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2015 Fleet Service thread

WeAAsles said:
I heard a story it was either ROC or SYR where they had 2 station protected guys left. The company decided to outsource the city to a vendor. They were allowed to do it on condition that the two guys obviously kept there jobs but were given some kind of fluff gig to not work hand in hand with the vendor.

The vendors though were close enough around these guys to make their lives miserable. Probably jealousy cause they made a lot more than them and didn't have to do squat for it. They eventually retired from the pressure.

Lesson learned there. No way. If something like that ever happened the writing would have to state that it remains Association staffed until the last 2016 guy leaves and then IF the company outsources the station full opening and bumping rights are to be afforded.
I would sit in a chaise lounge (like on the Sopranos) before I would yield to any pressure from a contractor. I never heard that story
Worldport said:
I would sit in a chaise lounge (like on the Sopranos) before I would yield to any pressure from a contractor. I never heard that story
It's true. And I think they were even messing with the guys cars? That one I'm not sure about but I wouldn't be surprised.
WeAAsles said:
Any city that the company gets the ability to close that we currently have staffed would be concessionary. Even if they changed the formula to 7 and 7 to staff also might close some stations and open others. But to a guy who would have to move that's a huge concession to him.

Grandfather a city till the last current guy in it leaves or retires? Anyone after DOS who goes there or hires in would have to be told that after the last guy under the 2016 agreement picks up his golf clubs the company "could" outsource that station? Would you consider that concessionary?

When the IAM got that US contract the company did put in the words "Until a JCBA is reached" That does say at least from their point of view it wasn't something they wanted to make permanent.
No doubt the outline station scope (LUS)  was kicked down the road to JCBA negotiations. Another huge issue that will eventually be discussed in future negotiations. A lot of scope issues (jobs) on the table. This round of scope negotiations, unlike the past, will have jobs in hub cities, on the table as well. The battle lines will be drawn on these issues. Jobs vs. $$$$. I still think the company's posture, in negotiations, will be any improvements will be cost neutral. The question is; will we, as a collective group, be willing to accept a JCBA under those conditions?   
ograc said:
No doubt the outline station scope (LUS)  was kicked down the road to JCBA negotiations. Another huge issue that will eventually be discussed in future negotiations. A lot of scope issues (jobs) on the table. This round of scope negotiations, unlike the past, will have jobs in hub cities, on the table as well. The battle lines will be drawn on these issues. Jobs vs. $$$$. I still think the company's posture, in negotiations, will be any improvements will be cost neutral. The question is; will we, as a collective group, be willing to accept a JCBA under those conditions?
I really can't understand why you have that cost neutral idea in your head my friend? Ah ah, no way, ain't happening, this train don't stop there anymore.

All I have to see is how much their labor costs have gone up as a total and know there is also a number earmarked for us as well. Too, too much cash being generated by the airline right now to be quibbling.

Plus I'm very sure Mr Parker would also like to get that 20% compensation he has deferred until ALL groups have an agreement in place.
ograc said:
No doubt the outline station scope (LUS)  was kicked down the road to JCBA negotiations. Another huge issue that will eventually be discussed in future negotiations. A lot of scope issues (jobs) on the table. This round of scope negotiations, unlike the past, will have jobs in hub cities, on the table as well. The battle lines will be drawn on these issues. Jobs vs. $$$$. I still think the company's posture, in negotiations, will be any improvements will be cost neutral. The question is; will we, as a collective group, be willing to accept a JCBA under those conditions?   
 With the kind or raise the company is dangling  a "cost neutral contract" would mean thousands of jobs and I doubt that
Worldport said:
With the kind or raise the company is dangling  a "cost neutral contract" would mean thousands of jobs and I doubt that
I have to wonder if in 78 when Carter signed deregulation he ever thought it would take the industry 35 years to finally find its footing?
WeAAsles said:
I really can't understand why you have that cost neutral idea in your head my friend? Ah ah, no way, ain't happening, this train don't stop there anymore.

All I have to see is how much their labor costs have gone up as a total and know there is also a number earmarked for us as well. Too, too much cash being generated by the airline right now to be quibbling.

