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2015 Fleet Service thread

bob@las-AA said:
I copy, I remember getting bumped and having to got to ABQ, I was #12 from the bottom on the whole list, system wide, so I can be a little optimistic.
I love optimism. But I also love humility.

Catch my drift Bob?
I still hold the belief that the more UA or DL increases in pay before we reach T/A, it will be that many more concessions that Doug will add to the concession pot. And yes, I do think regardless of the concessions, the blind will follow the $$$ and find it hard to turn down.
And by the way Port, I don't watch TV at work and rarely at home. Turn the channel as much as you want!
I don't see that. The UAL improvements have very little concessions attached to them.

Longevity pay. Oooooooo.
Worldport said:
I thought we were at bare bones after bankruptcy, We shall see,but if they are the cause of the delay it sure cost them. There is a lot of us, this isn't chump change. When is DL due again?
Normally this month but they just got there's in January. I "think" Anderson will wait for everyone else to lock in now?

We'll see?
WeAAsles said:
No. I think he'll honor the UAL plus 3 (Or DL plus 3 if they jump in again)

Not about trust. I only trust two people in my life completely. My cousins Tracy and Donna in Boca. That's it.

What I will wonder though is if these rates can be sustained till I walk out the door? I'm thinking maybe this contract and the next and whoever is in charge may be back with their hand out? But by then I should have more than enough to shrug my shoulders if they want to Indian give.
With the raises they are giving out, the CEOs must think it is sustainable. With the pilot shortage looming there unlikely will be any meaningful start ups to throw a wrench in. low cost might be a thing of the past. Nobody can predict the other wrenches out there though
Worldport said:
With the raises they are giving out, the CEOs must think it is sustainable. With the pilot shortage looming there unlikely will be any meaningful start ups to throw a wrench in. low cost might be a thing of the past. Nobody can predict the other wrenches out there though
Nice comment.

And the raises are also a shifting of their tax burdens. I'll take care of that for them happily though.
Damn good point Worldport. I never thought about that one actually.
Some people have to get out of the mindset of concessionary bargaining.
Zom JFK said:
Yeah like the people we have negotiating (allegedly) on our behalf.
They're not in any concessionary mindset. That was drummed out of everyone's mind quickly when the Lawyers and Economists came in and discussed the Airline industry's strong financial future prospects.

It's the members who are the ones having the difficulties in that area because they've conditioned themselves towards the negatives and disappointment.

This is no longer your Daddy's Airline industry.
WeAAsles said:
They're not in any concessionary mindset. That was drummed out of everyone's mind quickly when the Lawyers and Economists came in and discussed the Airline industry's strong financial future prospects.

It's the members who are the ones having the difficulties in that area because they've conditioned themselves towards the negatives and disappointment.

This is no longer your Daddy's Airline industry.
Weaasles saw the DFW crew news Parker reiterated several times DL or UA +3% which ever is higher. I want my money, I don't want to have to wait for the AMTs to settle they have way more issues than us
Worldport said:
Weaasles saw the DFW crew news Parker reiterated several times DL or UA +3% which ever is higher. I want my money, I don't want to have to wait for the AMTs to settle they have way more issues than us
That one's beyond any opinion I would have. But if they were all like the characters they have here on Forums I would agree 100%
WeAAsles said:
That one's beyond any opinion I would have. But if they were all like the characters they have here on Forums I would agree 100%
Its one thing when they come on here and cry it's another when they take money out of our pockets. Look at the new crew news Parker explains how the industry has changed very positive and upbeat now if he would get rid of people like Glass we could move forward but I.ll take the money in the mean time

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