I told you before, all offers were rescinded, all except 2 that is. I thought I made that perfectly clear.
It's funny you should mention work experience. Sam's electronics experience came from military service. Considering his decades long career at American Airlines he has not worked in that capacity for years. I mean, electronics have not changed one bit in 20 years right? RIGHT?
Sam was the only one that qualified (supposedly) for the position he put in for. It is rather convenient that they just happened to have an opening that Sam was uniquely qualified for (again supposedly) the day they shut the shop down (right before Christmas Base Shutdown if IRC, also very convenient). Very convenient indeed.
As far as Tiller, she put in for a painters position that another clerk with more seniority applied to and qualified for. After their scam fell apart, from what I heard, Debbie took an aircraft cleaner job and hid out at the UNION hall on UB until they could run the list again (making her transfer internal and his external). After all we can't have Tiller buffing aircraft can we? That simply would not do.
I don't know what American Airlines qualification standards for those positions are. I would think decades later his electronics expertise would be questionable at best. Anyone hiring for an electronic tech position in the real world would place that resume in file 13 if the most recent experience was over 20 years ago.
Bravo. That is a nice tactic of public manipulation on your part WeAAsles, trying to paint me as an agitator due to sour grapes. The fact is I had no intentions or interest in staying with the company. I had no transfers in. My goal was to collect my severance, finish school, and start a new career and that is exactly what I did. Better luck next time.