You guys might want to stick around for this because I am about to school these fools.
Not me I'm no martyr.
I am far too cynical for that.What's wrong? Don't you like your fellow UNION brothers and sisters?Yes I am a Republican, and it's obvious you are a victim of UNION conditioning. After all one MUST be a Democrat to support UNIONs. Right?
You putting time on the clock is not "paying your dues" it's simply doing your job like every other person working at the airport or maintenance base.Maybe one of these days you will figure out that pensions are a pay as you go system and the people at the end of the line always get screwed. Socialism at it's finest. If you disagree feel free to join the IAM pension fund.
So you admit you DO feel entitled.Cry me a river. You want to put blame on the UNION, the company, the PT'ers. The reason PT CS's is because there exist two conditions. #1 are other part timers looking for hours. #2 are full timers banging out 80 hours a week. I might remind you the 5 year part timer walked into an existing situation, they did not make the situation. If you want to blame someone blame FT who live at work.
If I knew I could CS you are damn right I would put in a transfer to TULE. Thing is I make more money at my current job but life happens and you never know. I would loving nothing more than to have the benefits and another path to income in case I got laid off at my primary job. The UNION gets increased headcount, the company gets more hours at straight time, people who want to pick up hours are able to do so, and people who have other things going on in their life have time for those things. Everybody wins. Well everyone except pissy whiners? You know anyone like that?
Feel free to go stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself how you are "entitled" to stuff.
By the way CS's started as a way to help people who commute control their hours somewhat. Many people still use it that way.
Now for dumb dumb #2
I never had high seniority at American Airlines (12 years) however currently, today, right now, I have the longest tenure in my specific department. I don't feel entitled to or demand shifts, days off, vacation picks, or jobs.
I don't agree with your BS entitlement program so therefore I must be a "management guy" That's rich. Well I can tell you where I work you don't have people sleeping, watching TV, and wiring TV's and PlayStations to their toolbox. Where I work you can't be a parasitic drag on your workmates. You pull that crap you simply get fired. So yes I FAR prefer that system.
I remember when I worked for the airport doing overnight cleaning we had a no show and the crew chief tried to have me do my job and his to. I told him I was not going to do it. Of course the rest of the crew tried to apply peer pressure and bullying tactics to get me to comply but I stood my ground. After I was done I noticed our illustrious leader was not around. I decided to find out what he was up to and found him fast asleep in a truck parked by a 757 on the ramp. I decided to just keep that to myself. After all I am not a vindictive person and did not want to jam the guy up so I just forgot what I saw. Anyway he comes up to me later and throws his hissy fit, again I stood my ground. Eventually he went up and did the work himself. The next day he came and apologized to me and stated he had made a mistake and he misunderstood what he was assigning me and that he agreed he was assigning too much to one person. I just said "OK" at his lame apology and went about my day. So he was all too eager to double tag me with 2 peoples work while his lazy ass went and slept in the truck. I guess he felt "entitled".
I don't put up with that BS.
I never said it did. However there are MANY people who use seniority as a justification to do NOTHING. I saw some truly worthless people in my 12 years at AA. Many times day shift claimed work that was simply not done. Usually on the day the plane goes out, putting afternoons in a position to do our work AND their work to get the plane out on time. We had one lady take overtime hours to help strip a plane, she took off blankets (no pillows) and stated she was done. Apparently she was "entitled" to 4 hours of overtime for removing blankets off the aircraft. She pulled that same routine NUMEROUS times.
You assumed you would get to that point. Sometimes you don't get there. Many people in my shop never got there because they shut the shop down. I don't plan my career on "one day". I am not going to take a screwing for someone else's benefit because "one day".
Basically what you are telling me is you were OK with their entitlement because you knew one day you could be entitled to. Perfect.
There is also the fact you have the least experienced people doing a job not based on the ability to actually do it but because no one else wants it. I mean you have to laugh at the absurdity of it.
What you mean is I need to "get with the program". 1986Mekanic you are a paragon of the effects of UNION conditioning.
It might surprise you to know not all UNIONs are like that.