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2015 Fleet Service thread

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Yeah... I have no idea what BJ's is. Apparently it is comfortable, dry and full of babes.
At any rate I am sure those "contract" employees are not planning on making a career out of that job. 
Don't get out much  do you, sit behind a computer and #### about a job you don't even work at. Sounds pathetic you, definitely need to get out more . Do you realize the Verizon worker who installs you phone is making $39 an hour.
it was a POS proposal that the IAM sent out for a vote knowing that the Hubs and Class I stations cared only about themselves for a raise while other cities got cut to the bone making almost $5 an hr less.  Guess what, my dues never changed! They were the same as Class I cities, werent they 700?  The IAM cared NOT about us as THEY SAVED OUR JOBS, right 700?   Lets ask Tommy R about that?  Remember he came from our station, you know what he told us?  Sorry our hands were tied!  So I lived it but you claim to know right 700?
WeAAsles said:
You know what? After doing a little bit of a rethink maybe you're right. The TWU does stink. Of course that along with EVERY other Union in our industry as well since the same things happened to them. Let's also not fail to mention many State and Municipal Unions as well who had things taken away from them in the last decade. Let's see UAW being basically forced to that second tier item they fought against. CWA with the cable companies they represent. And I'm sure if YOU search you would find so many others? Oh how about that massive to do in Wisconsin?

You know what. I bet if all of these Unions just didn't exist the World would have been a much rosier place and we would have been given so many wonderful goodies from all of those CEO's, Shareholders, Banks and Politicians? Yep. I'm absolutely sure of that.
From this area:
A group of brave UNION people who stood against the company for six long months while the scabs did their jobs....... and won!!
It pays to be UNION.
Real tired said:
From this area:
A group of brave UNION people who stood against the company for six long months while the scabs did their jobs....... and won!!
It pays to be UNION.
Nice to see a check mark in the win column for a change but this does not look like a very healthy company at the moment? Note the name for the future and let's see what happens?

Once again, what happened in 1992 was not the same with MLE.
1992 was way worse, you only lost money when MLE happened, they devastated you in 1992.
700UW said:
Your still not being truthful, tell the whole story.
comeing from someone you that post untruth I beleave hope 777 not you. You been proven wrong time after time
Learn to spell, wow, do you sign off a logbook with your English skills?
In 1992 FSA were non-union, they lost the following:
Mail, Freight, Catering (except several hubs), Express work, 40% of full time rampers were downgraded to part-time, which in turn raised their family medical to over $300 a month.
Their pension was frozen.
They lost their sick time, vacation time and OJI time and it was replaced with a PDO system, which were less time than what they had, and they had to bank five days at the first of the year for "sick days".
And their were mass layoffs and downgrades.
So what Hope is talking about is Class II stations made less pay than the Hubs and Class I cities.
So you tell me which is worse, what happened in 1992 or what Hope is talking about?
WeAAsles said:
La Li do you have a problem with the fact that many of us decided to make a career out of Fleet Service?
No I don't.
Some days (not often, mostly because of the low morale the last 3 years or so I was there) I miss working for American Airlines.
I was set to make a career out of Fleet myself at one time. Once they started making contract cuts and were throwing more on the table however I decided it was not worth it to pursue Fleet as a career anymore.
I don't mind telling you I was very apprehensive about making a living when I left American Airlines. I know you have to choose your own path in life I just want you to be aware of how fast things can turn south if and when you ever decide to leave because I myself never gave it a second thought until about a year before they shut my shop down. I had prep time. Not everyone will be so fortunate.  
Feeling vulnerable because I had not developed a marketable skill for over a decade was a bad place to be. It's not like I could go to other mainline carriers in my location and get similar pay. Once your out your pretty much starting over.
I hope none of you ever have to be in that scary situation.
Just something to consider.
WeAAsles said:
There should be no shame placed on anyone who has a job no matter what that job might be.
I agree with you WeAAsles.
Worldport said:
Don't get out much  do you, sit behind a computer and #### about a job you don't even work at. Sounds pathetic you, definitely need to get out more . Do you realize the Verizon worker who installs you phone is making $39 an hour.
You are making all of these statements based on the fact I don't know what BJ's is? Not every city on planet Earth has a BJ's. Even if my city does have a BJ's (it does not I checked) I might not even notice it if I was not looking for it.
I get out as much as I want to get out. Contrary to what you might believe the fact I did not know what a BJ's is does not make me a shut in.
Why are you not working at Verizon?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
No I don't.
Some days (not often, mostly because of the low morale the last 3 years or so I was there) I miss working for American Airlines.
I was set to make a career out of Fleet myself at one time. Once they started making contract cuts and were throwing more on the table however I decided it was not worth it to pursue Fleet as a career anymore.
I don't mind telling you I was very apprehensive about making a living when I left American Airlines. I know you have to choose your own path in life I just want you to be aware of how fast things can turn south if and when you ever decide to leave because I myself never gave it a second thought until about a year before they shut my shop down. I had prep time. Not everyone will be so fortunate.  
Feeling vulnerable because I had not developed a marketable skill for over a decade was a bad place to be. It's not like I could go to other mainline carriers in my location and get similar pay. Once your out your pretty much starting over.
I hope none of you ever have to be in that scary situation.
Just something to consider.
I agree with you WeAAsles.

