I would sit in a chaise lounge (like on the Sopranos) before I would yield to any pressure from a contractor. I never heard that storyWeAAsles said:I heard a story it was either ROC or SYR where they had 2 station protected guys left. The company decided to outsource the city to a vendor. They were allowed to do it on condition that the two guys obviously kept there jobs but were given some kind of fluff gig to not work hand in hand with the vendor.
The vendors though were close enough around these guys to make their lives miserable. Probably jealousy cause they made a lot more than them and didn't have to do squat for it. They eventually retired from the pressure.
Lesson learned there. No way. If something like that ever happened the writing would have to state that it remains Association staffed until the last 2016 guy leaves and then IF the company outsources the station full opening and bumping rights are to be afforded.