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2015 Fleet Service thread

Worldport said:
A lot of those $10- $14 an hour contractors are union too..... you know. In fact if AA decided to get rid of us the very next day the TWU would try to organize our replacements. I've seen it happen
It may happen with us, if we aren't careful.
I'm kinda leery about the District, and what we would be potentially giving up to get these new "members". 
Bottom line is there should not be ANY givebacks or concessions. 
Haven't we gave enough already?
T5towbar said:
It may happen with us, if we aren't careful.
I'm kinda leery about the District, and what we would be potentially giving up to get these new "members". 
Bottom line is there should not be ANY givebacks or concessions. 
Haven't we gave enough already?
Are you US or AA
T5towbar said:
It may happen with us, if we aren't careful.
I'm kinda leery about the District, and what we would be potentially giving up to get these new "members". 
Bottom line is there should not be ANY givebacks or concessions. 
Haven't we gave enough already?
Never mind
T5towbar said:
It may happen with us, if we aren't careful.
I'm kinda leery about the District, and what we would be potentially giving up to get these new "members". 
Bottom line is there should not be ANY givebacks or concessions. 
Haven't we gave enough already?
To have the same union represent the contract company is B/S. The union doesn't give a rat's behind where they get their dues from.How much of a fight would they put up if they are going to get the dues anyway?I don't want to hear the crap about different locals it is a total conflict of interest. Tell the union to choose between UAL and the contractor if they refuse get another union they are all the same anyway.
WeAAsles said:
Actually I'd like to finish this conversation.
ograc said:
A lot of time and effort put into the credibility of posters on this forum. Rightly so! A continual  and necessary process I suppose. But a distraction from the current issues at hand. Can we move on from personal past axes to grind and focus on what lies ahead?
You want to finish the conversation fine. Let's start here.
ograc that UNION officer happens to be running for president of local 514 now. Do you you feel stupid ....... because you should.
WeAAsles said:
Actually I'd like to finish this conversation. So their were 14 people who were able to secure a Title 2 job and be able to stay in TUL. One of them that was accepted happened to be the then sitting President of Local 514 who was a FSC and not a Title 1 mechanic.
I told you before, all offers were rescinded, all except 2 that is. I thought I made that perfectly clear.
WeAAsles said:
Besides the work experience review were those 14 people chosen by seniority as well? What was Sam Cirris seniority? What was the seniority of Debbie Tiller?
It's funny you should mention work experience. Sam's electronics experience came from military service. Considering his decades long career at American Airlines he has not worked in that capacity for years. I mean, electronics have not changed one bit in 20 years right? RIGHT?
Sam was the only one that qualified (supposedly) for the position he put in for. It is rather convenient that they just happened to have an opening that Sam was uniquely qualified for (again supposedly) the day they shut the shop down (right before Christmas Base Shutdown if IRC, also very convenient). Very convenient indeed.
As far as Tiller, she put in for a painters position that another clerk with more seniority applied to and qualified for. After their scam fell apart, from what I heard, Debbie took an aircraft cleaner job and hid out at the UNION hall on UB until they could run the list again (making her transfer internal and his external). After all we can't have Tiller buffing aircraft can we? That simply would not do.
WeAAsles said:
Are you claiming that they shouldn't have qualified? 
I don't know what American Airlines qualification standards for those positions are. I would think decades later his electronics expertise would be questionable at best. Anyone hiring for an electronic tech position in the real world would place that resume in file 13 if the most recent experience was over 20 years ago.
WeAAsles said:
Did you also put in a transfer and didn't get it? You said that you didn't have that much time with the company at the time you were laid off. Is that why you didn't get a spot? You have railed against the seniority way of doing things before so I have to ask. Were you just not senior enough to secure a Title 2 spot at that moment?
Bravo. That is a nice tactic of public manipulation on your part WeAAsles, trying to paint me as an agitator due to sour grapes. The fact is I had no intentions or interest in staying with the company. I had no transfers in. My goal was to collect my severance, finish school, and start a new career and that is exactly what I did. Better luck next time.
"La Li Lu Le Lo" What do you hope to gain from this? Because karma has a bad habit of coming back and biteing one's backside.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Fine with me. I said my piece. I really have nothing further to say on the subject.
WeAAsles said:
Actually I'd like to finish this conversation.
bob@las-AA said:
"La Li Lu Le Lo" What do you hope to gain from this? Because karma has a bad habit of coming back and biteing one's backside.
I stated I had nothing else to say on the matter and was requested to continue the conversation. I was willing to drop it then and there.
Are you implying I have bad karma coming? I am not the one who lied and manipulated people to my own ends that voted for me to represent them.
Would you please explain your karma comment?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I told you before, all offers were rescinded, all except 2 that is. I thought I made that perfectly clear.

