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2015 Fleet Service thread

Worldport  I have not seen anything in black n white writing   Ive gone over the forms repeatedly  even the questions  I have yet to find out   I dont let this outfit stress me    I just go in  do my job  collect pay and go home     Ive said something to an AGC as well as our union shop steward but he himself does not know much cuz he has never used it or taken it.   everyone who got hit  in my station is confused bec nothing like this has every occurred before  we signed papers etc so the company is supposenly gonna start taking partial payments I think with the March18 pay from what I have seen   I got hit but not like some of the peeps I know.   but still a hit nonetheless
Id say that this has got to be addressed by the JCBA negoiating team during this time they meet with company
Yes, its possible as well as common to have a negative vacation balance. I've known of several people who were out of work, and didn't accrue their full amount of vacation hours. You can use more than you accrue, but it will catch up with you.
wings  does that same scenario play out if someone uses FMLA whether or not its for caregiver or self?
robbedagain said:
wings  does that same scenario play out if someone uses FMLA whether or not its for caregiver or self?
it does if the FMLA depleted some of your vacation and then you took full vacation in that year
robbedagain said:
wings  does that same scenario play out if someone uses FMLA whether or not its for caregiver or self?
company stance is that when you use FMLA or sick leave that you are ''inactive'' Because they consider those instances ''a leave of absence''     and if you are ''inactive'' that you do not accrue vacation and sick     i of course think the sick leave part at least is BS     The Fmla could be another story though
The DOL has a FMLA hotline, Google it and call them.
You must work a given amount of days per month to accrue vacation, regardless of why you were out. From what I've seen, I believe that the company bases it on working just over half of the month, starting on the first. So if you were out and returned one day past the 15th, you get nothing. If you take notice to your WB balances, your sick time accrual for that month goes in right on the 16th. Any time that people have used more vacation than they have, they are given the option to deduct the days from the new year. If you don't make that choice, its coming out of your pay.
ograc said:
I guess we shouldn't take it personal. Just the reality of the relationship between Organized Labor and Corporate America throughout history. This is what many, within our group, must come to realize and accept. We will get only what we, as a collective group, are willing to stand up and fight for. This could and should take a great deal of patience from all of us. No one should be expecting the company to recognize past sacrifice and give back freely. If this was the company's position we would be well on our way to a fair and equitable agreement. Instead, we discuss uniforms and the company's future negotiations scheduling conflicts. The company is like a turtle out of the gate. It is what it is! It's time to fall in and be ready for a long fight Sisters and Brothers!
All you guys have to do is look at CWA/IBT and the way management control negotiations
wings396 said:
You must work a given amount of days per month to accrue vacation, regardless of why you were out. From what I've seen, I believe that the company bases it on working just over half of the month, starting on the first. So if you were out and returned one day past the 15th, you get nothing. If you take notice to your WB balances, your sick time accrual for that month goes in right on the 16th. Any time that people have used more vacation than they have, they are given the option to deduct the days from the new year. If you don't make that choice, its coming out of your pay.

The question is... if I am out for an extended period of time, and I have the sick time in my bank to cover the absence, should I be considered "inactive"? When considered  inactive you do not accrue sick time or vacation time. I see this as another sacrifice the employee, who has not abused his or her sick time, has to make to neutralize cost. Pesky details for those only interested in hourly wage increases in the next JCBA negotiations I guess. Another issue that needs to be addressed and fixed in JCBA negotiations. Article by Article. Page by page. Issue by issue in negotiations. However long it takes. I hope we aren't so anxious that we go for "fools gold" up front with the current JCBA negotiations and potential TA ratification vote. The DEVIL, as always, is in the details. Let's take the time to give this next contract it's due diligence. Let's get it right this time!   
ograc said:
The question is... if I am out for an extended period of time, and I have the sick time in my bank to cover the absence, should I be considered "inactive"? When considered  inactive you do not accrue sick time or vacation time. I see this as another sacrifice the employee, who has not abused his or her sick time, has to make to neutralize cost. Pesky details for those only interested in hourly wage increases in the next JCBA negotiations I guess. Another issue that needs to be addressed and fixed in JCBA negotiations. Article by Article. Page by page. Issue by issue in negotiations. However long it takes. I hope we aren't so anxious that we go for "fools gold" up front with the current JCBA negotiations and potential TA ratification vote. The DEVIL, as always, is in the details. Let's take the time to give this next contract it's due diligence. Let's get it right this time!
You are correct with your post. You are currently considered inactive when using paid sick. I agree you shouldn't be. This will be addressed.
so within the past week or so some of us in my station  including myself were out sick with multiple illnesses such as pneumonia strep and other infections weather related   our sta mgr fed ex overnite letters to homes plus mailed exact same copies    im just curious  can the boss do that kind of thing?   some of the peeps feel that our sta mgmt team makes it for a hostile enviornment and so forth      For  all of us its the first time we even heard let alone getting the notice
charlie Brown said:
Sorry for double post. But Ograc, you are correct. And this will be addressed.
Encouraged that you see the injustice and the need to address,and more importantly, fix it in JCBA negotiations. How did we get to this policy? Issues, such as this, are implemented without consulting the union. Programmed into WB without mutual consent. A huge concession and another means of keeping things cost neutral when it comes to an employee using the sick time he or she has contractually accrued. The company will compensate the employee for their earned sick time, however, they will penalize the said employee by denying contractually agreed to vacation and sick accrual when they are out on earned and accrued paid sick leave. We must be vigilant of the company's mission of making any contractual improvements, especially wage improvements, cost neutral. This issue was implemented before negotiations ever started. The company has a history of implementing this cost neutral agenda in and out of the scope of contract negotiations. Likewise, we have a history of falling for it. A history of focusing only on hourly wage increases. In order to stem this agenda, the membership needs to wake up and begin to focus on the whole picture. Otherwise; we are but a mindless dog chasing it's own tail.     
another thing is  we accrue sick time about 10 times a yr  yet when peeps use it they get penalized for it   I realize people get sick then there are those thatll abuse it   but I would like to think that something along this can be fixed or enhanced or something.....

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