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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
Do you think because they are separate rooms that they cannot speak to each other? If it is not Fleet directly standing on the coattails, the negotiators do talk to each other, if you think different you are lost. Mutual Concern? They are only there for one reason, to protect the flow of dues to the International's. The mechanic's will be very lucky if the get anywhere near Delta plus 3%. If it does happen Fleet will  be the highest paid of their profession good luck. As for towing the aircraft. I will yield to the Line Stations for their opinion, as I am at TUL. Actually I could care less what Fleet is assigned as long as I am earning what my peer makes within the airline industry. As I have never been under the dark cloud of IAM socialism, I only know what the TWU has produce and it has never been industry leading. One other thing concerning Towing, why should a representative want to work out any deals with the company to take away any work owned by any class or craft. But it must of been ok? After all the mechanics are the minority right? 
You sure you don't mean TULE. I think you mean TULE.
While I agree with you on most of your points, when a Fleet Service Clerk is voted in as president of local 514 it kind of kills your argument. 
What that communicates to me is a serious lack of participation in the voting/election process.
Also I don't want to hear that minority crap. Not after the total lack of support the mechanics showed for Fleet (a minority shop) at TUL/TULE.
By the way who is doing the work Fleet used to do at TULE? Exactly.
Buck said:
Do you think because they are separate rooms that they cannot speak to each other? If it is not Fleet directly standing on the coattails, the negotiators do talk to each other, if you think different you are lost. Mutual Concern? They are only there for one reason, to protect the flow of dues to the International's. The mechanic's will be very lucky if the get anywhere near Delta plus 3%. If it does happen Fleet will  be the highest paid of their profession good luck. As for towing the aircraft. I will yield to the Line Stations for their opinion, as I am at TUL. Actually I could care less what Fleet is assigned as long as I am earning what my peer makes within the airline industry. As I have never been under the dark cloud of IAM socialism, I only know what the TWU has produce and it has never been industry leading. One other thing concerning Towing, why should a representative want to work out any deals with the company to take away any work owned by any class or craft. But it must of been ok? After all the mechanics are the minority right?
The last time I checked my JJ in saber, I'm cualifyed to break ride MD80 737 757 767. Because the AMT didn't want that chore. This was in LAS and ABQ
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You sure you don't mean TULE. I think you mean TULE.
While I agree with you on most of your points, when a Fleet Service Clerk is voted in as president of local 514 it kind of kills your argument. 
What that communicates to me is a serious lack of participation in the voting/election process.
Also I don't want to hear that minority crap. Not after the total lack of support the mechanics showed for Fleet (a minority shop) at TUL/TULE.
By the way who is doing the work Fleet used to do at TULE? Exactly.
Yes, I do mean TULE
The mechanics at TULE have had a difficult time trying to convince other than A&P's to change to a different way of thinking. Some believe that it is out right fear of change.
There is no minority, but there are different types of mechanics as noted in the Contract Book. The majority is Title 1 with fighting amongst themselves.  the serious lack of participation has been alive a very long time.. As for supporting Fleet atTULE it seems that we weren't asked??
The former Fleet jobs are accomplished by Mechanics ( Licensed ) non-Licensed mechanics are working in the interior shops etc.. 
Buck said:
Yes, I do mean TULE
I thought so.
Buck said:
The mechanics at TULE have had a difficult time trying to convince other than A&P's to change to a different way of thinking. Some believe that it is out right fear of change.
I know what you are saying. I worked at TULE for 12 years. I have worked every dock of every hanger there, even hanger 80. I think I have a little bit different perspective about mechanics than most of Fleet because I worked with them side by side every single day. I gave my support to mechanics push for AMFA because I recognize A&P takes a lot of skill in a lot of disciplines, mechanics are held to exacting standards, and they bear legal liability. They deserve to be compensated for that, and I don't feel TWU has done that. I do believe what you say. TWU's only real concern is to keep the dues flowing.
I have heard this topic of discussion play out a hundred times.
The fact is you may feel Fleet is "riding your coattails" but Fleet is made up of working people who work to support their families. No Clerk actively "sticks it to you". They have no more control over the contract than you do. I am not saying your complaints about the TWU are not valid. I am saying that has more to do with what the mechanics have tolerated over the years than it does any Clerk.