It's funny you should mention work experience. Sam's electronics experience came from military service. Considering his decades long career at American Airlines he has not worked in that capacity for years. I mean, electronics have not changed one bit in 20 years right? RIGHT?
Sam was the only one that qualified (supposedly) for the position he put in for. It is rather convenient that they just happened to have an opening that Sam was uniquely qualified for (again supposedly) the day they shut the shop down (right before Christmas Base Shutdown if IRC, also very convenient). Very convenient indeed.
As far as Tiller, she put in for a painters position that another clerk with more seniority applied to and qualified for. After their scam fell apart, from what I heard, Debbie took an aircraft cleaner job and hid out at the UNION hall on UB until they could run the list again (making her transfer internal and his external). After all we can't have Tiller buffing aircraft can we? That simply would not do.

I don't know what American Airlines qualification standards for those positions are. I would think decades later his electronics expertise would be questionable at best. Anyone hiring for an electronic tech position in the real world would place that resume in file 13 if the most recent experience was over 20 years ago.

Bravo. That is a nice tactic of public manipulation on your part WeAAsles, trying to paint me as an agitator due to sour grapes. The fact is I had no intentions or interest in staying with the company. I had no transfers in. My goal was to collect my severance, finish school, and start a new career and that is exactly what I did. Better luck next time.

So you're saying that those two were and still are the only ones who got to stay in TUL? All the other offers were rescinded after they had moved away?

Reading and just knowing your side of the story that yes admittedly sounds very damning I'd have to say also it looks like they had an umbrella put over them and were given a hookup to stay? And if that's the case again yes it's pretty disgusting. They CYA'd themselves.

Again I'm only reading your side of the story about this but on the surface looking at it realistically if it was only two people and they were both sitting officers and are the only two still there after having been voted out of office, well put it to you this way. If I was a mechanic there in TUL they absolutely would NOT get my vote.

I hope there's someone out there that might be able to try and explain this on here? To give maybe another side of the story?
WeAAsles said:
So you're saying that those two were and still are the only ones who got to stay in TUL? All the other offers were rescinded after they had moved away?
Reading and just knowing your side of the story that yes admittedly sounds very damning I'd have to say also it looks like they had an umbrella put over them and were given a hookup to stay? And if that's the case again yes it's pretty disgusting. They CYA'd themselves.
Again I'm only reading your side of the story about this but on the surface looking at it realistically if it was only two people and they were both sitting officers and are the only two still there after having been voted out of office, well put it to you this way. If I was a mechanic there in TUL they absolutely would NOT get my vote.
I hope there's someone out there that might be able to try and explain this on here? To give maybe another side of the story?
everything he's saying is true
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I stated I had nothing else to say on the matter and was requested to continue the conversation. I was willing to drop it then and there.
Are you implying I have bad karma coming? I am not the one who lied and manipulated people to my own ends that voted for me to represent them.
Would you please explain your karma comment?
Maybe you could, with the remainder of any other thoughts send them directly to "the weez" in a private message.
Move on, its not good for your constitution. Be glad your out.
bob@las-AA said:
"La Li Lu Le Lo" What do you hope to gain from this? Because karma has a bad habit of coming back and biteing one's backside.
Answer me this please, despite your name stating your location (things change), have you spent time in TULE?
he nothing more than a FSA at DFW  🙂  got may be like 5 - 10 yrs at most.... 
WeAAsles said:
January 4, 2013

Fourteen Title II positions were awarded, including myself, Debbie Tiller and other Fleet Service Clerks.

Sam Cirri, President
Transport Workers Union of America Local 514
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I told you before, all offers were rescinded, all except 2 that is. I thought I made that perfectly clear.
WeAAsles said:
So you're saying that those two were and still are the only ones who got to stay in TUL? All the other offers were rescinded after they had moved away?
How much more can I dumb it down for you WeAAsles?

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