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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

March 7, 2020
Association Concluding JCBA Review
This week, TWU-IAM Association representatives continued the process of reviewing tentatively agreed to Joint Contract language. Late Friday evening, the Executive Committee finalized the remaining documents necessary to put the contracts together for membership review, before ballots are cast.
The work that Association representatives have been engaged in during the last four weeks has been arduous and time consuming but vitally important. We must ensure that every word in these agreements is correct and that nothing has been overlooked, so TWU-IAM members receive documents to review and vote on that reflect the contract that was made by both parties. We will not sacrifice thoroughness for any reason, and we appreciate the patience and support of the entire Association membership during this process.
Over this weekend, our plan is to review the final documents and to authorize the airline to prepare the contracts for printing and distribution. Next week, the Association negotiating committees will be meeting with TWU-IAM representatives on Monday and Tuesday to review the content of the tentative Agreements. The critical agreement covering implementation of some terms of the Agreements remains to be finalized. Once done, the contracts will be complete.
We anticipate the T/A’s will be released online, Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, after completing the review of the agreements with TWU-IAM representatives.
Again, we appreciate your patience and support as we bring this process to conclusion.
And here comes swamt in 3 2 1............
Well it will be interesting how long past Wednesday it gets before they have to modify this update
At this point you can't believe anything the association says in writing. They've been known to put out misleading Information in the past. Unfortunately we have no choice but to believe what we read because that's all we have. Hopefully this time they will do right by the membership. One thing for sure is that once it's finalized it will all be shoved into a two week period to read, decide, ask questions and vote.
What makes you think I am so unhappy just because I believe jobs should be delegated by who is the best fit to accomplish the work (taking into account expertise, experience, and efficiency The three E's) instead of some arbitrary occupational date?

If you stopped reading what I had to say on the second line then what right do you have to respond? My opinion means nothing to you? Fine. Your response means nothing to me because you didn't read what I had to say.

I am not going anywhere. If you don't like it YOU can leave.

It is incomprehensible to you why I don't support the seniority system. It is just as incomprehensible to me to have a system where your hire date is more important than leveraging what you have to contribute to the team.

I also find it incomprehensible how someone can feel so entitled over an arbitrary occupational date they feel they should be able to work a shift that fits their wants instead of what works best to meet the needs of the operation.

I'm not unhappy or hateful but I do call out BS when I see it, and delegating jobs by seniority instead of the three E's is BS.

In the real world you don't have an apprentice with 6 months experience working complex motor controls just because he happens to have less seniority than a journeyman who doesn't want to do it.

Where I work (computer networking) you don't send in someone with 1 year experience to work on a complex design, you send in someone who is experienced and actually knows what the hell they are doing. Otherwise you knock services down. You don't send in the new guy just because your senior people don't want to do it.

If you were a passenger on a jet maintained by people in a third word country (no FAA) would you rather the most qualified person work on the jet or the one who got stuck with the job because he had less seniority?

Delegating jobs by seniority is stupid and should have been done away with long ago.

listening to you is like fingernails on a chalkboard do not go away mad just go away
I understand what's taking long, they are ensuring that I retire...
One day to vote in person? I can't wait to see this contract if they ever finish it. Sounds like they don't want us to vote, and would it matter if we do ? The TWU has basically abandoned their membership. This is so messed up you have to suspect if the Association leadership is selling out all the members of IAM and TWU. What a total farce to treat the membership like this.

The Teamsters at UPS held a contract vote ( non-mechanic ) and because it had a low voter turnout, the union implemented the contract. Everyone should read the their contract.
It is apparent that the Association is now engaged in gerrymandering and voter suppression in order to obtain a desired outcome. Doesn't the AFL-CIO generally support the Democratic party, which is supposed to be fighting the very same issues. 🙁

Yes the AFL-CIO supports the Democrat party, therefore many members under the AFL-CIO are ignorant and hypocritical.
Yes the AFL-CIO supports the Democrat party, therefore many members under the AFL-CIO are ignorant and hypocritical.
I think its more a case of afl cio being out of touch with its membership. Refrence the creation of the association...
I think its more a case of afl cio being out of touch with its membership. Refrence the creation of the association...

To clarify many at Tulsa claim to be politically conservative only to vote with the union.

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