Buck said:
As for supporting Fleet at TULE it seems that we weren't asked??
Some of the senior Clerks were offered jobs along with Sam and Debbie (UNION officers at the time). Those jobs were later rescinded (all except 2..... you can guess which 2). A few clerks went to a local 514 meeting to have their say, not only were the mechanics not supportive, they were hostile.
Those Clerks going to that hall that day was the ask.
Buck said:
The former Fleet jobs are accomplished by Mechanics ( Licensed ) non-Licensed mechanics are working in the interior shops etc.. 
I know. The whole situation is pretty ridiculous.
Pulling rugs caused several severe back injuries to Clerks. Be careful.
I have heard some of the mechanics that were so happy to see Fleet shown the door were wishing we were back doing those jobs. I guess they did not anticipate THEY would be doing that work. They got what they wanted but got a lot more labor for their trouble. 
bob@las-AA said:
The last time I checked my JJ in saber, I'm cualifyed to break ride MD80 737 757 767. Because the AMT didn't want that chore. This was in LAS and ABQ
Need a lav dump on gate D4.
bob@las-AA said:
The last time I checked my JJ in saber, I'm cualifyed to break ride MD80 737 757 767. Because the AMT didn't want that chore. This was in LAS and ABQ
I remember that same phrase was used when de-icing was turned over to fleet service.  I never heard any AMTs complaining about de-icing back then.  Just like I don't hear AMTs complaining about getting a mark for doing a brake ride.  Be careful about making statements without really knowing the truth.  There was no internal poll taken with line maintenance AMTs on either giving up de-icing, or allowing clerks to ride brakes.  That was our social engineers in the TWU international selling out the AMTs, and bowing to the company.  Then put it out that the AMTs never wanted the task - sound familiar?  It's the way they have rolled for all of my 30 plus years at the firm.
Vortilon said:
I remember that same phrase was used when de-icing was turned over to fleet service.  I never heard any AMTs complaining about de-icing back then.  Just like I don't hear AMTs complaining about getting a mark for doing a brake ride.  Be careful about making statements without really knowing the truth.  There was no internal poll taken with line maintenance AMTs on either giving up de-icing, or allowing clerks to ride brakes.  That was our social engineers in the TWU international selling out the AMTs, and bowing to the company.  Then put it out that the AMTs never wanted the task - sound familiar?  It's the way they have rolled for all of my 30 plus years at the firm.
Here at LGA on the LUS side there are so few AMTs per shift they really didn't mind having fleet takeover the brake riding.My neighbor is an AMT for AA at JFK and re-positioning is large part of his work day Personally I think any station with MTC the AMTS should do it. I'm not to fond of de-icing either
Kev3188 said:
Do you think acting like that is helpful?
Just exactly how should I be helpful to a guy that thinks its right that he has taken work from another work group, he's proud of it and stands up and shouts it out. And like Vort says, he believes the union/company spin that mechanics didn't want that work.
That work didn't  get moved because it wasn't wanted, it gets moved because it cheaper on the company and it grows bag handler dues income for the union.. The union working with the company perpetuate the myth that mechanics didn't want that work.
Worldport said:
Here at LGA on the LUS side there are so few AMTs per shift they really didn't mind having fleet takeover the brake riding.My neighbor is an AMT for AA at JFK and re-positioning is large part of his work day Personally I think any station with MTC the AMTS should do it. I'm not to fond of de-icing either
Personally even though it would equate to lost man hours for us, I too would like to see the Mechanics gain back the deicicing work.

Since our people have to state that the job was done properly through contact with the Captain that's recorded on the black box, it equates to me that it should be a mechanics responsibility.

Like I've said before I don't want anything that I consider should be their work.
WeAAsles said:
Personally even though it would equate to lost man hours for us, I too would like to see the Mechanics gain back the deicicing work.

Since our people have to state that the job was done properly through contact with the Captain that's recorded on the black box, it equates to me that it should be a mechanics responsibility.

Like I've said before I don't want anything that I consider should be their work.
I want the AMTs to do it because I don't want to be out in the weather
Worldport said:
I want the AMTs to do it because I don't want to be out in the weather
With your seniority you probably could bid a spot working at home?

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