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2015 AMT Discussion

MetalMover said:
The TWU had a very "special" relationship with the company. The best was where local presidents' salaries were paid for by the company (PMAA)...Just to name one. 
Got it blatant conflict of interest, that was a real insult thus your disdain for the TWU. 
MetalMover said:
Positive space travel for International reps......
And their families business or pleasure utilizing A5 passes. Jim Little several years back flew to Hawaii with his family on vacation. They all flew A5. How sweet of a deal. That got around quick even before the age of the internet got popular. Many were pissed.
1AA said:
And their families business or pleasure utilizing A5 passes. Jim Little several years back flew to Hawaii with his family on vacation. They all flew A5. How sweet of a deal. That got around quick even before the age of the internet got popular. Many were pissed.
That ain't nothing IAM had their own jet. Top that
MetalMover said:
Positive space travel for International reps......
Pension was the Biggie. Not only did International Reps get a Pension from the TWU, with a 2.5 multiplier and cost of living adjustments, paid for by members(us)  but the company also agreed to pay their AA pension at the rates they were getting paid by the TWU. While its not unusual to continue to accrue at the rate they would have earned under the contract getting paid a company pension based on what the Union paid was clearly a conflict of interest. So when a mechanic goes into the International instead of his pension being based on $60k, it could be based on $200k. This worked against us in BK. At first the lawyers were OK with dumping the pension in the PBGC since AA had plenty of cash and mechanics, FS and MLS would all fall well under the $54k cap we would lose nothing more than if they froze it. The Pension would have pretty much covered the ask, however the International guys (and pilots) would have been over the $54k cap, our International and pilots had common ground, prevent the Pension from going PBGC at all costs, because they would lose a lot. Instead of getting a six figure pension they would have maxes at $54k, so all of a sudden we were told that we had to go with freezing the pension and finding other ways to make up the ask. 
Some of that debt that Weaasles talks about is due to AA freezing the pension instead of dumping it. Debt that AA, despite record profits continues to defer and attempts to get extensions on. Debt that no doubt will all of a sudden become a "problem" five years from now when these contracts all become amendable. 
Worldport said:
I don't remember but I think the jet wasn't made in the USA which is a bit ironic
It was built by IAM members
700UW said:
It was built by IAM members
it was paid for by union dues from members it was built by Bombardier Lear jet. I guess you can't comprehend the difference from paying and building. Don't let the facts get in your way.
conehead777 said:
it was paid for by union dues from members it was built by Bombardier Lear jet. I guess you can't comprehend the difference from paying and building. Don't let the facts get in your way.
Did I mention how it was paid for?
Nope, stop with the red herrings.
Lear was an American Company, and its headquarters is in Kansas City.
Now I understand why IAM union dues are higher than the TWU.
A5 passes cost the company virtually nothing. It cost TWU members nothing. This is better than paying for a private jet flying union Fat Cats around on the backs of the IAM members. As bad as the TWU is the IAM is worse. Now they merged as one bad ass Association. Glad we had a vote on this.
Real tired said:
If you like jet aircraft, and want to learn about the private Lear of the IAM, you can study the costs here:
Here's a nice picture and more useful information on OUR jet from OUR dues money:

Point of order: The first site you linked to is operated by Peter List, a notorious "union avoidance consultant."

Just thought it should be noted...

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