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2015 Fleet Service thread

WeAAsles said:
La Li you wanted to go back to school and do something different with your life. I don't. Why are you having a problem accepting that?
I don't have a problem with it. I am just trying to open people's eyes. Remember what happened to those 80 people with "no options except out" or the TWA guys? That could happen to anybody at anytime. You should never assume your job is "secure". The best way to protect yourself is to assume it is NOT secure and prepare.
Everyone on this forum should ask themselves what kind of situation they would be in if they lost their job tomorrow or their station was closed (or their airline was purchased and they were given a date of purchase seniority date). If they DON'T like the answer they should prepare until they DO like the answer, or at least find it acceptable.
I think you are right though, at this point I am beating the proverbial "dead horse".  After witnessing what I have I am passionate about helping people to avoid that situation.
WeAAsles said:
Remember what I said awhile back that you seemed fine with? "We all have our own roads to travel"
That is fine if you are choosing your own path. Most people don't. Most people just settle in for the ride.
WeAAsles said:
I'm satisfied with my job and my road in life. I'll be 51 in May and am not looking for new options for starting over now and am pretty sure I won't have to.
I am glad to hear that. I hope you are right.
WeAAsles said:
And I hope others who aren't there can get there themselves someday.
Me to.
WeAAsles said:
desperately give out a personal warning.
WeAAsles said:
I think that's cool.
Thank you.
WeAAsles said:
But he has to again accept that not everyone is going to see things the same way as he does.
Maybe most don't but, some may have their viewpoint change..... and fast. Mine did.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I don't have a problem with it. I am just trying to open people's eyes. Remember what happened to those 80 people with "no options except out" or the TWA guys? That could happen to anybody at anytime. You should never assume your job is "secure". The best way to protect yourself is to assume it is NOT secure and prepare.
Everyone on this forum should ask themselves what kind of situation they would be in if they lost their job tomorrow or their station was closed (or their airline was purchased and they were given a date of purchase seniority date). If they DON'T like the answer they should prepare until they DO like the answer, or at least find it acceptable.
I think you are right though, at this point I am beating the proverbial "dead horse".  After witnessing what I have I am passionate about helping people to avoid that situation.
That is fine if you are choosing your own path. Most people don't. Most people just settle in for the ride.
I am glad to hear that. I hope you are right.
Me to.
Thank you.
Maybe most don't but, some may have their viewpoint change..... and fast. Mine did.
To put an end to your ongoing fragmented manifesto, you stated, to paraphrase,
"Your 401K are a sham, and your job will disappear, and you should never feel comfortable or secure at American"
I say, your just fear mongering, like our own government dose to the citizens of this great country. And much like what Trump is doing by feeding his own special brand of Kool-Aid to all the poor, maligned, disadvantaged, bellow average IQ lemmings of this country.
Your posts are all noise, to even suggest that the general membership at the TWU/IAM are not in control of their own thought process, and can not make reasonable decisions governing their own well being is in my eyes insulting. Reading snippets of your posts, I get a sense of that it would make you very happy for every one to exit AA/US in mass, on the assumption that the grass is greener on the other side. My sole reason for being here at AA is too ride this potential wave of money coming this way for as long as I can. And if I get cut too early, so be it, its not a death sentence.
Please do not reply or continue on with "the weez." Your sad sob story on how AA/TWU did you wrong is here by over, move on.        
bob@las-AA said:
I say, your just fear mongering,
Say what you will. Did you actually consider what I said or just get defensive about it?
bob@las-AA said:
Your posts are all noise, to even suggest that the general membership at the TWU/IAM are not in control of their own thought process, and can not make reasonable decisions governing their own well being is in my eyes insulting.
Sorry if you feel insulted. I am sure you will get over it.
bob@las-AA said:
I get a sense of that it would make you very happy for every one to exit AA/US in mass, on the assumption that the grass is greener on the other side. 
Weird hours, working holidays, inclement weather, a high percentage of upper seniority with major surgeries, a 9 year top out, dismal vacation and sick time. Why ever would I think the grass is greener on the other side?
bob@las-AA said:
My sole reason for being here at AA is too ride this potential wave of money coming this way for as long as I can. And if I get cut too early, so be it, its not a death sentence.
You came in with a marketable skill, electrician, so you are not who I am talking to.
bob@las-AA said:
Please do not reply or continue on with "the weez."
What is your fascination with "the weez"? Seriously.
bob@las-AA said:
Your sad sob story on how AA/TWU did you wrong is here by over, move on.        
Kev3188 said:
Or maybe they don't care enough about what you wrote to respond?
Nothing personal. Just time to get back on topic. So Kev (opinion) do you think DL will look to raise the bar one more time next month?

Interesting times with this Labor feud it seems like our two companies are engaged in.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Just keep telling yourself that Kev.
La Li. I think it is time for us to move on honestly. We've heard your warnings and at least I said it was appreciated. But I'm continuing forward on the path I started almost 21 years ago now to the end. And I've also told you that overall I'm quite satisfied with the direction I've chosen.

Can you please let us get back to the topic now?
WeAAsles said:
Nothing personal. Just time to get back on topic. So Kev (opinion) do you think DL will look to raise the bar one more time next month?

Interesting times with this Labor feud it seems like our two companies are engaged in.
We'll see what the pilot talks bring; everything flows from that, IMO...
Kev3188 said:
We'll see what the pilot talks bring; everything flows from that, IMO...
So they want to go from an 18% raise and a cut in their PS that they turned down to wanting a 40% raise and no cut to their PS.

Can you honestly guess what I'm thinking?
Enough. Can we get back on topic please? Many visit this forum for meaningful discussion on where we, as a collective group, are headed. Relative contract negotiations issues and updates are what many seek on this forum. The rest is white noise. The rest is seen as divisive by both the union and the company. The company monitors this forum. Have I made myself clear?!
robbedagain said:
after DFW  where do the talks go next..
not sure where but I can tell you we will be getting to the "meat and potatoes" of the negotiations soon. This is when we will see true colors, concerning the company's posture in negotiations.
robbedagain said:
after DFW  where do the talks go next..
According to the maintenance schedule till the end of June they will be negotiating between DFW and DCA.
Thx Orgac n WeAA I figure its close to the hot potatoes n meat. We shall see what happens

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