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2015 Fleet Service thread

It appears this fleet service thread has migrated to a contract discussion thread.
May I post in the Fleet thread now, Mr WeAAsles?
Worldport said:
Honestly, you're not discouraged by Parker's remarks on negotiations Friday?

BTW I doubt Parker concerns himself with updates daily on the progress of the negotiations? He probably gets a weekly update just like us?

A little more in depth I'm sure. In one day there could be a trickle of progress and the next day there could be a flood?
Rogallo said:
It appears this fleet service thread has migrated to a contract discussion thread.
May I post in the Fleet thread now, Mr WeAAsles?
I have no problem with you drinking from our water fountain. That's your group that has signs over the spickett.

Can we wipe it down after use though?
I'm going to eat a burger right now though. If you'll excuse me.
WeAAsles said:
I have no problem with you drinking from our water fountain. That's your group that has signs over the spickett.

Can we wipe it down after use though?
Most of my group are f'ed up!
WeAAsles said:
I heard something different then you I guess in that investors earning call. I posted what he said a ways back.

The only negative I heard was that he doesn't "believe" it will be finished this quarter. (?)

He also said he "thinks" it will be done quick (?) QUICK means different times to different people.
 Guess I did hear something different. I remember in past town halls Parker seemed encouraged said contract could be done quick ,quicker the passenger service, then came the association debacle. Maybe Friday he didn't choose his words wisely but I was discouraged for sure.
Rogallo said:
Most of my group are f'ed up!
Did you look at earnings video on Jetnet (the Tulsa section) and were you encouraged or discouraged ? Or am I hearing things and need to take a happy pill
Rogallo said:
Most of my group are f'ed up!
I know. Would a "decent" contract change that? The only reason I say decent is because I don't really know what as a collective will make most of you happy really?

Is there any chance ever that anything can be done that would make you guys maybe give the guys in office at the TWU a chance? All the names of people you guys said you hated so much are gone you have noticed.
Worldport said:
With the exception of W  my group  are ALL fed up
I want money just like everyone else. This is really all its about for people. Nothing else matters to them unless they need to use the language written in those contracts to save their arse.

If it ain't there, they're S out of luck.

Worldport you do know we have some chitty ambiguous language in our contact right? Union reps and peeps really hate it when they hit the wall with that crap. Try explaining that ambiguous language to a member who wants a simple answer. Sux personally.
Worldport said:
Guess I did hear something different. I remember in past town halls Parker seemed encouraged said contract could be done quick ,quicker the passenger service, then came the association debacle. Maybe Friday he didn't choose his words wisely but I was discouraged for sure.
PSA took over 6 months and then rushed to the finish line. I'll bet you a paycheck in a year or so they're going to regret their decision. (My bet the bottom 1000) Layoffs (they have to exercise their seniority) will force quite a few of them into those CARS position. Watch. Mark my words.

I'm not watching the roadshows anymore. Flimflammed twice in MIA on the Prefunding question made me lose interest personally. But I am glad Parker does them if you can take some stuff with a grain of salt and watch his body language. He looks down sometimes (hint)
WeAAsles said:
I want money just like everyone else. This is really all its about for people. Nothing else matters to them unless they need to use the language written in those contracts to save their arse.

If it ain't there, they're S out of luck.

Worldport you do know we have some chitty ambiguous language in our contact right? Union reps and peeps really hate it when they hit the wall with that crap. Try explaining that ambiguous language to a member who wants a simple answer. Sux personally.
I'll bet the contract we sign is pretty gray as long as there is plenty of green.
WeAAsles said:
PSA took over 6 months and then rushed to the finish line. I'll bet you a paycheck in a year or so they're going to regret their decision. (My bet the bottom 1000) Layoffs (they have to exercise their seniority) will force quite a few of them into those CARS position. Watch. Mark my words.

I'm not watching the roadshows anymore. Flimflammed twice in MIA on the Prefunding question made me lose interest personally. But I am glad Parker does them if you can take some stuff with a grain of salt and watch his body language. He looks down sometimes (hint)
You see you are looking at the start of negotiations as January. Most of us believe they should have started  months earlier so the mind set is what is taking so long?
Worldport said:
I'll bet the contract we sign is pretty gray as long as there is plenty of green.
No. And that's why it "might" take awhile and the green won't be talked about till the end.

My first green concern from this company is the 6k I got sitting in an account marked "Not for Dave's use" I want the key to that lock.

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