2015 Fleet Service thread

Traymark said:
Obviously, your committee has the dispatchers TA in hand and have been examining it.
Will the Mech & related be angling for same language on longevity pay?
If not, why not?

Traymark CB is a Fleet negotiator.

CB a Dispatcher on Forums came on the other day and said in their TA that they got a max longevity of $5.00 per hour for 20 years.

That got some people on forums a little excited to say the least.

And BTW there are only 391 total Dispatchers.
Traymark CB is a Fleet negotiator.
CB a Dispatcher on Forums came on the other day and said in their TA that they got a max longevity of $5.00 per hour for 20 years.
That got some people on forums a little excited to say the least.
And BTW there are only 391 total Dispatchers
Yea. Two totally different work groups.
charlie Brown said:
We will be in negotiations next week in Dallas. I appreciate everyone's opinion on here, if anyone has anything to ask or say about negotiations then just post. I'll be on today and tomorrow. We also have the week of April 25 th scheduled and 3 weeks in May and 3 weeks in June.
In Jetnet, some time ago it explained that any future stock that we may receive, that the government has now changes the law so that we could redirect any awards to our 401k tax deferred. Would our profit sharing check qualify under that same rule?
CB   its my understanding that AA used to outsource ops to the inside folks   US side it was Fleet   just wondering how it may play out for stations similar as mine  whereas our ops does both sides now and have been since last year   Some folks were asking this
bob@las-AA said:
In Jetnet, some time ago it explained that any future stock that we may receive, that the government has now changes the law so that we could redirect any awards to our 401k tax deferred. Would our profit sharing check qualify under that same rule?
Not sure if this has been discussed with the company yet or not. I can find out and let you know. All I can tell you at this time is that it wasn't brought up when the profit sharing was announced to the negotiating team.
robbedagain said:
CB   its my understanding that AA used to outsource ops to the inside folks   US side it was Fleet   just wondering how it may play out for stations similar as mine  whereas our ops does both sides now and have been since last year   Some folks were asking this
Currently ops is considered a fleet position on the LUS side. This will be discussed when we get to the scope article. I can assure you, the negotiating team has no intent of giving up anything as far as jobs go. We will have to see what the company tries to do. Isom reported in his town hall meeting a week or so ago, that the company is not proposing any concessionary articles. IMO, giving up any work that we currently have, would be considered concessionary.
Didn't the NMB rule they are part of the fleet class and craft?

Hey CB good that your back.

Take care of Nelson all ready.
700UW said:
Didn't the NMB rule they are part of the fleet class and craft?
Hey CB good that your back.
Take care of Nelson all ready.
After that last video I think he took care of himself?

I think he may have had a little more than that one icey frosty to quench his thirst.

Jeez Louise that one was out there.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Fleet class and craft?
Fleet is unskilled labor. Since when is it a craft?
Every classification is part of a class and craft.
Pilots are one class and craft, Flight Attendants are its own class and craft, Mechanic and Related are its own class and craft and Fleet is its own class and craft.
And hate to burst you mechanic idol worship, but the Department of Labor classifies Aircraft Mechanics as unskilled labor.
And at PMUS Tower and Operation functions are in the Fleet Service Craft and Class.
charlie Brown said:
We will be in negotiations next week in Dallas. I appreciate everyone's opinion on here, if anyone has anything to ask or say about negotiations then just post. I'll be on today and tomorrow. We also have the week of April 25 th scheduled and 3 weeks in May and 3 weeks in June.
With the new UAL T/A likely to pass will you(we) be going for UAL+3%. It looks like they will  receive the new top out in November.
700UW said:
Every classification is part of a class and craft.
Pilots are one class and craft, Flight Attendants are its own class and craft, Mechanic and Related are its own class and craft and Fleet is its own class and craft.
And hate to burst you mechanic idol worship, but the Department of Labor classifies Aircraft Mechanics as unskilled labor.
And at PMUS Tower and Operation functions are in the Fleet Service Craft and Class.
How do they classify a beat up former electrician and now a junior ramp agent who transfers from city to city looking for acceptance
700UW said:
Every classification is part of a class and craft.
Pilots are one class and craft, Flight Attendants are its own class and craft, Mechanic and Related are its own class and craft and Fleet is its own class and craft.
And hate to burst you mechanic idol worship, but the Department of Labor classifies Aircraft Mechanics as unskilled labor.
And at PMUS Tower and Operation functions are in the Fleet Service Craft and Class.
I kid around with them a lot but when I'm at 30,000 feet I sure hope they are skilled

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