Plus I'm very sure Mr Parker would also like to get that 20% compensation he has deferred until ALL groups have an agreement in place.
We shall see my friend. There are those who believe this company will do what's right. There are those, still bearing the scars of past concessions, who expect the same posture from this newly merged company at the table. $$$$ for jobs. It has worked in the past. As recently as the IAM / UA agreement. It's not about what is fair. It's about not sharing the profits with anyone but the shareholders and the senior officials. DP will have his agreements in place and will receive his 20% compensation (blood money). Hope I'm wrong! Time will tell my friend.  
ograc said:
We shall see my friend. There are those who believe this company will do what's right. There are those, still bearing the scars of past concessions, who expect the same posture from this newly merged company at the table. $$$$ for jobs. It has worked in the past. As recently as the IAM / UA agreement. It's not about what is fair. It's about not sharing the profits with anyone but the shareholders and the senior officials. DP will have his agreements in place and will receive his 20% compensation (blood money). Hope I'm wrong! Time will tell my friend.

What I saw at AA was 2 decent contracts with the Pilots and FA's (Not perfect but decent) A very nice bump up for you guys not wasting time talking about SCOPE yet and an agent contract that yes did have some job functions lost but with the ability to move into other positions and all the Red Coat enemies brought in house in a CARS function that will pay them much more than they make now. And an increase with other items that bring a top agent to $30.00 per hour.

That's why I'm sure we'll be in roughly the same position. I'm sure they'll be a few items that we wince at but overall I think we're going to be quite satisfied?
Worldport said:
Smarter or more knowledgeable there is a difference if he was REAL smart his deliveries would't be condescending There is also a difference in passing on knowledge and pontificating
So its ok for posters to call me names, attack me, insult me and make up lies and Im suppose to nice about it?
If you dont like what I have to say, use the ignore feature, but people have to attack me as they usually dont like the truth, nor can they debate or refute the information.
And Im just quoting you WP, not saying you do this behavior.
WeAAsles said:
I heard a story it was either ROC or SYR where they had 2 station protected guys left. The company decided to outsource the city to a vendor. They were allowed to do it on condition that the two guys obviously kept there jobs but were given some kind of fluff gig to not work hand in hand with the vendor.
The vendors though were close enough around these guys to make their lives miserable. Probably jealousy cause they made a lot more than them and didn't have to do squat for it. They eventually retired from the pressure.
Lesson learned there. No way. If something like that ever happened the writing would have to state that it remains Association staffed until the last 2016 guy leaves and then IF the company outsources the station full opening and bumping rights are to be afforded.

One of the AE guys here used to work for AA in ROC. He would've been long gone before getting down to the last two, but now I'm curious to hear how it played out...
Worldport said:
I would imagine a fair number like 7 would open up stations with the amount of hubs we have. I guess that would be a plus and not a trade off. Unless of course you are working in one of those small(micro) stations. You know the old saying you "you have to break a few eggs"...
That's easy for a hub guy to say... Just remember, what ever scope is hammered out better be rock solid. My suggested has always been to include anything jet engined; that way, they can't throw a CRJ in there for 3 weeks to get under the threshold....
Kev3188 said:
One of the AE guys here used to work for AA in ROC. He would've been long gone before getting down to the last two, but now I'm curious to hear how it played out...
Like I said, I "heard" they were run off?
The current LAA CBA says anything over 20 mainline flights will be staffed with TWU represented Fleet Service. The company will review such activity every six months. PHX is now up to 29 LAA mainline flights a day, and is said to be going as high as 60 this summer. Will be interesting to see how the company and the TWU will handle this. Will the TWU put up a fight or roll over and play dead. The company likes to play the "seasonal flights" card, but kinda hard to do when the activity might go as high as 60 daily.
Kev3188 said:
I believe you, I just wonder I'm curious to hear what he has to say....
I have zero clue who the two guys even are or were? It was also a couple of years ago now too. I think I was still in DFW when I heard about it which means at least 5 years ago.

We used to have a few stations that had one guy left in them that had "station protection" Put it to you this way, even management took incredible care of them. Local management doesn't want their station to close any more than anyone else.

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