A few years back before the BK my friend Jerry who got me the job started to have the same fear about AA that a lot of others had. He thought soon that AA would be out of business. I disagreed with him. Anyway he decided to apply and become a Court Officer. He just made it in before the cutoff age and the academy was murder for him but he made it. At first he tried to do both the Court job and AA Part time. After awhile he realized it was just too hard to do both and he had to make a choice? His choice was Court Officer. Again he still believed one day there would be no AA. Well at first it was great. He was getting lots of OT in the new job. Well the State faced a budget shortfall and cut off the spigot for OT. There's been zero OT for a few years now. Plus they also haven't gotten a new contract in years as well. Before he went for the new job he was a CC. And he liked to work a ton of OT.

I still think he made the right choice at least psychologically. After 22 years he really just couldn't take AA anymore. He had grown to hate the job and was always angry when talking about all the things that he felt were unfair. His mind had grown too toxic. But he does regret now leaving AA totally because he doesn't have the ability to supplement his income. 

So here's the facts. AA did not go out of business. It's not going to go out of business. And when we get a contract I'm going to be making more money than he does. If I go CC I'm going to be making a lot more money than him. And I still have the ability to pick up extra hours and OT if I want. 

Did he make the right choice or did I?


BTW the state does pay a COLA for working in NYC.

Just to add to the conversation about my friend who became a Court Officer. Here's a letter from his Union President that's very interesting. He states they haven't had a raise in 5 years now.

Letter from President
by SCOA | Feb 11, 2016


My friend is going to be ok though IMO. He put in 22 years at AA and in 5 more years (55) he'll be able to start collecting his AA Pension. He plans to work for the courts till he's 65 so he can add the AA income to help him out financially and even put more away for when he retires from the courts. They also have a pension with the courts (For now) 
WeAAsles said:
Just to add to the conversation about my friend who became a Court Officer. Here's a letter from his Union President that's very interesting. He states they haven't had a raise in 5 years now.
Letter from President
by SCOA | Feb 11, 2016


My friend is going to be ok though IMO. He put in 22 years at AA and in 5 more years (55) he'll be able to start collecting his AA Pension. He plans to work for the courts till he's 65 so he can add the AA income to help him out financially and even put more away for when he retires from the courts. They also have a pension with the courts (For now) 
Good thing your friend did not accrue his 22 years with the IAMPF,  he would need to wait 5 years and not draw until he
was 60 & then only if he decides to stop working at 60. (and most likely he would only draw 60% of what he thought he would)
chilokie1 said:
Good thing your friend did not accrue his 22 years with the IAMPF,  he would need to wait another 5 years and not draw until he
was 60 & then only if he decides to stop working at 60. (and most likely he would only draw 60% of what he thought he would)
I think the cuts came after he left so he would have not taken those cuts. How I read it you can work and still draw? Just can't work in the same field.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
No I don't.
Some days (not often, mostly because of the low morale the last 3 years or so I was there) I miss working for American Airlines.
I was set to make a career out of Fleet myself at one time. Once they started making contract cuts and were throwing more on the table however I decided it was not worth it to pursue Fleet as a career anymore.
I don't mind telling you I was very apprehensive about making a living when I left American Airlines. I know you have to choose your own path in life I just want you to be aware of how fast things can turn south if and when you ever decide to leave because I myself never gave it a second thought until about a year before they shut my shop down. I had prep time. Not everyone will be so fortunate.  
Feeling vulnerable because I had not developed a marketable skill for over a decade was a bad place to be. It's not like I could go to other mainline carriers in my location and get similar pay. Once your out your pretty much starting over.
I hope none of you ever have to be in that scary situation.
Just something to consider.
I agree with you WeAAsles.
You are making all of these statements based on the fact I don't know what BJ's is? Not every city on planet Earth has a BJ's. Even if my city does have a BJ's (it does not I checked) I might not even notice it if I was not looking for it.
I get out as much as I want to get out. Contrary to what you might believe the fact I did not know what a BJ's is does not make me a shut in.
Why are you not working at Verizon?
My point to you was there are some unskilled and semi-skilled jobs that pay very well. Fleet service is not rocket science but it does require some responsibility and the weather conditions can be brutal  and on and on. I also think  the airlines are healthier than ever and our jobs are more secure than they have been since deregulation but i guess you are right having a back up plan would be prudent
One thing people are failing to realize, he wasnt a true FSC.
He worked in a shop at TULE, he didnt load bags, handle mail and freight, deice, dump lavs and water, work out in the elements, yet he claims to speak for all of FSC and yet he is gone and has been for several year.
Worldport said:
My point to you was there are some unskilled and semi-skilled jobs that pay very well. Fleet service is not rocket science but it does require some responsibility and the weather conditions can be brutal  and on and on. I also think  the airlines are healthier than ever and our jobs are more secure than they have been since deregulation but i guess you are right having a back up plan would be prudent
I got a friend in NY who's a freakin Garbageman and he makes over 100k a year. Picking up garbage and plowing those streets in the winter.

Hell when you were young back in NYC you were always picking up The Cheif newspaper to see what tests were coming out to try and land one of those good unskilled gigs.

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