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2015 Fleet Service thread

You are 24% conservative and 76% liberal, you are a True Progressive!
700UW said:
You are 24% conservative and 76% liberal, you are a True Progressive!
Now you I would have thought would be a 100% libtard.

Just kidding.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
WeAAsles if the president of your local and the chairman of your work group made an under the table deal with management for their own benefit that hurt the membership and other officers of 514, other locals, and the international were notified and turned a blind eye to it how would that make you feel? You think that might shake your confidence of UNIONS generally and TWU specifically?
For all the talk of UNIONism and "standing together" how many of the membership outside of our work group do you think took a stand for their "UNION brother"?
I can tell you for my part, those actions sent a very strong message.
Can you answer the questions.
Humor me.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
WeAAsles if the president of your local and the chairman of your work group made an under the table deal with management for their own benefit that hurt the membership and other officers of 514, other locals, and the international were notified and turned a blind eye to it how would that make you feel? You think that might shake your confidence of UNIONS generally and TWU specifically?
It wouldn't shake my confidence in the slightest. I'm already very used to people voting for the rejects who tell them what they want to hear too often now to be surprised anymore. I take care of myself by trying to educate myself as much as possible that if I ever did get in any serious trouble I'd know how to handle it. Remember La Li I also said that I warned friends of mine not to leave DFW and go there. I knew something big was coming and thought the move they were making was stupid quite frankly. I was right.

To use an analogy. The US and it's Political system are a mess and maybe the laughing stock of the World right now. Should I say that I'm out of here and I don't believe in the idea that the Founding Fathers wrote down? If that's the case I might as well go join ISIS or something. I will NEVER not support Unions, and the TWU (An Acronym) is the one I'm in. What I support is the ideology and absolutely not to mention an "Employment Contract"
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
For all the talk of UNIONism and "standing together" how many of the membership outside of our work group do you think took a stand for their "UNION brother"?
I can tell you for my part, those actions sent a very strong message.

Just before the BK we were going to vote on a contract that gave away Cabin Service. I found out before that vote that losing Cabin would also cost 80 Medically restricted people their jobs systemwide. Unlike others (And you BTW) they were going to have no options. They were going to be OUT period. I took a stand just because of that and was going to vote NO. Had everyone had options I might have considered voting differently but those 80 people stuck in my mind and I didn't feel morally right about doing that to them.

The option I was given under a BK gun gave me no choice. I voted yes. I voted to save those I could and sacrifice the rest. Yes I voted to sacrifice people like yourself to save the one's I could. I chose to save the majority over the minority. And If I'm ever forced to do that again I'll make the same exact choice I made the first time.

I'm sure you're not going to like my answer but you asked.
78% conservative and 22% liberal (surprised I was that Liberal actually).... now where's my Ayn Rand book I am reading for the 20th time?
WeAAsles said:
What I support is the ideology and absolutely not to mention an "Employment Contract"
That is fine. I support that as well.
You and 700UW have both accused me of being antiUNION. You have both said recently I "HATE" UNIONS.
If you want to see the definition of antiUNION look at the leadership that refused to acknowledge a scandal and the membership that showed no support for their coworkers that were victimized by a lie.
I would argue I showed support for my coworkers and tried to put pressure on the TWU leadership to do the right thing. I would argue I was acting more UNION than most of my peers.
I support UNIONS but a UNION is not what I see when I look at the TWU.
WeAAsles said:
 those 80 people stuck in my mind and I didn't feel morally right about doing that to them.
Then we have something in common.
I could not morally stand by and watch my ex-coworkers be victimized and just turn a blind eye to it.
I am glad you felt bad for those 80 people. That shows good character. It is a different experience however when almost EVERYONE you have worked with for the last 12 years has been impacted. It is even worse when 12 of them were victimized by a lie. 
WeAAsles said:
Unlike others (And you BTW) they were going to have no options. They were going to be OUT period.
I don't consider being OUT the same as being out of options. It was no secret that American Airlines has wanted to do away with cabin service for a long time. Knowing that they should have been preparing for that inevitability by retraining for another career. In that sense they had many options and time to follow them to fruition.
There is a price to pay for settling in a high paying job with no marketable job skill. This is a perfect example. This is what I have been trying to communicate to the people on this forum for some time. Though people usually treat me very negatively for my trouble, probably the same people that voted for "the rejects who tell them what they want to hear".
This scenario simply proves my point.
WeAAsles said:
The option I was given under a BK gun gave me no choice. I voted yes. I voted to save those I could and sacrifice the rest. Yes I voted to sacrifice people like yourself to save the one's I could. I chose to save the majority over the minority. And If I'm ever forced to do that again I'll make the same exact choice I made the first time.
Then we have something else in common. Sometimes in life there is no right choice. If you have stood by your convictions and values while making the choice then you should never regret your decisions. 
WeAAsles said:
I'm sure you're not going to like my answer but you asked.
There was nothing wrong with your answer.
WeAAsles said:
You're now making a play on my words because you want me to 100% side with you after I already basically somewhat did. I don't go by just the word of one person even if it was one of my best friends, some who I've known for over 35 years.

