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2015 Fleet Service thread

  I retired from AA in 2015. If there were a TA with retro....( i think the company would rather give a bonus to save $$ ) would i be included in the retro since i worked for AA in 2015?. My past experience has been that Bonus is for those who are on record to vote so i won't get that but retro may be a different thing.
If you are retired you are not under the contract and you are not entitled to anything except your retirement.
stranded said:
  I retired from AA in 2015. If there were a TA with retro....( i think the company would rather give a bonus to save $$ ) would i be included in the retro since i worked for AA in 2015?. My past experience has been that Bonus is for those who are on record to vote so i won't get that but retro may be a different thing.
You would not be entitled to retro. I have to admit retro would be a pleasant surprise.
700UW said:
If you are retired you are not under the contract and you are not entitled to anything except your retirement.
Do you know that for a fact?. Retro has been the thing of the past in contract negotiations so it hasn't been seen since A.D.....
It may seem to me that $$ earned in a retro situation is $$ earned, unless it is negotiated away with language.
I was under contract and paid dues to the union at the time i was employed. It may be a moot point anyways
since companies don't negotiate retro anymore. I should say unions.........
MetalMover said:
You would not be entitled to retro. I have to admit retro would be a pleasant surprise.
yes it would be .I'd be pretty stunned by that
If there is retro or a signing bonus, it's only for active employees working under the CBA.

And yes I'm sure, do you get to vote on the TA?

No, so there is your answer.
700UW said:
If there is retro or a signing bonus, it's only for active employees working under the CBA.

And yes I'm sure, do you get to vote on the TA?

No, so there is your answer.
Ive been reading some pretty interesting stuff about that !

I left my employer August 4, 2010. The Union was in negotiation for a new contract since March 1, 2010. Subsequently the contract was recently signed but I am no longer employed with the company. There is a 2% raise in the contract...am I entitled to my portion of that raise since I was actively working March 1-August 4, 2010? I was also paying dues up until I separated. Is there a universal law that state's  I cannot receive retro pay for the time I was employed?

I am on the bargaining team for my [public employees'] union.  It is not uncommon to bargain for retroactive pay raises, particularly when the contract is not finalized until after the previous one expired.
The answer to your question will depend on what your union negotiated as part of the contract.  You need to ask them.  I will say, though, that bargaining teams tend not to fight very hard for benefits for people who are no longer union members (for example, people who no longer work there).  They are more likely to conceed a benefit like that (for former union members) than they are to conceed a benefit for current members or retirees. If you are a retiree chances are higher that your Union may have negotiated for you to get this.
You should contact your (former) Union though, and ask whether you are entitled to the back pay for the months when you were still working there.  Only they (or presumably your former employer's HR department) can know what was agreed to when the contract was signed."


That contract has nothing to do with you.

[SIZE=inherit]     Not necessarily.  As an ex-payroll manager for a large city, I have had to pay back increases for terminated union employees in the past.  This can be included in the contract or an MOU. "[/SIZE]
[SIZE=inherit]" [/SIZE]

Re: no

I agree with you PattyPA, I've negotiated many labor contracts that pay retroactive wages and benefits (usually pension contributions) to both current and former employees.


Not going to happen, and never will under Airline CBAs that fall under the RLA, which is totally different than Public Sector Unions which are covered under the NLRA.
Also do you know what language those CBAs contained, probably had something to do with it.
Also ask the TWU folks on here, how those people who took the Early Out and left sued and lost for the equity that was given to current and active employees working under the CBA. 
Worldport said:
Why would they give retro when we still are working under contract?
hence my saying I would be stunned , you saying you would turn one down?
cltrat said:
hence my saying I would be stunned , you saying you would turn one down?
Of course not, but there are people that think we are entitled to it . I don't understand their logic
Worldport said:
Of course not, but there are people that think we are entitled to it . I don't understand their logic
If both the IAM Fleet CBA (LUS) and the TWU AA Fleet CBA are current and not beyond amendable dates retroactive pay is not applicable. Signing bonus maybe, but that would apply only to defined active employees. Both parties would have to agree to the parameters of defining "active". With both contracts current and not beyond amendable dates expecting retro pay is simply illogical. Before everyone starts calculating $$$ I would ask that we take a close look at what the long term cost may be to the collective group. If they want jobs for $$$; I personally, am not interested. $$$ for jobs is not a good collective long term strategy for us. It is the bait the company has used in the past. We must learn from history; not repeat it.  
ograc said:
If both the IAM Fleet CBA (LUS) and the TWU AA Fleet CBA are current and not beyond amendable dates retroactive pay is not applicable. Signing bonus maybe, but that would apply only to defined active employees. Both parties would have to agree to the parameters of defining "active". With both contracts current and not beyond amendable dates expecting retro pay is simply illogical. Before everyone starts calculating $$$ I would ask that we take a close look at what the long term cost may be to the collective group. If they want jobs for $$$; I personally, am not interested. $$$ for jobs is not a good collective long term strategy for us. It is the bait the company has used in the past. We must learn from history; not repeat it.  
It's also illogical to stand up and say to a company executive "give us the money and we'll negotiate the rest later" but somebody asks for that or the 4% at every town hall.
Worldport said:
It's also illogical to stand up and say to a company executive "give us the money and we'll negotiate the rest later" but somebody asks for that or the 4% at every town hall.
I also don't understand how someone could want the same pay and benefits as another airline but are not willing to accept that other airline's workrules
Worldport said:
I also don't understand how someone could want the same pay and benefits as another airline but are not willing to accept that other airline's workrules
Hey now. Please try not to make sense on Forums. There are many who don't know what that is.

But I also would like to see them raise the bar a little and then at least it's a foundation to gaining back some more (items) 5 years from now.

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