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2015 Fleet Service thread

Jester said:
Yes, I completely agree, as I would like to see some "claw back" of outsourced stations back under the scope, and not lose any current ones.  In addition, much of my support will be based upon the language of recall rights, as I think PHX might be on the chopping block. I know many furloughed full-time LAS guys who would like to see preference in full-time openings in their home station under a JCBA instead of it simply being Date-of-Hire system wide, so protective language would be also helpful for those in PHX, as well.
There's nothing we can do in preventing the company on how best to run their operation when it comes to what cities they decide to support and fly to. PHX unfortunately is the city that all the analysts have focused on to maybe be downgraded and have flights shifted away from? Lots of factors can still play into that though? I keep seeing these "no furlough" clauses coming up in new contracts and I think people could be lulling themselves into a false sense of security that that means they won't have to move. Those no furlough clauses only mean that you will be guaranteed a job with exercising a moving option to keep a job somewhere in the system. Some cities may have to take an influx of more people than they really need if the company doesn't offer a buyout to mitigate those numbers? I think in time they will though IMO?

I'd like to see our $12,500 (TWU) special moving allowance be put back in place at least for any damage that may occur when the company makes the changes I'm sure they have on the drawing board for the full merger synergies. The company just paying for someone's move doesn't mitigate all the extra costs that exist especially if someone decides to uproot their entire family. That 8 grand after taxes was a tremendous help.

Anyway for now don't listen to anyone who tells you for a fact that they know what's going to happen. All they're doing is blowing smoke up your arse since our guys haven't even sat down at the table with the company yet. Those people selling the doom and gloom have other agendas. And those agendas have nothing to do with reality or what the truth is eventually going to play out.
Just curious, did the pilots and f/a's give the company DL work rules in exchange for their raises?
As for non union DL having no workrules, I would venture to say that however DL utilizes there ground workers and whatever they outsource, AA would like to mirror them in that regard.
DL's Pilots are unionized and didnt get the raise, they voted down their CBA.
FAs, have no say in the workplace, they are non-union employees at will.
They gave them a raise then lowered the Profit Sharing once again, like they did back in 2012 and, 2013.
MetalMover said:
Just curious, did the pilots and f/a's give the company DL work rules in exchange for their rises?
As for non union DL having no workrules, I would venture to say that however DL utilizes there ground workers and whatever they outsource, AA would like to mirror them in that regard.
From talking to people since DL doesn't report any of this information. It sounds like only about 30% of their ground staff are Full Time and on the great pay scale? If you look at their website for new jobs, all of them are Ready Reserve.

Sure they have more stations where the work is done in house but who cares if the best you can get is $12.00 per hour max with no benefits.

Just no chance in hell our guys are going to agree to that. Zero!!!!!!
700UW said:
DL's Pilots are unionized and didnt get the raise, they voted down their CBA.
FAs, have no say in the workplace, they are non-union employees at will.
They gave them a raise then lowered the Profit Sharing once again, like they did back in 2012 and, 2013.

And personally I believe the now 3% above the top DL rate Parker is selling for not asking for PS is chinzy for the profits I believe this industry is going to make the next 10 years?

I think the original 7% or even more is reasonable.
They even have Ready Reserve Mechanics and Stock Clerks now.
And they even have Delta Global Services (not mainline nor a DL employee) mechanics working at the Maintenance Base at ATL.
And actually the combine AA/US have more ramp stations staffed than DL, DL has 43 the New AA has 50.
700UW said:
DL's Pilots are unionized and didnt get the raise, they voted down their CBA.
FAs, have no say in the workplace, they are non-union employees at will.
They gave them a raise then lowered the Profit Sharing once again, like they did back in 2012 and, 2013.
You do realize I was referring to AA pilots and flight attendants?  DID AA PILOTS AND F/A'S GIVE THE COMPANY DL WORK RULES IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR RAISES?
They did give things back in their JCBA, just like the CWA did.
MetalMover said:
You do realize I was referring to AA pilots and flight attendants?  DID AA PILOTS AND F/A'S GIVE THE COMPANY DL WORK RULES IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR RAISES?

Someone posted on forums the other day a chart that showed DL had the lowest labor costs for the top 4 majors. SWA had the highest by far. But also I don't think that chart took into account the 14.5% raises that the non union groups at DL just got? (Not forgetting their PS was chopped in half and from things I've seen posted their Medical costs are insane)

The AA FA's are also on the hook for that 40 hour qualifier to keep medical benefits which I think starts in 2017.
conehead777 said:
your the one who can't comprehend he was talking bot ha contracts. Your touchy about that pos us air contract that you were on the nc . Show prove what the judge did . I do not beleave your word
US Airways' pact with 8,800 machinists tossed out by bankruptcy court
ARLINGTON, Va. -- A federal bankruptcy judge yesterday threw out US Airways' contracts with its 8,800-member machinists union, putting the troubled carrier one step closer to emerging from its second bankruptcy in two years.
700UW said:
They did give things back in their JCBA, just like the CWA did.
Exactly.......That is why we should all expect to give something up or "lose" something.......I do not believe there will be any benefit concessions, be it vc, holidays, sick time, etc....But I do expect work some rule changes to be on the table. Should we have to give up ANYTHING?   Absolutely not......but we know better...
They even have Ready Reserve Mechanics and Stock Clerks now.
And they even have Delta Global Services (not mainline nor a DL employee) mechanics working at the Maintenance Base at ATL.
And actually the combine AA/US have more ramp stations staffed than DL, DL has 43 the New AA has 50.
Why don't the Delta flight attendants want the iam? I can understand why the ramp doesn't want the iam since the iam supports ready reserve.
Tim is probably right on the health care I can't see them giving  us a "better" health plan even with the Cadillac tax being moved back two years. I say let the R/R pay the $72 maybe that will make them quit.Or perhaps you would like to make it easy for the company to replace you
why would we have to switch to laa healthcare? Didn't the association say that they were going to take the best of both? That would be the worst of both and I doubt any surveys were received where any of us demanded laa healthcare. So, under what basis would our negotiation team betray us?
Who said they didn't want the IAM?

The DOJ is investigating fraud in regards to the cards, and the campaign is still active.

Educate yourself, there was never a vote yet.

Go to the DL forum and read all about it.

There are NO ready reserve at US nor at UA.
WeAAsles said:
Someone posted on forums the other day a chart that showed DL had the lowest labor costs for the top 4 majors. SWA had the highest by far. But also I don't think that chart took into account the 14.5% raises that the non union groups at DL just got? (Not forgetting their PS was chopped in half and from things I've seen posted their Medical costs are insane)

The AA FA's are also on the hook for that 40 hour qualifier to keep medical benefits which I think starts in 2017.
DL will also be instituting unilateral changes to both our Shared Rewards program (pay outs based on operational metrics), and what are called My Delta Rewards, which are paid out at various levels for different things...

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