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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Hate to say it but I think the delay on seeing the TA is the company is trying to modify it and is going to blame this BS health crisis
If we don’t see anything by tomorrow you can bet some kinds BS is going on
Why wait until tomorrow for BS?
Its been going on for over four years now. Tomorrow or next week or next month will be no different. The association will just blame the company and the health scare.
Hate to say it but I think the delay on seeing the TA is the company is trying to modify it and is going to blame this BS health crisis
If we don’t see anything by tomorrow you can bet some kinds BS is going on
If thats the case why dont they come out and say it?
No they announced a deal before it was done now they dont know what to do
If you haven’t seen Danker’s video today (update), simply put WTF!
If you are a supporter of the ASS and/or the TWU International, you are not union as you claim. Where are all of you hiding now. Pathetic is an understatement.
One day to vote in person? I can't wait to see this contract if they ever finish it. Sounds like they don't want us to vote, and would it matter if we do ? The TWU has basically abandoned their membership. This is so messed up you have to suspect if the Association leadership is selling out all the members of IAM and TWU. What a total farce to treat the membership like this.
If thats the case why dont they come out and say it?
No they announced a deal before it was done now they dont know what to do
Intentionally done to keep us quiet.
Two major unions on the floor in negotiations and in their amendable phases looks bad from a stockholders and stock price view.
We fell for it. We got suckered again. Labor unrest has always been bad for airlines from a public eye view. Watch the association all of a sudden have a unfinished contract to vote on and say this is it and we will arbitrate the rest.
Dale Danker 3-6-2020 update

just another reason for a new union, delay delay delay, then get 3 days to review and one day to vote, in an industry that is 24/7 with union members with different days off vacation etc.. you would think the largest union at the largest airline that has gone through 17 years of concessions would be treated with some sort of respect from the association that has stayed has taken over membership members by less then honorable ways. I guess the association has not thought of or cared about the perception of the way they do business.
UPDATED: Message from President Dale Danker

After a Conference call with Gary Peterson this evening we were informed that M&R compensation and profit sharing language has been completed. We were told there are a few remaining items that will be finalized this weekend.

Local 514 E-Board will be in Texas to complete the T/A review on Monday and Tuesday next week.That should keep us on schedule for the contract to be available to you by the middle of next week.

It is still my understanding that the vote will take place on March 26th at the Local 514 Union Hall from 6 am until 8 pm. This will be done in paper ballot form, we are still working out the details.

The Local 514 E-Board and myself will be covering the agreement details as much as we can in the days following the distribution of the tentative agreement to help you make the best decision for you and your family.


UPDATED: Message from President Dale Danker

After a Conference call with Gary Peterson this evening we were informed that M&R compensation and profit sharing language has been completed. We were told there are a few remaining items that will be finalized this weekend.

Local 514 E-Board will be in Texas to complete the T/A review on Monday and Tuesday next week.That should keep us on schedule for the contract to be available to you by the middle of next week.

It is still my understanding that the vote will take place on March 26th at the Local 514 Union Hall from 6 am until 8 pm. This will be done in paper ballot form, we are still working out the details.

The Local 514 E-Board and myself will be covering the agreement details as much as we can in the days following the distribution of the tentative agreement to help you make the best decision for you and your family.


I wonder how the TWU line stations are going to cast their votes. Do we all hop on a flight to DFW to vote at the local 591 hall in Colleyville Texas?

I guess Tulsa and DFW will have the biggest turnout since the locals are located there.

So in all seriousness many logistical details need to be worked out so every station and all members will have the opportunity to vote.
You guys might want to stick around for this because I am about to school these fools.

Not me I'm no martyr.

I am far too cynical for that.What's wrong? Don't you like your fellow UNION brothers and sisters?Yes I am a Republican, and it's obvious you are a victim of UNION conditioning. After all one MUST be a Democrat to support UNIONs. Right?

You putting time on the clock is not "paying your dues" it's simply doing your job like every other person working at the airport or maintenance base.Maybe one of these days you will figure out that pensions are a pay as you go system and the people at the end of the line always get screwed. Socialism at it's finest. If you disagree feel free to join the IAM pension fund.
So you admit you DO feel entitled.Cry me a river. You want to put blame on the UNION, the company, the PT'ers. The reason PT CS's is because there exist two conditions. #1 are other part timers looking for hours. #2 are full timers banging out 80 hours a week. I might remind you the 5 year part timer walked into an existing situation, they did not make the situation. If you want to blame someone blame FT who live at work.

If I knew I could CS you are damn right I would put in a transfer to TULE. Thing is I make more money at my current job but life happens and you never know. I would loving nothing more than to have the benefits and another path to income in case I got laid off at my primary job. The UNION gets increased headcount, the company gets more hours at straight time, people who want to pick up hours are able to do so, and people who have other things going on in their life have time for those things. Everybody wins. Well everyone except pissy whiners? You know anyone like that?

Feel free to go stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself how you are "entitled" to stuff.

By the way CS's started as a way to help people who commute control their hours somewhat. Many people still use it that way.

Now for dumb dumb #2

I never had high seniority at American Airlines (12 years) however currently, today, right now, I have the longest tenure in my specific department. I don't feel entitled to or demand shifts, days off, vacation picks, or jobs.

I don't agree with your BS entitlement program so therefore I must be a "management guy" That's rich. Well I can tell you where I work you don't have people sleeping, watching TV, and wiring TV's and PlayStations to their toolbox. Where I work you can't be a parasitic drag on your workmates. You pull that crap you simply get fired. So yes I FAR prefer that system.

