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2015 Fleet Service thread

Kev3188 said:
DL will also be instituting unilateral changes to both our Shared Rewards program (pay outs based on operational metrics), and what are called My Delta Rewards, which are paid out at various levels for different things...

Kev a lot of our guys complain about their healthcare costs here at AA. With good reason on what the monthly cost is if you have a wife and children. Have you been able to compare what your costs are in relation to us? Particularly deductibles and prescription medication?

The IAM US way of doing medical is partially subsidized by Part Timers paying double what a Full Timer pays.

Certainly not to paint our company as the bastion of decency but I do believe they will try to find the best plans for everyone in the company? Union and non union alike. Health insurance is a little deceptive since more and more companies are self insured. They can find tricky little ways to pass their costs onto us if someone isn't able to monitor their overall expenditures.

Congress passing to push the Cadillac Tax out to 2020 is one good thing and by then maybe the ACA and its associated health programs will be running smoothly enough to start bringing costs down? Maybe?

America should go socialist on healthcare and if one wants they can buy premier insurance of their own to speed up wait times maybe. But good luck getting past all those POS lobbyists who have us hoodwinked to support the healthcare oligarchs.

Other People said:
why would we have to switch to laa healthcare? Didn't the association say that they were going to take the best of both? That would be the worst of both and I doubt any surveys were received where any of us demanded laa healthcare. So, under what basis would our negotiation team betray us?
WeAAsles said:
Congress passing to push the Cadillac Tax out to 2020 is one good thing and by then maybe the ACA and its associated health programs will be running smoothly enough to start bringing costs down? Maybe?

Ho Ho Ho, dude, thank you for the Christmas laugh!

The ACA was never intended to bring costs down.
You actually bought that?

It's whole design is to remove private insurance from the industry so gubment can then take total control , and it's well on its way.
Have a Merry Obama Christmas, Ho Ho Ho
CMH_GSE said:
Ho Ho Ho, dude, thank you for the Christmas laugh!
The ACA was never intended to bring costs down.
You actually bought that?
It's whole design is to remove private insurance from the industry so gubment can then take total control , and it's well on its way.
Have a Merry Obama Christmas, Ho Ho Ho
Your insurance is subsidized by the company. Bet you wouldn't love the private insurance industry too much if you had to pay the full cost.
Worldport said:
Where's the part where I pay higher taxes?  Where is the part where AA tries to avoid the cadillac tax and gives me a inferior plan?
The POTUS just signed into law a push back on the Cadillac Tax till 2020. It will probably be repealed in the future because it's not popular with both parties, businesses or labor groups.
Kev3188 said:
If the UA agreements were so good, they wouldn't have to be reopening them.

That said, the LUS scope language/letter is fantastic. Keeping that, should be job #1 for your NC...
The company wants something. This is something that Oscar wanted to do after he made his unaccompanied station/hub visits. 
I'm not sure what it is, but the workforce was decimated through the last several rounds of cuts. Morale and productivity was down. They had to do something.
The new management team wants to settle all labor issues. (only the FA's can't get their **** together and the company can only watch) This is one of Oscar's main goals. We are getting bodies back in some places, and some potential hiring off the street.  Plus they (the IAM) are talking to the company trying to restore the wages of the people whose stations took the pay cuts to stay in their station.
My prediction (for labor peace): The strengthening of the present scope with a small increase in pay. And increased medical. And more dues payers. (ie: dues increase).
Only time will tell. This coming year will be interesting.
Merry Christmas!!!
Mgmt. employees performing covered work should only be happening during extreme occasions; permission to regularly do so is not something that should be baked into a CBA...

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