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2015 Fleet Service thread

700UW said:
One thing people are failing to realize, he wasnt a true FSC.
He worked in a shop at TULE, he didnt load bags, handle mail and freight, deice, dump lavs and water, work out in the elements, yet he claims to speak for all of FSC and yet he is gone and has been for several year.
That is going to follow you around for a long time 700UW.
You're true colors are showing.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That is going to follow you around for a long time 700UW.
You're true colors are showing.
I,m trying to figure how an ex stock clerk figures to have more cred in the fleet thread than you do
cltrat said:
I,m trying to figure how an ex stock clerk figures to have more cred in the fleet thread than you do
Because he is so much SMARTER than everyone else, therefore he takes it upon himself to be the representative nobody asked for.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I won't deny I probably have that issue as well (toxicity built up over a career). Most of my issues were a result of higher seniority people having a sense of "entitlement" to be lazy and nonproductive.
I actually had one of our support staff tell me he would bring me needed supplies after he finished watching a TV show.  I waited over an hour.
That is just one example of the issues I had to endure during my years at AA. I could go on and on and on and on and on.
I used to believe that was the result of working for a UNION. My view is slowly starting to change. Now I am open to the idea that we had weak management. Though anytime management went after repeat offenders (for not even showing up to the dock during a whole 8 hour shift for instance......) a UNION officer would come in and the "offender" would walk away smiling only to do it again another day.
Weak management or the UNION enabling lazy unprofessional behavior? I honestly can't decide at this point. Maybe it is a culture thing.

I know there are. That is true. My cousin is a welder by trade and pulls 6 figures working in the oil industry 6 months out of the year. I worked with a guy that installs drop ceilings and he made a killing (though he was self employed).

I know. I touched on these points on an earlier post. Not to mention working terrible hours, holidays, and wear and tear on your body. It is more likely to see an old school clerk with a job related surgery than one without.

That is all I am saying. I like to call it an "exit plan" though.
I am not trying to offend anyone by my comments. I just want you to be aware and possibly prepared if job loss should occur. As I said I never gave it a thought until I saw the writing on the wall they were shutting down TULE. I just want you to make that consideration NOW while you are in a good place, not later when you are in panic mode.
I am actually trying to help you, not insult you.
La Li there's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to give people advice but sometimes it's the delivery on that advice that might turn people off? You can't be like someone's Mom shaking a finger at them. Your delivery since yesterday has been good, thoughtful and with much less anger than you've used in the past. You're not condemning.

Can I offer you a piece of advice that someone I know once said that sticks in my head.

"No one pays my bills but me"

What that comment meant to me is it made me less concerned with what other people do. As long as I don't have to carry their weight (I refuse to and won't) then how they chose to work and feel if they're earning their paycheck or not doesn't concern me. I'm not going to pay their bills and they aren't going to pay mine.

I think we worry way too much in life about what the next guy is doing anyway and not enough on ourselves.

And that's also what I like about being in a Union. It's not my job and I'm not going to lose mine if someone else is a lazy sack of S. I'm not a manager.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Because he is so much SMARTER than everyone else, therefore he takes it upon himself to be the representative nobody asked for.
Actually in many areas he is. But again it's all about that delivery (Myself guilty as charged at times)
WeAAsles said:
What that comment meant to me is it made me less concerned with what other people do. As long as I don't have to carry their weight
Unfortunately that is exactly what happens when someone does not show up on the aircraft.
WeAAsles said:
Actually in many areas he is. But again it's all about that delivery (Myself guilty as charged at times)
I respectfully disagree. I have caught him saying untrue things trying to manipulate public opinion and I do not trust him. He is fast to offer his opinion on things and slow to take feedback or criticism. I know for a fact I am not the only one on this forum that feels that way.
You and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues but I can say I have never caught you lying and manipulating people. I have never seen you try to present falsehoods or opinions as fact. It may not appear so but I have respect for you. I don't for 700UW and that is not likely to change. I only say that to stress the point that this goes beyond opposing political outlook. This is a trust issue with 700UW that has developed over a long period of time.
WeAAsles said:
Actually in many areas he is. But again it's all about that delivery (Myself guilty as charged at times)
Smarter or more knowledgeable there is a difference if he was REAL smart his deliveries would't be condescending There is also a difference in passing on knowledge and pontificating
Worldport said:
Smarter or more knowledgeable there is a difference if he was REAL smart his deliveries would't be condescending There is also a difference in passing on knowledge and pontificating
Good points. Hopefully I can improve in that area myself.

