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2015 Fleet Service thread

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
How much more can I dumb it down for you WeAAsles?
I'm not at all saying that I don't believe you. But I do my homework as best I can before I make a judgement call or an opinion on anything.
WeAAsles said:
I'm not at all saying that I don't believe you. But I do my homework as best I can before I make a judgement call or an opinion on anything.
you called him a lier is what you did
WeAAsles said:
I'm not at all saying that I don't believe you. But I do my homework as best I can before I make a judgement call or an opinion on anything.
Fair enough.
You imply you will look at it objectively however, your past post in my opinion show you tend to ignore anything that presents the TWU in a bad light.
You have made inquiries why I don't support TWU. I have always had issues with certain aspects of the TWU but this is the event that shaped my current view of them.
TWU had a chance to make this right. Instead they chose to turn a blind eye to it.
If you were in my place would you trust the TWU?
You have asked about my motivations before. Well you finally got your answer. Almost every post I make on this forum can be traced back to that event. I don't trust the TWU leadership and I don't want to give them another opportunity to hurt the membership for their own self interest.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Fair enough.
You imply you will look at it objectively however, your past post in my opinion show you tend to ignore anything that presents the TWU in a bad light.
You have made inquiries why I don't support TWU. I have always had issues with certain aspects of the TWU but this is the event that shaped my current view of them.
TWU had a chance to make this right. Instead they chose to turn a blind eye to it.
If you were in my place would you trust the TWU?
You have asked about my motivations before. Well you finally got your answer. Almost every post I make on this forum can be traced back to that event. I don't trust the TWU leadership and I don't want to give them another opportunity to hurt the membership for their own self interest.
I've asked around to a few people now and so far I'm not getting a counterpoint to what you wrote. If I can't get a counterpoint I'm going to have to give your story credibility.

But it still sounds more like they were hooked up by the local management there more than maybe anyone above their heads in the TWU? The TWU doesn't control openings and jobs, the company or local management does that. So yea so far it does appear that these two may have been able to scam some type of hookup to remain in TUL while everyone else got chucked out?
WeAAsles said:
If I can't get a counterpoint I'm going to have to give your story credibility.
Are you more interested in discrediting me or finding the truth.
Because when you say things like "If I can't get a counterpoint I'm going to have to give your story credibility" it looks more like your on a mission to disprove what I said than find out what actually happened.
WeAAsles said:
I've asked around to a few people now and so far I'm not getting a counterpoint to what you wrote. If I can't get a counterpoint I'm going to have to give your story credibility.

