The Longevity Pay was 02. cents per year (Years 11-15); 03. cents (16-25); 04. cents (25-29); and up to .75 cents after 30 YOS.
So far, I haven't heard a whole lot of bitching, just questions, (in a positive manner). The main questions are what role (if any) does UGS play in all of this. And some clarification to the stations that took the cuts, so they won't be hit again and replaced by UGS. These questions has to be answered to ease concerns.
And questions about any FT / PT ratios was unanswered. A lot of us been thru that, and it decimated a lot of people. That has to be answered as well. People are kind of concerned because many think that is a entire new contract. This is the same agreement we voted on, but limited issues are the ones that are reopened and changed. People must understand, that is why the District highlighted all of the changes that the company agreed on. So people think that is the glossy and shiny highlights. All I can say is read your contract. (which I know most people don't) The many changes, such as the addition and strengthening of scope is what the Union is highlighting.