If you can't accept as much as I've already given you, I don't know how much more I can say?

Still the possible actions of maybe two A holes is not going to cause me to throw out the baby with the bath water.
I am doing no such thing. That is not "word play". That is my honest assessment of what you were saying to me.
Worldport said:
That's what unionists do even though they know the union is wrong. I've seen life long friends go at each other over union issues. I don't know if its brainwashing or what
I wish I could disagree but I have seen too many examples of exactly what you are saying.
Fleet Service Contract Talks Continue This Week in DFW
March 25, 2016:
Sisters and Brothers,
The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee passed the Company the following proposals this week:
Grievance Procedures – Following multiple passes, which were particularly difficult based on the complexity of language in both agreements, the current counter-proposal has narrowed the differences considerably. We await the Company’s response.
Hours of Work – the Association passed the first proposal to the Company on this article.
Meal Periods – the Association passed this proposal to the company and we are awaiting their response.
Recognition of Rights and Compliance - the Association passed this proposal to the company and are awaiting their response.
Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem - the Association passed this proposal to the company and are awaiting their response.
To date, the Fleet Committee has tentative agreements on the following Articles:
Field Work
System Board of Adjustment
Absence from Duty
No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty
Bulletin Boards
Safety and Health
Purpose of Agreement
The Association received notification regarding the profit sharing announcement moments before it was released. We are still awaiting plan details and will communicate those to the membership once they are received.
The Association continues to make steady progress and will be meeting again next week in DFW; there are an additional nine weeks scheduled with the company.
We thank the membership for its continued support and solidarity as we progress in these joint contract negotiations.
WeAAsles said:
Fleet Service Contract Talks Continue This Week in DFW
March 25, 2016:
Sisters and Brothers,
The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee passed the Company the following proposals this week:
Grievance Procedures – Following multiple passes, which were particularly difficult based on the complexity of language in both agreements, the current counter-proposal has narrowed the differences considerably. We await the Company’s response.
Hours of Work – the Association passed the first proposal to the Company on this article.
Meal Periods – the Association passed this proposal to the company and we are awaiting their response.
Recognition of Rights and Compliance - the Association passed this proposal to the company and are awaiting their response.
Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem - the Association passed this proposal to the company and are awaiting their response.
To date, the Fleet Committee has tentative agreements on the following Articles:
Field Work
System Board of Adjustment
Absence from Duty
No Strike No Lockout
Fitness for Duty
Bulletin Boards
Safety and Health
Purpose of Agreement
The Association received notification regarding the profit sharing announcement moments before it was released. We are still awaiting plan details and will communicate those to the membership once they are received.
The Association continues to make steady progress and will be meeting again next week in DFW; there are an additional nine weeks scheduled with the company.
We thank the membership for its continued support and solidarity as we progress in these joint contract negotiations.
Doesn't look like you will be getting a birthday present Weaasles
Worldport said:
Doesn't look like you will be getting a birthday present Weaasles
Probably not but maybe I can have a nice end of summer Hootinaney?

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