But it still sounds more like they were hooked up by the local management there more than maybe anyone above their heads in the TWU? The TWU doesn't control openings and jobs, the company or local management does that. So yea so far it does appear that these two may have been able to scam some type of hookup to remain in TUL while everyone else got chucked out?
WeAAsles if the president of your local and the chairman of your work group made an under the table deal with management for their own benefit that hurt the membership and other officers of 514, other locals, and the international were notified and turned a blind eye to it how would that make you feel? You think that might shake your confidence of UNIONS generally and TWU specifically?
For all the talk of UNIONism and "standing together" how many of the membership outside of our work group do you think took a stand for their "UNION brother"?
I can tell you for my part, those actions sent a very strong message.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Are you more interested in discrediting me or finding the truth.
Because when you say things like "If I can't get a counterpoint I'm going to have to give your story credibility" it looks more like your on a mission to disprove what I said than find out what actually happened.
Personally, I couldn't give a rats hind end what allegedly happened. You had stated "The fact is I had no intentions or interest in staying with the company." You got your wish, and for some strange reason you return like chicken little to warn all that the sky is falling. For someone who was apparently desperate to exit the company, you seem obsessed over this.
                  If you are trying to inform the masses of the wrong doings of the company and the Union, I say who cares, I don't. How the company and or union conducts them selves has no influence on how I make my living. Name one company or union that isn't corrupt, the system is designed to be against us and not to help us. Move on dude, you sound pathetic and take a strong laxative, that should rid your innards from the past. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
WeAAsles if the president of your local and the chairman of your work group made an under the table deal with management for their own benefit that hurt the membership and other officers of 514, other locals, and the international were notified and turned a blind eye to it how would that make you feel? You think that might shake your confidence of UNIONS generally and TWU specifically?
For all the talk of UNIONism and "standing together" how many of the membership outside of our work group do you think took a stand for their "UNION brother"?
I can tell you for my part, those actions sent a very strong message.
Crap like this happens every day, its called local agreements. Nothing you can do about it, move on dude!!
The longer it takes to get a contract the less profit sharing we will get. It may be time to light a match. Plus I'm worried about European bookings
bob@las-AA said:
Personally, I couldn't give a rats hind end what allegedly happened.
Then you should run for an officer position. You would fit right in.
bob@las-AA said:
You had stated "The fact is I had no intentions or interest in staying with the company." You got your wish, and for some strange reason you return like chicken little to warn all that the sky is falling. For someone who was apparently desperate to exit the company, you seem obsessed over this.
That is because I care what happens to other people besides myself Bob.
bob@las-AA said:
If you are trying to inform the masses of the wrong doings of the company and the Union, I say who cares, I don't. How the company and or union conducts them selves has no influence on how I make my living.
You might feel different if that happened to YOUR shop....... "UNION brother".
It definitely had an influence on how they make THEIR living.
I guess as long as it does not affect YOU right...... "UNION brother"?
bob@las-AA said:
Name one company or union that isn't corrupt, the system is designed to be against us and not to help us.
If you really believe that then why support the TWU?
bob@las-AA said:
Crap like this happens every day, its called local agreements.
Local agreements? For 2 people?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Are you more interested in discrediting me or finding the truth.
Because when you say things like "If I can't get a counterpoint I'm going to have to give your story credibility" it looks more like your on a mission to disprove what I said than find out what actually happened.
You're now making a play on my words because you want me to 100% side with you after I already basically somewhat did. I don't go by just the word of one person even if it was one of my best friends, some who I've known for over 35 years.

If you can't accept as much as I've already given you, I don't know how much more I can say?

Still the possible actions of maybe two A holes is not going to cause me to throw out the baby with the bath water.
WeAAsles said:
You're now making a play on my words because you want me to 100% side with you after I already basically somewhat did. I don't go by just the word of one person even if it was one of my best friends, some who I've known for over 35 years.

If you can't accept as much as I've already given you, I don't know how much more I can say?

Still the possible actions of maybe two A holes is not going to cause me to throw out the baby with the bath water.
A husband and wife are driving in a car the wife is driving she blatantly cuts someone off. The driver of the other car calls her a  azz#$l#. The husband doesn't stick his head out the window and say 'you're right she is a azz#$0Ie he sticks up for his wife even though she is wrong. That's what unionists do even though they know the union is wrong. I've seen life long friends go at each other over union issues. I don't know if its brainwashing or what
Worldport said:
A husband and wife are driving in a car the wife is driving she blatantly cuts someone off. The driver of the other car calls her a  ####$l#. The husband doesn't stick his head out the window and say 'you're right she is a ####$0Ie he sticks up for his wife even though she is wrong. That's what unionists do even though they know the union is wrong. I've seen life long friends go at each other over union issues. I don't know if its brainwashing or what

I can absolutely make a list of "people" from the ground up who I've thought and still think are ####Ole's with still and gone from the TWU. It may not be the longest list you've ever seen but it will fill at least one sheet of notepad.

BTW did a quiz the other day that came out with me being 27% Conservative too.
WeAAsles said:
I can absolutely make a list of "people" from the ground up who I've thought and still think are ####Ole's with still and gone from the TWU. It may not be the longest list you've ever seen but it will fill at least one sheet of notepad.

BTW did a quiz the other day that came out with me being 27% Conservative too.
Did you answer the questions about Obamacare truthfully? what was the other 73%

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