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2015 Fleet Service thread

Filter said:
You are dreaming if you think that is even probable...and even less possibility of a vote getting turned down because of it...
everyone should get that raise retroactive I'm not dreaming . That's was silly that not everyone got that in 2014 were stupid have we do not fight for it. And I bet I'm not the only one who feels this way that's a chunk of money every one else got.if your willing to give that up fine. If we get a vote then every one needs to vote how they feel and that's the way I feel about it I'll vote my heart you vote yours and in the end it's will be know what people do want . But that's the proplom with we the people of twu/iam lay down and take it . We should not do that any more we all need to fight for what is ours.
700UW said:
He wont have a vote on a Fleet JCBA, he is in maintenance not Fleet.
its not about work group are union Parker announced the raise in December 2014. Because he said job well done . So we should get that raise from the time it went into effect why dose every one always not fight what is our the other unions on campus do. If the pilots were in contract talks now I bet they would not stand still for it. Our union and the members need to start standing up to the union if they get in our way and the company for what is rightful ours
robbedagain said:
no bob  not suffering from WeAAsle-itis    Just telling you how it is  the way it is       but its so easy for you to tell us to move   it aint working like that   GEO pay would be nice  esp if youre in places such as DC or NY or Calif    but only time will tell if it ever comes back.    I also hope that as the company prolongs getting deals that may be  just may be our leadership negoiating on our behalf would ask for retro pay
You know I'm in MIA and I'm not even advocating it for me. Sure it's a little more expensive to live here then the other places you mentioned. Rents are becoming ridiculous and you don't get a lot of bang for your buck on buying a house, but condos aren't too bad and Homestead Fl still isn't too bad on costs.

It's that CNN cost calculator that I go by. And when I look at that I see that some of our Brothers and Sisters out there are getting murdered. Yea going up to in the $30 per hour range is going to help people a lot but I think a gesture of just a little more for certain areas is honestly the right moral gesture.

Oh and forget about people who chose to live in these places like Bob likes to say. How about people who are forced to move in the future because of layoffs? What if with this contract there is movement and displacement? Again just thinking it would make that burdon a little easier.
conehead777 said:
everyone should get that raise retroactive I'm not dreaming . That's was silly that not everyone got that in 2014 were stupid have we do not fight for it. And I bet I'm not the only one who feels this way that's a chunk of money every one else got.if your willing to give that up fine. If we get a vote then every one needs to vote how they feel and that's the way I feel about it I'll vote my heart you vote yours and in the end it's will be know what people do want . But that's the proplom with we the people of twu/iam lay down and take it . We should not do that any more we all need to fight for what is ours.
Ready for a shocker Conehead? I agree with you 100%. I also think we should get retro. Is there any obligation for the company to agree to it? No. And that doesn't matter if we have a current contract or not. Besides I don't currently call what we have a contract. I call what we have an imposition. On the AA side we have something we were forced to agree on or we probably would have gotten worse by the hammer of a judge. Make no mistake. We don't have a contract really agreed to by our own hands.

If Parker did say that the 4% raise was for a job well done and we don't get at least that as a retro, then to me I have to think we're not a part of that job well done in the company's mind?

So why shouldn't we ask for retro? Why shouldn't we ask for a bonus? Why shouldn't we ask for a settlement on that "revenue gain sharing" language? And why shouldn't we ask for something for the fact that they're keeping the money that was marked for us for medical when we retire?

I see quite a bit of money that they've ripped off from us in the last couple of years. Why shouldn't we ask for something in exchange for all of that?
“We must see meaningful and immediate culture change,” the letter read. “Without it, American Airlines will never be restored to a position of industry leadership.”
Parker said more pay increases are coming for employees, but that alone won’t solve the problem.
“What matters the most is making sure you have your team excited and engaged,” he said. “That they know what their role is and have the tools to do it.”


Parker is right that pay increases alone won't solve all the problems. But I'll tell you one thing Jack, it absolutely will make this guy smile a hell of a lot more. We're not Multi Millionaires like you are.

And NO being excited and engaged is NOT what matters most!!!!!!
Filter said:
Don't know where that came from, fleet isn't in negotiations this week, only M&R.
Just passing on the "rumor". Could have been decided during last weeks negotiations, I don't know.
only time will tell if Parker is going to stay true to his words and truly want to restore AA to industry tops   But he needs to get gut the old nasty mgmt style culture      Pay raises are nice but enhanced scope aka job protection is better  
WeAAsles said:
On the AA side we have something we were forced to agree on or we probably would have gotten worse by the hammer of a judge.
The UNION has been pushing that lie for years. American Airlines was ALWAYS going to take bankruptcy. The fact is American Airlines used fear and propaganda to "double dip" with the help of the TWU, and they depend on people like you to keep the lie going.
Congrats, you're a tool. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The UNION has been pushing that lie for years. American Airlines was ALWAYS going to take bankruptcy. The fact is American Airlines used fear and propaganda to "double dip" with the help of the TWU, and they depend on people like you to keep the lie going.
Congrats, you're a tool.

Ah once again the age old response of the moronic set that continue to ignore all the others who went through the process both in and out of our industry and what happened to those who defied the situation and the Laws written by people who have zero concern over the plight of the employees over the owners or shareholders. They'll never relent just as much as they can never offer even one iota, one shread of tangible written proof that we should have ignored the history and burned the house down.

"Don't tread on me"

January of 2005 Bankruptcy Court Alexandria, VA.
Judge Stephen Mitchell issues Section 1113 C ruling abrogating the IAM/US Mechanic and Related CBA.
What was the short-timer saying?
Racer X said:
I have a question.      How would you propose geo pay to the cities that are ''less expensive''  and why would they ratify it?
simple math and common sense would be my hope...... 
bob@las-AA said:
If you don't like the cost-of-living in your city, move! Problem solved.
Don't you have some managers ass to kiss? let the grown ups talk. 
he more than likely doing just that dawg    personally I dont see DP changing culture here at AA  but stranger things have happened    
robbedagain said:
he more than likely doing just that dawg    personally I dont see DP changing culture here at AA  but stranger things have happened    
Maybe if he bought out the top 25% in each work group and started over.
Worldport said:
Maybe if he bought out the top 25% in each work group and started over.
Offer 100k to the over 50 crowd and I bet they'll get 20%

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