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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

I suspect an airline like Norwegian to likely fail because of this
There is no question rough waters ahead for the industry this year but I believe once this virus wains a bit most will recover.
The news said total loss for all airlines could be 113 billon over this.
Now if the Olympics are canceled then that number will rise.
UA is the official airline for the Olympics so that would be another huge blow to them.
They will have a couple of weeks to read the full text which probably 75% wont do anyway.You have a one day vote,okay i get many people arent used to that but if you can elect a president and congress in one day you shouldnt have a problem.Most people already know how they will vote.Just wondering SWAMT what was the percentage of how many voted on your last contract?although its not a good sample considering you have anout 3k we will have 10X that

You get more than one day for national elections
Yea, and only 3 freakin years, pathetic. Should have been at least 5-10 with a minimum of 3-5 serve prior to being eligible for parole.
That's because the government is more concerned with being PC than protecting the American citizens.

If I had my way I would fry his ass.

Ask the EU how accepting Muslims "refugees" worked out for them.
Buck how many people were hired at Tulsa siince AW management took over?How many were hired say 10 years before that?

I would have to look at the Seniority List. I believe you are indicating that the total workforce has increased?
nothing wrong with that. why not man 2 piers in your bagroom with 1 guy?

we need more job-specific shifts to reward seniority. that's my opinion.

you sound like a company bean-counter. why not get rid of the catering jobs? those sound like retirement homes for older fleet lus in clt/phl.

oversize in my station at intl. does much more than just oversize. very important job. lots of tag-offs, lots of aa bags on other airlines' piers 24 piers away from correct piers.

it's a great job because you work by yourself. quality of work life should be a priority. don't have to work with someone complaining to mngt. that a shift isn't necessary.
Okay how about the fact that you have a contract company putting bags on the jetway shoot and the iam gets them themselves.System wide the contract company costs millions. That is coming out of our pockets
I would have to look at the Seniority List. I believe you are indicating that the total workforce has increased?
Oh i thought they werr hiring a huge amount of people in tuls the likes you haven't seen in years sorry my mistake
He cant swim
even better reason to throw them all overboard. two months after an aip is announced and they still dont have their **** together. in 30 years we have never had an "in person vote" we dont even have union halls the pricks took them away and sold them. i cant dump this useless association fast enough. and its coming. they are dragging this **** out before you to the point of no return. hey maybe the company will just enact force majur and equalize us all to the twu standard. wouldn't that be ironic?

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