Have to try and keep the emotions in check sometimes.

Or else I get some guy like Worldport whacking me all over the place till I finally figured it out.
WeAAsles said:
Good points. Hopefully I can improve in that area myself.

Have to try and keep the emotions in check sometimes.

Or else I get some guy like Worldport whacking me all over the place till I finally figured it out.
You have been well behaved since you ended your political career. I'm waiting  for the TA to see if once again you wear your heart on your sleeve. I do respect you opinion when you remain levelheaded
Worldport said:
You have been well behaved since you ended your political career. I'm waiting  for the TA to see if once again you wear your heart on your sleeve. I do respect you opinion when you remain levelheaded
I'm going to pick that TA apart with a fine toothed comb. Weight the good against the bad and make a fair opinion (mine) even if it doesn't fit someone else's opinion.

Just hope when that happens we can all have civil conversations about it? And also hope the Association doesn't try to give us the hard sell with lots of pretty colors and balloons?

The IAM did that with the UAL ramp contract but they didn't do that with the US one.

So I say we got a 50/50 shot?
WeAAsles said:
I'm going to pick that TA apart with a fine toothed comb. Weight the good against the bad and make a fair opinion (mine) even if it doesn't fit someone else's opinion.

Just hope when that happens we can all have civil conversations about it? And also hope the Association doesn't try to give us the hard sell with lots of pretty colors and balloons?

The IAM did that with the UAL ramp contract but they didn't do that with the US one.

So I say we got a 50/50 shot?
The association is walking on egg shells they better not even think it. There is no need for concessions. They took everything they need to be competitive in bankruptcy They might have to compromise between the two airlines scope 14 flights to LUS 1 flight, wait is that a concession ? I'm confused.
Worldport said:
The association is walking on egg shells they better not even think it. There is no need for concessions. They took everything they need to be competitive in bankruptcy They might have to compromise between the two airlines scope 14 flights to LUS 1 flight, wait is that a concession ? I'm confused.
Any city that the company gets the ability to close that we currently have staffed would be concessionary. Even if they changed the formula to 7 and 7 to staff also might close some stations and open others. But to a guy who would have to move that's a huge concession to him.

Grandfather a city till the last current guy in it leaves or retires? Anyone after DOS who goes there or hires in would have to be told that after the last guy under the 2016 agreement picks up his golf clubs the company "could" outsource that station? Would you consider that concessionary?

When the IAM got that US contract the company did put in the words "Until a JCBA is reached" That does say at least from their point of view it wasn't something they wanted to make permanent.
WeAAsles said:
Any city that the company gets the ability to close that we currently have staffed would be concessionary. Even if they changed the formula to 7 and 7 to staff also might close some stations and open others. But to a guy who would have to move that's a huge concession to him.

Grandfather a city till the last current guy in it leaves or retires? Anyone after DOS who goes there or hires in would have to be told that after the last guy under the 2016 agreement picks up his golf clubs the company "could" outsource that station? Would you consider that concessionary?

When the IAM got that US contract the company did put in the words "Until a JCBA is reached" That does say at least from their point of view it wasn't something they wanted to make permanent.
I would imagine a fair number like 7 would open up stations with the amount of hubs we have. I guess that would be a plus and not a trade off. Unless of course you are working in one of those small(micro) stations. You know the old saying you "you have to break a few eggs"...
Worldport said:
I would imagine a fair number like 7 would open up stations with the amount of hubs we have. I guess that would be a plus and not a trade off. Unless of course you are working in one of those small(micro) stations. You know the old saying you "you have to break a few eggs"...
I heard a story it was either ROC or SYR where they had 2 station protected guys left. The company decided to outsource the city to a vendor. They were allowed to do it on condition that the two guys obviously kept there jobs but were given some kind of fluff gig to not work hand in hand with the vendor.

The vendors though were close enough around these guys to make their lives miserable. Probably jealousy cause they made a lot more than them and didn't have to do squat for it. They eventually retired from the pressure.

Lesson learned there. No way. If something like that ever happened the writing would have to state that it remains Association staffed until the last 2016 guy leaves and then IF the company outsources the station full opening and bumping rights are to be afforded.

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