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2015 Fleet Service thread

Tim Nelson said:
btw im hearing the iam is goin to toss out catering scope and eff clt and phl but then bs them all and say they have job protections and will all be absorbed on the ramp. 
Ok Deep Throat, who is your source?

They havent even negotiated and the proposal clearly states keeping catering and expanding it.

Here we go folks, Tim and his red herrings.
Gee just like you were wrong about the things you stated about the last CBA, you were 1000% wrong.
Your track record speaks for itself.
Its all on here Tim, so you cant backtrack like usual.
700UW said:
So how come no one at AA listened to you?
Why did no one at UA listen to you?
Why cant you get elected to District or International office?
Why were you tried, convicted and removed from Office at ORD?
Why did DL 141 fire you?
Why didnt the AGW, FSU or IBEW ever get on the property at US or AA since you were pimping them?
You're such a hypocrite!
700UW said:
Why were you tried, convicted and removed from Office at ORD?
Why did DL 141 fire you?
If they fired him he must have been doing something right.
Zom JFK said:
If they fired him he must have been doing something right.
He was fired for demanding AGC pay for organizing, and his failure to be around when the UA/CO vote happened.
There is a lot more, but I wont post it.

But there are plenty of people who know, ask around.
700UW said:
So how come no one at AA listened to you?
Why did no one at UA listen to you?
Why cant you get elected to District or International office?
Why were you tried, convicted and removed from Office at ORD?
Why did DL 141 fire you?
Why didnt the AGW, FSU or IBEW ever get on the property at US or AA since you were pimping them?
what do I have anything to do with the discussion on the anti union hal contract? I didnt sign that thing so go blame reagon. 
I was a member in bad standing and am still very very proud of that. Even so the iam hired me as a member in bad standing. 
Ive done very good in politics as i always win my home nomination. even this last time i was the only ord ramper on the ballot but smoked all the united ord guys. Im very very proud of that. But im a horrible politician otherwise so i think its better for me to just support others this time.
And if your boy reagon pimps off catering as im hearing and this association sells out as the iam sold out hal then there is a very very big seiu local that really wants UAL ramp bad and I may consider networking twu/iam members with if i have to ear hole the iam once again.
And im not running for office so all the iam officers and organization can go eff themselves as far as im concerned. its been a skank organization and a shill for management.  If the fresh perspective doesnt winthen the iam has no idea what will be headed its way. They eff the wrong peeps. And another union is going to go after ual pce from what i heard.
You have lost EVERY district and international election and caused Karen to get fired.
Worldport said:
HA's TA looks worse then bankruptcy contracts from the past, it is beyond bad. I'll bet it only receives like 90 votes
I bet ready reserve is like a revolving door. Maybe there are only 90 ramp agents working there. The rest are ready reserve or mechanics doing the work. Small airline with a slim profit margin maybe.
700UW said:
You have lost EVERY district and international election and caused Karen to get fired.
which opposition candidate hasnt lost every time in an international or District election over the history of 100 years without having incumbants on a ticket?
The IAM had it good when i was trying to change this asshat union from within and i gave Sito points for the LUS stand alone agreement even though nobody still knows how to handle a grievance. But this BULL S hal agreement got me rearing my head and im goin to ear hole this asshat union if baskett and reagon give up catering and sign a puke agreement. Members are sick and tired of the twu and although i like the Association, Ill turn on a dime on this and give a very very large seiu local a chance.
Talos said:
I bet ready reserve is like a revolving door. Maybe there are only 90 ramp agents working there. The rest are ready reserve or mechanics doing the work. Small airline with a slim profit margin maybe.
It is at DL...

Too bad, too; we invest a lot of time/resources training them, only to lose them to other jobs...
Kev3188 said:
It is at DL...

Too bad, too; we invest a lot of time/resources training them, only to lose them to other jobs...
Yuo know better than me; DL has the attrition rate figured in. They are still saving money
Kev3188 said:
It is at DL...

Too bad, too; we invest a lot of time/resources training them, only to lose them to other jobs...
the iam and stassi has effed up your whole organizing drive. Who in their right mind would vote for the iam over another better union? 
The iam is damaged goods and this hal contract has reminded me how effed up this F'ed up union really is.I was hopeful with Sito but its shameful how horrible the hal ta is. 
Im giving this association one chance but if they F it all up with these absolute idiots then im bringing in a monster seiu local.
Talos said:
I bet ready reserve is like a revolving door. Maybe there are only 90 ramp agents working there. The rest are ready reserve or mechanics doing the work. Small airline with a slim profit margin maybe.
I looked up what HA has made for profit so far this year compared to AA. 144 million profit for HA, 4.329 billion for AA. 144 million would take AA 9 days to make that profit. My thought is not a good comparison. How do you compare ability to pay an employee at Frank's burger stand to McDonalds? Dunno.

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