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2015 Fleet Service thread

700UW said:
You dont pay dues, you are not a member of the Association, as the Association has no members.
You took an early out, I doubt you have recall.
Your a FORMER TWU member, who took the money and ran.
You cant run for any TWU office, nor can  you vote on the JCBA.
Bottom line.
why are you such a jerk . You do not work at us any more He says he has recall rights I believe him. I don't beleave you on any thing you post nothing but hate
conehead777 said:
why are you the biggest #### on here you can't either your not at us now either
Please go back to school and learn proper grammar and spelling.

And you really believe that you deserve to be paid more?
conehead777 said:
why are you such a jerk . You do not work at us any more He says he has recall rights I believe him. I don't beleave you on any thing you post nothing but hate
Why are you such a jerk? You do not work with us any more. He say's that he has recall rights and I believe him. I don't believe anything you post because you have nothing but hate.

Again, you really believe you deserve to be paid more?
700UW said:
You dont pay dues, you are not a member of the Association, as the Association has no members.
A TWU member stated to me as long as I have recall I am considered a member. Are you saying he lied?
700UW said:
You took an early out, I doubt you have recall.
I took an early out? That is news to me. They shut my shop down. What I got was a standard severance package due to layoff. The same one anybody in my shop received that did not bump or transfer. There you go lying again. 
If I recall you never were employed by American Airlines. If I recall you don't work in the airline industry now. Your only link to the airline business is your EX-wife whom I assume retains a different residence. So one might ask what your motivation is for even being here.
Part of my household income comes from American Airlines. That is my interest in TWU contracts. What's yours?
Stick to thinking about things you know, this is about Fleet, not my personal life, but hey your wrong about that also, I dont have an EX-wife.
So try again.
So did you pay that free tax payers' money back yet for your retraining?
700UW said:
Stick to thinking about things you know, this is about Fleet, not my personal life, but hey your wrong about that also, I dont have an EX-wife.
So try again.
So did you pay that free tax payers' money back yet for your retraining?
Baby momma? She didn't want to marry you huh? I could hardly blame her. 
Yeah I went to school so I could earn more money (and pay more taxes). You have been harping on that for 3 years. Move along.
WeAAsles said:
Ironic that this man seems to hate everyone except himself. He needs to place the blame at his own feet and never will. The senior members of the TWU negotiated and accepted a contract in Oct 1995 with something called Junior Fleet Service attached to all new hires that came in after that date. It had (very clearly stated) a 9 year progression where the top pay after 9 years was only $10 and change. Wrong or not that the MEMBERS voted to accept that contract doesn't matter. Lu Lu still took the job. He obviously also stayed with the job and never left for maybe greener pastures.

The Junior Fleet Service language lasted until 2001 which gave him a full 6 years to find something else better and HE never did and obviously never looked either. What should have gave him even more motivation to look for something else was the fact that when Jr FSC was voted out, those people were not slotted over by years but were only advanced to the next pay progression above what they were currently making. I hired on in May of 95 because I was warned about the upcoming Jr FSC. I was on the better scale and topped out in 8 years. Guys who hired on in late 95 took a total of 14 years to top out.

The question is why did LU LU stay? Why is he blaming other people for his own obvious failure and ambition to move on like so many others did? Many many many people left when they saw that Payscale, but not LU LU? Personally I NEVER would have even considered taking the job with those wage scales. At the time there were even Supermarkets paying more. I'd rather have worked in a Supermarket then worked this very hard job for that money.

Who is really to blame for LU LU staying?

But no one ever seems to want to accept their own personal failures in life. That face staring back at them in the mirror must be a very ugly one?
That's a nice tactic to manipulate public opinion on your part. Trying to paint me as a bitter malcontent that wants to blame everyone else for the results of my bad choices.
My point for bringing up Junior Fleet Service was not because I was bitter about it. It was to point out yet another TWU failure. TWU was all too ready to pad the the companies pockets at the expense of their (new hire) membership by paying them half the rate for defined job functions. No REAL UNION would ever agree to that.
You stated you would never work for JFSC wages. I bet a lot of Fleet Service Clerks felt that way. How many of those that would not work for those wages voted to saddle someone else with those wages? Enough to pass a contract apparently. Did YOU vote to saddle someone with those wages?
You are right about 1 thing though. I do regret staying in Fleet for 12 years. I found when I got laid off I had not developed any marketable job skills. I learned a hard lesson. That's called life. I owned up to that a long time ago (despite your declaration saying otherwise). I ended up better financially post American Airlines and developed a marketable skill so I have no regrets about my job loss, the only thing I regret is I did not make the transition earlier. I am not saying Fleet is not a good career for some but it was not a good fit for me.
Now go back to spreading your half truths and outright lies. After all everyone else is stupid and they will believe you right?
Alright getting back to the topic. 3 weeks starting Monday. Good luck to our negotiators.
The next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of March 14th in New York, which will begin three consecutive weeks of bargaining.

- See more at: http://www.usaamerge...h.BSHvYxZ2.dpuf
Just for the record though. The JFSC came into being because the company offered a 5 and 5 buyout package attached to the contract. 5 years of company time and Pension accrual was offered for people to leave plus wage increases. Senior people voted yes to take their money and run and others so they could move up in seniority.

I don't believe that a buyout offer should ever be a cost expense as part of any contract we get ever. If the company wants to offer one to lower their overall labor costs that should be on them to offer it, unattached to any agreement.
JR Fleet? Good times. $10.65 per hour top out on a 9 year scale.LOL TWU negotiating power on display.
I still haven't met anyone that admits to voting yes in '95.
What was the carrot for throwing people who hadn't even applied for the job under the bus again? Oh right, the veritable Kings ransom of 6% over 6 years.Pfft.
JFK Fleet Service said:
JR Fleet? Good times. $10.65 per hour top out on a 9 year scale.LOL TWU negotiating power on display.
I still haven't met anyone that admits to voting yes in '95.
What was the carrot for throwing people who hadn't even applied for the job under the bus again? Oh right, the veritable Kings ransom of 6% over 6 years.Pfft.
Seems that way all over.  Our TA (flight attendants) was approved, but like you I can't seem to find anyone who voted yes
WeAAsles said:
Please go back to school and learn proper grammar and spelling.
I have a better idea. Why don't you drop the condescending attitude. You are not half as smart as you think you are. Albert Einstein is not half as smart as you think you are.
Alright getting back to the topic. 3 weeks starting Monday. Good luck to our negotiators.
The next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of March 14th in New York, which will begin three consecutive weeks of bargaining.

- See more at: http://www.usaamerge...h.BSHvYxZ2.dpuf

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