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2015 Fleet Service thread

700UW said:
It's already in the IAM/PMUS CBA, wage rates and all, as we still have 50 active in the hangar and none on the line, company gained the right to outsource line cleaning in the CBA abrogation, but the language is "may" outsource which they did and we lost 1,000 jobs.
Cabin Service is still in our current book even though the NMB awarded it to Maintenance. The IAM side still does the stocking including beverages correct? Up until the BK we stocked on Cups, paper and market bags. No beverages. These were all items we could carry up the Jet stairs in two market bags.
In today's climate there's no reason to play give-to-get; especially with entire categories of work...

All due respect, WeAAsles, but I'll bet the guys in ORD might feel a little different about spraying than you guys down in the tropics do...
Kev3188 said:
In today's climate there's no reason to play give-to-get; especially with entire categories of work...
All due respect, WeAAsles, but I'll bet the guys in ORD might feel a little different about spraying than you guys down in the tropics do...
They do. Particularly one friend of mine. But again what would be a fair trade? If the possibility existed to trade the ability to get cabin service back which here in MIA was 350 all season jobs for a particular job that only pays for a few months (and days only) in select cities more so than others, is it worth it?

Crunch the numbers for how many "man hours" cabin service would generate over Deicing?

Now another thought. With so many new planes coming online we're probably going to see our maintenance brothers and sisters losing jobs. They don't seem to keen on wanting to perform cabin service type labor and have mocked it on here countless times. They also believe we stole Deicing from them many years ago. Deicing in winter months just may keep some of them on the clock rather than bumped out or thrown to the street?

We're ALL supposed to be Union Brothers and Sisters together.
robbedagain said:
Do the hubs have their own lav service lines seperate from fleet
Dumping Lavs is a part of Fleet. Yes those are bid spots on the AA side. I believe we also do the jobs in small cities as well?

We also used to do fueling in total and employee bus driving in select cities.
cant vouch for all small cities but in ours  legacy US employees do the lavs on the DFW, PHX, MIA, flights and if requested CLT flights  
also I noticed that this is the first week in which legacy AA 737-800 does 1 PHX round trip a day now
Guys here's my dream. I'd like to see the days come back where no one but us touches that aircraft when it comes to the gate. Cabin, fueling and catering all food and supplies.

It used to be that way.
robbedagain said:
cant vouch for all small cities but in ours  legacy US employees do the lavs on the DFW, PHX, MIA, flights and if requested CLT flights  
also I noticed that this is the first week in which legacy AA 737-800 does 1 PHX round trip a day now
I'm already tired of all the confusion of who does what, where. AA now generates the revenue that we should be doing it all. And no one will do a better job than we will anyway. Because when we are being compensated well we are again going to be proud of our work and the company we work for. So we'll provide the best service that we can possibly give.
Me thinks the more money Parker has to put out there, the more concessions/work rule changes/givebacks he will be seeking.
Cargo and Catering (that we know of now) and what else with each leap in pay??
Cost neutral! Me agree! Why not? This group has taken the bait before!
ograc said:
Cost neutral! Me agree! Why not? This group has taken the bait before!

American has committed $3.5 billion to pay increases since the 2013 merger, Norton said. It is also spending $250 million to implement a single flight operation system by fall and $100 million to construct a single payroll platform.


ograc the company will not be offering and we certainly won't be accepting a cost neutral contract. I think through your two bankruptcies and technically our two as well we've already given them most of the things they wanted. 

We really need to change our mindsets. If you look at all the contracts that the company has ratified since the merger for the most part there have been substantial gains against minimal losses in the overall value.     
700UW said:
So its ok for the company not to be ready and never pass a proposal to the union after Parker and his minions we saying they were ready, why dont people hold the company accountable?
Really? What can we do as "people" to hold the company accountable for not being ready? Withhold our services?  Can you provide details on how to accomplish this because my options  as an individual are very limited.
And don't we "people" pay union dues to an organization to keep the company in check on our behalf?
If you watch Parker in the video provided in the article. He states "The higher of Delta or UNITED plus 7%" Although yes he has back peddled down to now the 3% comment. The question was asked by a FSC.

RUMOR floating around is that the IAM over at UAL is looking to secure many more stations then is currently in their contracts with possibly a much higher wage then they have now RUMOR

So you read all of the industry contracts out there right now. And try to figure out at least roughly where we'll end up? What especially looks standard? And we also have to look at the contract that the agents just got to gauge the direction of the company on certain items? It's really not that hard to figure out aside from the fact that I'm sure we'll want to do a few things a little different then them.

BTW guys one of my favorite all time musicians killed himself yesterday. He had a neurological disorder of his right hand and it seems like it was getting worse and he might not be able to perform anymore. Just for the hell of it in honor of him and us.

Keith Emerson. RIP
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For the Common Man



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