I remember when I worked for the airport doing overnight cleaning we had a no show and the crew chief tried to have me do my job and his to. I told him I was not going to do it. Of course the rest of the crew tried to apply peer pressure and bullying tactics to get me to comply but I stood my ground. After I was done I noticed our illustrious leader was not around. I decided to find out what he was up to and found him fast asleep in a truck parked by a 757 on the ramp. I decided to just keep that to myself. After all I am not a vindictive person and did not want to jam the guy up so I just forgot what I saw. Anyway he comes up to me later and throws his hissy fit, again I stood my ground. Eventually he went up and did the work himself. The next day he came and apologized to me and stated he had made a mistake and he misunderstood what he was assigning me and that he agreed he was assigning too much to one person. I just said "OK" at his lame apology and went about my day. So he was all too eager to double tag me with 2 peoples work while his lazy ass went and slept in the truck. I guess he felt "entitled".

I don't put up with that BS.

I never said it did. However there are MANY people who use seniority as a justification to do NOTHING. I saw some truly worthless people in my 12 years at AA. Many times day shift claimed work that was simply not done. Usually on the day the plane goes out, putting afternoons in a position to do our work AND their work to get the plane out on time. We had one lady take overtime hours to help strip a plane, she took off blankets (no pillows) and stated she was done. Apparently she was "entitled" to 4 hours of overtime for removing blankets off the aircraft. She pulled that same routine NUMEROUS times.

You assumed you would get to that point. Sometimes you don't get there. Many people in my shop never got there because they shut the shop down. I don't plan my career on "one day". I am not going to take a screwing for someone else's benefit because "one day".

Basically what you are telling me is you were OK with their entitlement because you knew one day you could be entitled to. Perfect.

There is also the fact you have the least experienced people doing a job not based on the ability to actually do it but because no one else wants it. I mean you have to laugh at the absurdity of it.

What you mean is I need to "get with the program". 1986Mekanic you are a paragon of the effects of UNION conditioning.

It might surprise you to know not all UNIONs are like that.
Limtlok lufa lups....

You sir have no clue. Yes, I'm entitled....

I'm entitled to bid shift, days off, work area, and vacation before folks with less seniority. That's it.

If thats not something you want, then, do a management job.

Really dude, you sound like such a whiner...
Oh... and I don't want to forget that.... since I'm really freaking good at what I do...which comes with having decades of experience....I'm entitled to get the most complex job assignments... which btw doesnt bother me at all. In fact, I like it..

So, take your seniority bashing somewhere else.
Limtlok lufa lups....
What happened did you finally short circuit?

Might want to get some help with your mental disorder.

You sir have no clue. Yes, I'm entitled....
You sound like a typical member of the IGM club.

I'm entitled to bid shift, days off, work area, and vacation before folks with less seniority. That's it.
And that is fine but that is not what CremaDiLimone asked for. He asked for a special shift to REWARD his seniority.

we need more job-specific shifts to reward seniority. that's my opinion.

If thats not something you want, then, do a management job.
No need. I went someplace else that puts value on an employee based on something besides their hire date.

IReally dude, you sound like such a whiner...

I really don't care what you think. Anyone who expects a company to create a shift just to suite there wants based on nothing more than their hire date is a self entitled little ***** with delusions of grandeur.

Oh... and I don't want to forget that.... since I'm really freaking good at what I do...which comes with having decades of experience....I'm entitled to get the most complex job assignments... which btw doesnt bother me at all. In fact, I like it..

So, take your seniority bashing somewhere else.

I am comfortable right here.

Feel free to put me on ignore if I put boo boos on your feelings and you just can't take it.

I think the whole idea of seniority based job bidding is foolish.

Employees should be slotted where they are the best fit to accomplish a task not where the employee finds it convenient.

That is my opinion. You don't have to agree with it but you damn sure are not going to change it.
I wonder how the TWU line stations are going to cast their votes. Do we all hop on a flight to DFW to vote at the local 591 hall in Colleyville Texas?

I guess Tulsa and DFW will have the biggest turnout since the locals are located there.

So in all seriousness many logistical details need to be worked out so every station and all members will have the opportunity to vote.
yes they do. how are the class 2 stations going to get the information they need to make an informed decision? will we be getting a visit from the negotiating committee? Gary Peterson? i doubt we will get any information first hand. where are we going to vote? who is going to run the vote at the small stations? maybe we should call the sito to see how he wants it to go?
What happened did you finally short circuit?

Might want to get some help with your mental disorder.

You sound like a typical member of the IGM club.

And that is fine but that is not what CremaDiLimone asked for. He asked for a special shift to REWARD his seniority.

No need. I went someplace else that puts value on an employee based on something besides their hire date.


I really don't care what you think. Anyone who expects a company to create a shift just to suite there wants based on nothing more than their hire date is a self entitled little ***** with delusions of grandeur.


I am comfortable right here.

Feel free to put me on ignore if I put boo boos on your feelings and you just can't take it.

I think the whole idea of seniority based job bidding is foolish.

Employees should be slotted where they are the best fit to accomplish a task not where the employee finds it convenient.

That is my opinion. You don't have to agree with it but you damn sure are not going to change it.
your opinion means nothing to me because you are a very unhappy individual and i quit reading your crap on the second line so keep posting your bs so at least i do not have to read the bs. i have known miserable people in my life but no one even compares to you. do not go away mad just go away. thank you

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