You are no more than a shill for the very people who have hosed you more than anyone. You allow so much stuff blown up your arse. You can't even say how bad that United and Hawaiian contract is, can you? And you would be just fine if the IAM agrees to cash in catering work, right? Or maybe you won't but you won't say or express a damn thing about what would be wrong with that would you? Hopefully, your station has more than 15 flights because I'm hearing the deal is already done with catering [250 jobs] gone and no station below 15 flights, and LAA health care. That would wipe out 12 of our smaller LUS stations [about 300 jobs], and add about 8 other mid stations [increase of 750 jobs] I'm told. IAH, RSW, DTW, etc.You wouldn't say so, but I'd say it would be a shame if catering and the smaller stations survived bankruptcy only to be wiped out by a half baked side deal.The best deal would be NO DEAL for LUS unless we gained. But saying the money is there, but then bill us for LAA medical and whack catering and 12 small stations is a price to high imo.regards,