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Yes the AFL-CIO supports the Democrat party, therefore many members under the AFL-CIO are ignorant and hypocritical.

To clarify many at Tulsa claim to be politically conservative only to vote with the union.
That is because the UNION has done a mind job on the membership.

In their minds voting anything but Dumbocrat is treasonous.
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No I don’t trust either the union or the company.
With that said the company is under pressure to reduce cost thanks to this health scare.
And we would not even be in this position had this agreement had not been delayed for so long.
So the union is the one costing us yet again for dragging their feet .
I do believe something is up and that temporary furloughs are coming.
Guess we will see next week, maybe sense they keep pushing this back. It’s beyond ridiculous

It's getting to the point where some wish the negative would happen. It's astounding.

The flights are still full and load factors into April are in the 80% and 90% range. The lower fuel prices will help to offset lower revenues.

No furloughs. This issue would have to get exponentially worse before there's an involuntary impact to jobs.
Dale Danker 3-6-2020 update

Take note of his expressions and demeanor when talking about the "many" contract changes fellas. It starts at the 4:00 mark. He is encouraging you guys to read it several times in order to understand it. This tells me there are some hidden verbage within the details. Still no pay for maint in writing. Wonder if that has changed as well.
The DEVIL will be in the details come T/A day. This Pres. is clearly NOT happy with the one day intimidation voting process. It is clear this is from the IAM and they do not want a big turn out on purpose. This asso. is far, far from being a "membership's" union. It's all about the union itself and the dues. Time for change folks...
I wonder how the TWU line stations are going to cast their votes. Do we all hop on a flight to DFW to vote at the local 591 hall in Colleyville Texas?

I guess Tulsa and DFW will have the biggest turnout since the locals are located there.

So in all seriousness many logistical details need to be worked out so every station and all members will have the opportunity to vote.
Do ya really think the asso (IAM) wants everybody to have an opportunity to vote? They sure the hell don't act like it.
March 7, 2020
Association Concluding JCBA Review
This week, TWU-IAM Association representatives continued the process of reviewing tentatively agreed to Joint Contract language. Late Friday evening, the Executive Committee finalized the remaining documents necessary to put the contracts together for membership review, before ballots are cast.
The work that Association representatives have been engaged in during the last four weeks has been arduous and time consuming but vitally important. We must ensure that every word in these agreements is correct and that nothing has been overlooked, so TWU-IAM members receive documents to review and vote on that reflect the contract that was made by both parties. We will not sacrifice thoroughness for any reason, and we appreciate the patience and support of the entire Association membership during this process.
Over this weekend, our plan is to review the final documents and to authorize the airline to prepare the contracts for printing and distribution. Next week, the Association negotiating committees will be meeting with TWU-IAM representatives on Monday and Tuesday to review the content of the tentative Agreements. The critical agreement covering implementation of some terms of the Agreements remains to be finalized. Once done, the contracts will be complete.
We anticipate the T/A’s will be released online, Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, after completing the review of the agreements with TWU-IAM representatives.
Again, we appreciate your patience and support as we bring this process to conclusion.
Gotta funny feeling they will not like some of the language. More delays and nego's coming???
Take note of his expressions and demeanor when talking about the "many" contract changes fellas. It starts at the 4:00 mark. He is encouraging you guys to read it several times in order to understand it. This tells me there are some hidden verbiage within the details. Still no pay for maint in writing. Wonder if that has changed as well.
The DEVIL will be in the details come T/A day. This Pres. is clearly NOT happy with the one day intimidation voting process. It is clear this is from the IAM and they do not want a big turn out on purpose. This asso. is far, far from being a "membership's" union. It's all about the union itself and the dues. Time for change folks...

SWAMT; I think you are wasting your time here, the AA mechanics in my estimation don't really care. Instead of an overwhelming flood of AMFA cards signed it still has been a struggle at some stations to get them to understand the importance of getting rid of this association. The IGM that is in this industry is a problem I believe the mechanics here at AA both LUS and LAA are just so fed up with the process and disgusted with the past representation of the TWU & IAM nothing less than a complete reboot will help. The station union reps brag how they ran unopposed, thinking that they are doing a great job. They even say if we replace the association they will be back in office. 170 guys here in MIA either did not get a pin# to vote or did not vote and we all know it passed by only a slim margin last time. Even at SWA you did not have overwhelming numbers voting either. No matter what negatives that are in this upcoming contract the $$$$ is all they see. "YES" I get we all work here for the $.

The Association is expecting a low turnout that is just what the AA mechanics will give them. AA is a union shop but, NOT really a Union environment.
Looks as though we are just getting back what we all had yrs ago. Keeping up with the industry keeps AA in the game so they can hire replacements as men/women depart.

You are correct that the Unions are after one thing and that is DUES, it has always been that way here at AA.

Don't get me wrong about the number of cards already signed, but if the AA mechanics on both sides really wanted a change we would of already had the numbers to file. Some time soon our signed cards will be audited by AMFA National. Many have told the Organizers that they will sign cards when this T/A is signed in, The Title 2 guys system wide still don't get it. The disparity between the groups still remains. This is something I believe the Association wants just to keep the Mechanics group infighting.

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