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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Would you want one guy at a hardly used oversize in each city,OR maye another station open OR maybe higher pay for everyone? In your city its a productive job but im sure there is waste you can find,that waste adds up.By the way we did use to cater here but it was outsourced so im not as sympathetic to their plight as i might be
You used to be able to find jobs that were easier for senior guys to work, but after 9/11 they have been wiped out over time. I haven't worked a small station but guys that have told me they get moved around quite a bit . The situation with AA is we have become an airline with poor service.. Last or next to last in about everything. Those numbers say a lot. To look for some job that might be wasteful is a waste of time. Way too many other areas with not enough people to do a decent job. If you just look at the service rankings it says it all.
even better reason to throw them all overboard. two months after an aip is announced and they still dont have their **** together. in 30 years we have never had an "in person vote" we dont even have union halls the pricks took them away and sold them. i cant dump this useless association fast enough. and its coming. they are dragging this **** out before you to the point of no return. hey maybe the company will just enact force majur and equalize us all to the twu standard. wouldn't that be ironic?
Why would they go with the more expensive language??
You used to be able to find jobs that were easier for senior guys to work, but after 9/11 they have been wiped out over time. I haven't worked a small station but guys that have told me they get moved around quite a bit . The situation with AA is we have become an airline with poor service.. Last or next to last in about everything. Those numbers say a lot. To look for some job that might be wasteful is a waste of time. Way too many other areas with not enough people to do a decent job. If you just look at the service rankings it says it all.
Throw your hands up then..i guess
It's quite obvious ain't it. We just ain't that bright over here at the TWU.

That's why the tail is wagging the dog!
The rank and file are fine.Dont say you arent bright you see perfectly well that your leadership bent over....no doubt about that
Never said anything to manager but if the ship is sinking those not useful are going overboard
Who managers?

Because on the UNION side ambition. work ethic, productivity, skill, none of that matters. It is all secondary to your seniority date. In fact many of those that have seniority think they are entitled to come to work and either do very little or absolutely nothing.

we need more job-specific shifts to reward seniority. that's my opinion
Case in point.

I mean really, why should seniority be "rewarded". Do you think you are entitled to a reward just because you have time on the clock? You think the company should give you special deals?

Your "reward" is you are topped out in pay and have more vacation. You get to bid better jobs, better shifts, better days off, and better vacation picks. Not to mention the job protection you get from all the people below you acting as layoff fodder. Seriously.... a reward for your seniority, Jesus Christ...... typical UNION entitlement.

People like you are why I got out of the industry.

I hope you never have to get a job in the "real" world because it is going to be a total shock for you.

"Reward", give me a f'ing break...........
Just heard after the 26th vote It will be in June before contract takes effect..
True or False....
The rank and file are fine.Dont say you arent bright you see perfectly well that your leadership bent over....no doubt about that

Yet we do nothing about it.

Kinda like being a 'battered wife'
So where is the Association and any update/info. I guess they love the rumors that are flying. There really are no words to describe the selfish cowardly ways of this cluster. Anyone who supports this kind of garbage should be ashamed. I have a feeling that many are about to gets some news that will have you livid!
YUP! Welcome to T/A day.
BTW; would you expect any different from this total dysfunctional, abortion, pathetic non professional asso.?
They will have a couple of weeks to read the full text which probably 75% wont do anyway.You have a one day vote,okay i get many people arent used to that but if you can elect a president and congress in one day you shouldnt have a problem.Most people already know how they will vote.Just wondering SWAMT what was the percentage of how many voted on your last contract?although its not a good sample considering you have anout 3k we will have 10X that
Presidential vote is completely different and you know it. And it's not one day. Stop with the misinformation.
Glad you asked about our contract vote %'s. The amount that voted was 96-97% participation. The vote %'s were 96% for 4% against on the last and final offer.
Doesn't matter how many are included, what does matter is the % of participation. Good luck reaching those numbers we had at AA. With only a one day vote, and the intimidation in person vote, you guys will be lucky to have 80% participation.
BTW; what is your point in this question? Or did it just backfire on you?? Wanna keep playing???
even better reason to throw them all overboard. two months after an aip is announced and they still dont have their **** together. in 30 years we have never had an "in person vote" we dont even have union halls the pricks took them away and sold them. i cant dump this useless association fast enough. and its coming. they are dragging this **** out before you to the point of no return. hey maybe the company will just enact force majur and equalize us all to the twu standard. wouldn't that be ironic?
2 Months and they are STILL negotiating the written language. The AIP is just a verbal NOT in writing as it is NOT written yet or even agreed upon about the written language as of yet. This is just freaking pathetic. There is something else going on here. Could it be a delay once again to get deeper into the C-19 issue to allow the co. to "pull back" their offer? IDK, BUT, I also would NOT put it past them--both sides--the co. and the asso...

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