No fine print but Weaasles is right fruit loops and daffy duck you might want to throw in the boat ride from "One flew over the Cuckoo' nest" You know when the boat keeps going in circles700UW said:
No fine print but Weaasles is right fruit loops and daffy duck you might want to throw in the boat ride from "One flew over the Cuckoo' nest" You know when the boat keeps going in circles700UW said:
Actually I did feel a little bit guilty even touching it.bob@las-AA said:Left myself wide open for that one. +1
And Bob@LAS is now Bob@DFW, and yes they are all looking at the $$. Hard not too!Worldport said:Boy that's going to be hard to turn down. That kind money can turn thousands of fleet (especially in the hubs) into Bob@LAS over night. No matter what they tell you, remember it's a secret ballot.
No offence taken.WeAAsles said:Actually I did feel a little bit guilty even touching it.
bob@las-AA said:And Bob@LAS is now Bob@DFW, and yes they are all looking at the $$. Hard not too!
WeAAsles said:Boom, zap?
Hopefully the money is good enough that you wont have to any electrical side jobs (just thinking of the welfare of the DFW Fire Dept)bob@las-AA said:And Bob@LAS is now Bob@DFW, and yes they are all looking at the $$. Hard not too!
I have to agree. We need to keep Bob away from anything that might cause sparks in the future.Worldport said:Hopefully the money is good enough that you wont have to any electrical side jobs (just thinking of the welfare of the DFW Fire Dept)
I copy, I remember getting bumped and having to got to ABQ, I was #12 from the bottom on the whole list, system wide, so I can be a little optimistic.WeAAsles said:You keep throwing out the jump up and down greedy grin too much though Bob in DFW and I'm going to send over a couple of my boys to put sand in your tractor.
Take a chill pill. Remember I had 650 FT below me on Sept 11 and got whacked, so it can happen to you too.
So more than likely UA will pass you don't think Parker will try to get out of UA+3% you've said you don't trust him since your town hall experienceWeAAsles said:I have to agree. We need to keep Bob away from anything that might cause sparks in the future.
I remember reading about the ABQ grid did you do some freelancing for ENRONbob@las-AA said:I copy, I remember getting bumped and having to got to ABQ, I was #12 from the bottom on the whole list, system wide, so I can be a little optimistic.
I still hold the belief that the more UA or DL increases in pay before we reach T/A, it will be that many more concessions that Doug will add to the concession pot. And yes, I do think regardless of the concessions, the blind will follow the $$$ and find it hard to turn down.Worldport said:So more than likely UA will pass you don't think Parker will try to get out of UA+3% you've said you don't trust him since your town hall experience
No. I think he'll honor the UAL plus 3 (Or DL plus 3 if they jump in again)Worldport said:So more than likely UA will pass you don't think Parker will try to get out of UA+3% you've said you don't trust him since your town hall experience
I thought we were at bare bones after bankruptcy, We shall see,but if they are the cause of the delay it sure cost them. There is a lot of us, this isn't chump change. When is DL due again?AANOTOK said:I still hold the belief that the more UA or DL increases in pay before we reach T/A, it will be that many more concessions that Doug will add to the concession pot. And yes, I do think regardless of the concessions, the blind will follow the $$$ and find it hard to turn down.
And by the way Port, I don't watch TV at work and rarely at home. Turn the channel as much as you want!