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2015 Fleet Service thread

bob@las-AA said:
You are a real piece of work!
Actually he's very funny. Your response was even more so.

I was on the receiving end of the Worldport express Bob. It was an experience I'll say that much.
WeAAsles said:
Actually he's very funny. Your response was even more so.

I was on the receiving end of the Worldport express Bob. It was an experience I'll say that much.
And I was holding back. I thought that was considerate of Charlie Brown to offer to answer questions too bad there weren't that many
WeAAsles said:
Actually he's very funny. Your response was even more so.

I was on the receiving end of the Worldport express Bob. It was an experience I'll say that much.
Weaasles why did you post Tim Nelson video I just wasted 11:40 minutes of my life. I think you could have paraphrased it with one word. He was debating himself 
Worldport said:
And I was holding back. I thought that was considerate of Charlie Brown to offer to answer questions too bad there weren't that many
Maybe that's a good sign?
Worldport said:
Weaasles why did you post Tim Nelson video I just wasted 11:40 minutes of my life. I think you could have paraphrased it with one word. He was debating himself
Lol. Very perceptive. You just added something to that experience. A friend of mine has been calling Nelson, Sybill.

He really was debating himself wasn't he.
WeAAsles said:
Lol. Very perceptive. You just added something to that experience. A friend of mine has been calling Nelson, Sybill.

He really was debating himself wasn't he.
 He should have made the video about 2 hours later when he was completely sh!tfaced  at least that would have been entertaining.
charlie Brown said:
We will be in negotiations next week in Dallas. I appreciate everyone's opinion on here, if anyone has anything to ask or say about negotiations then just post. I'll be on today and tomorrow. We also have the week of April 25 th scheduled and 3 weeks in May and 3 weeks in June.
The TWU sent out a notice saying 3 weeks this month, 3 in May and 3 in June.  Did this change, and if it did, why did it change and why no announcement?  Thank you for the work you are doing for us, but the delays are taking a toll on us.
rampramp said:
The TWU sent out a notice saying 3 weeks this month, 3 in May and 3 in June.  Did this change, and if it did, why did it change and why no announcement?  Thank you for the work you are doing for us, but the delays are taking a toll on us.
Not sure if the TWU was talking about fleet or mechanics. But fleet has 2 weeks this month not 3. And then 3 in May, and three in June. Nothing changed with fleet, that's what we had scheduled. And while I know a lot of people are in a hurry, this is considered a aggressive negotiating schedule. Getting the company to schedule 3 weeks a month is pretty much unheard for this management team anyway.
charlie Brown said:
Not sure if the TWU was talking about fleet or mechanics. But fleet has 2 weeks this month not 3. And then 3 in May, and three in June. Nothing changed with fleet, that's what we had scheduled. And while I know a lot of people are in a hurry, this is considered a aggressive negotiating schedule. Getting the company to schedule 3 weeks a month is pretty much unheard for this management team anyway.
Sorry for the confusion.
700UW said:
Every classification is part of a class and craft.
Pilots are one class and craft, Flight Attendants are its own class and craft, Mechanic and Related are its own class and craft and Fleet is its own class and craft.
I see.
The way I was taught growing up skilled labor that do installation and repair are called tradesman. They practice a trade. These would be your welders, electricians, plumbers, and mechanics.
Craftsman were people who practiced an art. Like a sculptor for instance.
I always see mechanics say "my class and craft" and never understood that because in my mind they were tradesman.
I understand why they say that now. It is a government designation, so thanks for that.
700UW said:
And hate to burst you mechanic idol worship, but the Department of Labor classifies Aircraft Mechanics as unskilled labor.
Then every mechanic should attach this to the yoke after every installation, maintenance and repair they do on an aircraft.
"This aircraft has been proudly maintained by unskilled labor, have a nice flight"
I don't agree with the classification of an A&P as unskilled labor. I think it is a result of politics and trying to drive down wages.
I find it funny how an A&P has to know how to do sheet metal, hydraulics, pneumatics, plumbing, electrical, and posses mechanical aptitude (there is a difference between gaining knowledge and actually applying it) and the DoL has the nerve to call them unskilled.
By the way just because I sympathize with someones situation does not mean I idolize them.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I see.
The way I was taught growing up skilled labor that do installation and repair are called tradesman. They practice a trade. These would be your welders, electricians, plumbers, and mechanics.
Craftsman were people who practiced an art. Like a sculptor for instance.
I always see mechanics say "my class and craft" and never understood that because in my mind they were tradesman.
I understand why they say that now. It is a government designation, so thanks for that.

Then every mechanic should attach this to the yoke after every installation, maintenance and repair they do on an aircraft.
"This aircraft has been proudly maintained by unskilled labor, have a nice flight"
I don't agree with the classification of an A&P as unskilled labor. I think it is a result of politics and trying to drive down wages.
I find it funny how an A&P has to know how to do sheet metal, hydraulics, pneumatics, plumbing, electrical, and posses mechanical aptitude (there is a difference between gaining knowledge and actually applying it) and the DoL has the nerve to call them unskilled.
By the way just because I sympathize with someones situation does not mean I idolize them.
Although this is a Fleet thread I will say that last year the Mechanics started a White House petition to try to draw awareness and change that designation with the DOL. I signed that petition for them (Even though I'm a lowly Baggage Handler)

The problem is that the Mechanics as a group are too apathetic to really band together to make the change happen. I know that they could if they put in the fervor and passion to get it done but even on here when they've discussed it, it's the standard line "What's the Union doing about it"

They need to get off their own duffs. Start writing letters, apply pressure, maybe contribute to take out ads in Newspapers and head over to Capital Hill to pressure their Legislative leaders.

That's up to them though. Otherwise they stay classified as unskilled labor just like us on this thread in Fleet.
Skilled labor refers to labor that requires workers who have specialized training or a learned skill-set to perform the work. These workers can be either blue-collar or white-collar workers, with varied levels of training or education.
That sounds like a pretty good definition to me. It also sounds like it applies to an A&P.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Skilled labor refers to labor that requires workers who have specialized training or a learned skill-set to perform the work. These workers can be either blue-collar or white-collar workers, with varied levels of training or education.
That sounds like a pretty good definition to me. It also sounds like it applies to an A&P.
Irrelevant if the DOL continues to classify a group as unskilled labor. It's that designation they need to advocate to change. Otherwise as a whole employers will look to BLS reports to gauge what a person should be compensated in a particular job. And according to BLS the average Aircraft Mechanic makes $24.00 per hour of $48,000 per year. The market sets the rates especially outside of a collective bargaining situation. 

But I think you should bring this conversation over to the Maintenance thread where they will argue and cajole the facts to death without ever lifting a finger to attempt to change them.

Again this is a Fleet thread and the other group makes it a point on here to state that they don't want to talk to any of us or read our opinions if we're not a part of their Country Club.
Every time one of my crew members squeezes 200 bags where only 100 should fit, I tell them just how skilled they are. Unskilled my a**!  
Every time I refuse "Outsourced" mail because the driver got lost bringing the mail, my crew tells me what a skilled leader I am...  🙄

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